Get the facts on Subacute Thyroiditis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Subacute Thyroiditis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Subacute Thyroiditis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Subacute Thyroiditis.
Question: Can stress make subacute thyroiditis worse?
Answer: A very big YES!!! Stress (too much) can even bring down a skyscraper building; so it stands to reason it will make any ailment WORSE..
Question: subacute thyroiditis does it go away?
have thyroiditis for 7 months. finally being treated with prednisone and diltizam for the past two weeks. but am confussed doctors say it will go away other doctors say it wont?
also have been told my heart rate will never slow down even if thyroiditis goes away. but im hypothyroidism with groiter
Answer: are you sure he meant that the fact that you will always have to take medicine will never go away? that's something i will have to do for the rest of my life, is take 1 pill a day for my thyroid problem.
i've answered your other questions, but i am also going to answer here in case anyone would be intersted that reads your question.
i have low thyroid. if you have low's a great question to answer: can you see the floor of your house? that was what was asked of me at one point, and to my amazement, the answer was no!
anyway, the signs are:fatigue and lack of energy. Women suffering from underactive thyroid experience heavier menstrual periods. Sluggishness and forgetfulness are symptoms of underactive thyroid problem. Other symptoms of this thyroid disorder are dry skin and hair and constipation.
if you have high thyroid, or an overactive one, the signs are:increased body metabolism. This is followed by weight loss and excessive warmth and sweating. Persons suffering from overactive thyroid experience trembling hands, irritability and rapid heartbeat or palpitations. Women with overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism may experience shorter or lighter menstrual periods.
I take medication, and sadly will have to take 1 pill everyday for the rest of my life. there's a blood check that they will do to see if you have low or high. i hope i've helped you!!
Question: Difference between hashimoto's thyroiditis and subacture thyroiditis? I understand that subacute can be set off by a viral infection that triggers T-cells which attack the thyroid gland after the infection has been killed, but I don't really understand hashimoto's thyroiditis and the difference between these two forms of thyroiditis.
thanks in advance...
Answer: Hashimoto's thyroiditis is caused by antithyroid antibodies and is an auto-immune disease. It is presented with hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and is painless. This is a permanent situation. This type of thyroidism requires thyroid replacement therapy. Some of the symptoms include the following: fatigue, constipation, weight gain, dry skin, and poor exercise tolerance. Thyroid replacement therapy would be for a lifetime. The biggest difference between the two is that the actual thyroid gland would be enlarged.
Subacute thyroiditis is a viral infection. It originally looks like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, except that it is painful. Additionally, the infection usually dissipates within 12-18 months. Only 5% of those individuals fall into a category whereby permanent hypothyroidism remains. Additionally, as long as the disease goes away in that time frame, it rarely ever reoccurs. Thyroid replacement therapy is generally give for only 6-12 months to see if the Thyroid functions normally after that.
Hope this helps.