Get the facts on Rheumatology treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Rheumatology prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Rheumatology related topics. We answer all your qestions about Rheumatology.
Question: What to expect for my first rheumatology appointment? I am seeing a rheumatologist today for iritis after being referred from my eye doc. What should i expect. Is this like going to your primary care phsycian where they call you, weigh you, take your blood pressure, and just talk? I really hurt my back yesterday and my bp is high from vicadin and it hurts to stand for to long.
Answer: blood work joint examine complete physical exam.
Question: What is the difference between Immunology and Rheumatology? I know that they both treat autoimmune diseases. What are the differences?
Answer: Immunology is the study of the immune system. Rheumatology is the study of an a disease that can be related to the immune system. Rheumatology deals with arthritis, and there are literally 100's of kinds of arthritis.
Question: how long would it take to be a pyhsician in Rheumatology feild? can someone give me a website that can tell me how long it would take to be a Rheumatology physician
Answer: You spelled it correctly. Not sure about a website, but you have to get a bachelor's degree, which usually takes 4 years, then there's 4 years of medical school, followed by a 3 year internal medicine residency, after which you enter a fellowship leading to specialty certification in rheumatology. The fellowship is 2 or 3 years in length. I have known a couple of physicians who found programs that shortened their college/med school portion of this equation, because they of a combined degree program. It's still a long time.
Question: What are the best hospitals in the USA and in the world in rheumatology, hematology, and neurology?
Answer: rochester
Question: What does a Rheumatology consultation involve?
Answer: When you see a Rheumatology consultant it involves normally a chat about the problems you are having,pain,discomfort,etc.The consultant then will examine you to see what movements you have and dont have to decide what various treatments you may need,tablets etc.Then he will send you for a x-ray and maybe a MRI scan,and also blood tests.Once the consultant has all the tests bck he will decide what treatment you require.Good Luck
Question: May I view the American College of Rheumatology (arc) list diagnosing fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia back disorder, information
Answer: hi,i have fibromyagila and ive never heard of fibromyagila back disorder?you could check this info out if you like.www.dr whitcomb.com.
Question: Looking for a Hospital in the Miami area that has a Rheumatology Department that specializes in Polymyalgia Rh I am 63 years old and been suffering from Polymyalgia Rheumatica for three yers mow and need a second opinion on the prespriptions being taken
Answer: The University of Miami has several specialists.
You might want to check with one of their clinics:
University of Miami Hospital and Clinics
First Floor Outpatient Department
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
by appointment only
Phone: 305-243-7545
Jackson Memorial Hospital Rheumatology Clinic
ACC East, clinic area 3A
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Phone: 305-585-6226
JMH Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic
ACC East, clinic area 3A Monday
Phone: 305-585-6226
Miami Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center Clinic
Clinic area - 6th floor
Phone: 305-324-4455; Ext
I hope this helps!
Question: which is the best hospital for rheumatology in chennai?
Answer: none in chennai others are as follows
Sai Rheumatology Centre‎ - 3-4-526/1/A, Barkatpura,Near Bank Of Baroda,Opposite To Old Post Office Lane, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500027‎ - 040 2755 0083‎
Sri Deepti Rheumatology Centre‎ -
6-2-45/8, A C Guards, Hyderabad, 500004‎ - 040 23390694‎
Sri Deepthi Rheumatology Centre‎ - Shop No. 6-2-45/8, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500004‎ - 040 23379432‎
Advance Rheumatology Clinic‎ -
6-3-652, Kautilya, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500082‎ - 040 23307432‎
Maruthi Nursing Home & Rheumatology Research Cente‎ - 6-1-319,Venkatapuram Colony, Padmarao Nagar, Secunderabad, 500025‎ - 040 27507867‎
Chanre Rheumatology & Immunology Centre & Research‎ - 123,Margosa Road,Opposite 13th Cross Bus Stop, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 560003‎ - 080 23368030‎
Question: what would make a Dr. send you to rheumatology? i went to the Dr. 2 weeks ago for blood work and was told that everything looked great. yesterday i got my mail and the was an appointment for me to go to the Reumatolagy dept. at the hospital I am going to the dr.on tuesday n i will find out why she's sending me but for the meen time could you give me a couple of ideas as to why she might want me to go
Answer: Rheumatologist specialize in connective tissue diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia etc. Pressumably you have symptoms that might indicate that you have one of these problems, but your blood work was inconclusive. Therefore you doctor wants you to see a specialist.
Question: Rheumatology appointment question? I've had some problems with my ankles for a while now and my GP has referred me to a rheumatologist. I got a letter confirming the appointment today, which also asked me to bring a urine sample when I go - what's that going to tell them about my ankles?!
Answer: Several clues can be picked up from the urine, it is also a quick test to screen for several conditions. Protein or blood ( which may be invisible to the naked eye ) may be linked among other things to rheumatological conditions, many of which are multi-system. A good example of this would be rheumatoid arthritis which also affects the kidneys. SLE may present with joint systems and also affect the kidney. Numerous case reports suggest a comorbidity of psoriasis and kidney problems, and here there may be minimal skin involvement with severe joint symptoms. The list is very extensive.
Question: Why does Rheumatology exist when there is Neurology? As far as I know Rheumatologists deal with muscles, bones, joints and likewise. But so do Neurologists. What's the point of having Rheumatology when there is Neurology?
Answer: All these Doctors treat different disease, although at times there are overlaps.
Orthopedists (to answer the last answerer) are surgeons and deal with broken bones, dislocations, surgical bone removals, setting fractures, bad sprains etc.
Neurologists (a medical sub specialty) deal with illness & diseases of the nervous system (only) such as seizures, diabetic neuropathy, and other diseases as well as interpret EEGs, and other tests.
Rheumatologists treat many of the autoimmune diseases (there are about 150 types) such a lupus, JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis), scleroderma, sarcoidosis, MS etc. These may not involve the nervous system at all or may involve many systems besides the nervous system.
Often in a complex illness, many systems are involved, so there is overlap.
Question: Any opinions on Canosa, Shelia - Salem Rheumatology in Winston Salem, NC? Need another Rheumatologist in WS, NC. Had Dr .Semble, pill pusher, Dr. Metcalf, too passive. Anyone?
Answer: will pass it on
Question: If you are a Rheumatologist or know anything about Rheumatology please click here (i have a question).? Okay, i heard that lifting weights while in puberty (15) can cause a stunt of puberty (or affect). Please tell me how this is so and how how much weight lifting will affect it. THX.
Answer: young man, the weight on growth plates in the long bones may cause suppression of further growth. Long bones are arms and legs, stopping growth in these will slow down or stop height growth altogether. you have heard right, there is no weight lifting limits to this, small amounts of weights or benches are probably ok, but things like heavy weights on shoulders are not a good idea, talk to a gym coach or your school team doctor for further recommendations since they see this question all the time, good luck
Question: I use hereford hospital rheumatology department. If I move out of herefordshire can I still use the same heref
Answer: Yes you will if you make a written request to continue your care there. My friend has continued her care at her original hospital even though she has been living out of the area for many years;
Question: What is Rheumatology?
Answer: it deal with problems involving the joints and the allied conditions of connective tissue
Question: Find me a doctor the specializes in Autoimmune disease - not Rheumatology in US.?
Answer: Can't vouch for them, but Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Center may be a good place to start. Their web address is
I often wonder myself where the best autoimmune care in this country is. Maybe someone elso will have more insight. Hope that helps.