Get the facts on Inflammatory treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Inflammatory prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Inflammatory related topics. We answer all your qestions about Inflammatory.
Question: What is the effect of taking an anti-inflammatory before a long and intense workout? The Anti Inflammatory that I would want to use are motrin or aspirin. I have noticed that the days that I use them it takes longer for my heart rate to get to aerobic levels, so I know they are connected.
Also, exercise has anti-inflammatory affects on the body, that is not what I am referring to.
Answer: prolonged fatigue
Question: What is the affect of taking an anti-inflammatory before a long and intense workout? The Anti Inflammatory that I would want to use are motrin or aspirin.
Answer: They're analgesics, so they'll help some with soreness. You should be aware that anti-inflammatories, despite their name, do not have any notable anti-inflammatory activity in normal use. When taken in larger doses over a prolonged period of time, they deserve their name, but that's a different kettle of fish. When used, for instance, in sprained ankles over a couple of weeks' time, they offer no advantage over non-NSAID analgesics.
Question: What is the best anti-inflammatory medicine that there is ? I have a cat whose needs a good medicine ASAP .
Please no jerks telling me to take him to a vet !
If I take him to a vet the other cats don't eat and die so be nice and tell me what is the best anti - inflammatory medicine that there is , please !
Answer: There isn't a human anti-imflammatory that you can buy over the counter that will not kill the cat (kidney damage, internal bleeding, etc). Plain simple truth.
Take the cat to the vet - I'm not a jerk.
Call the humane society and tell them that you can't afford to feed your cats because of financial hardship.
They have special programs for just such events where they can provide low cost or no cost food.
Good Luck and Best wishes to all of you
Question: What is the difference in inflammatory breast cancer and invasive breast cancer? Or is it the same thing because I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and while looking up info I keep seeing inflammatory and I just am wondering if its the same thing or not.
Answer: Inflammatory & invasive breast cancers are given these names because of the symptoms they present. But having one doesn't mean that you have the other. For example: a person can have a headache or a brain tumor. But having either one doesn't mean you will suffer from the other.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is marked by some or all of these symptoms: the nipple may be flat or inverted, sudden onset (perhaps over a few days/weeks) of swelling of one breast, nipple discharge, pain or itching, redness that may look like the breast is infected, or thick-feeling areas of the breast. The symptoms and appearance of IBC can sometimes cause a doctor to misdiagnose a patient with just an infection, and some feel mammograms can be inconclusive due to breast density at the time of the swelling.
Invasive breast cancer is graded in stages of 1-5, and at its higher stages has the traits of invading other parts of the body. This means the cancer has spread outside of the membranes of the breast ducts where it usually starts (Stage 0). It DOESN'T necessarily mean that it's spread throughout the WHOLE body. Most likely it has spread to the surrounding tissue of the breast.
Please keep researching. Get to know your invader and how to deal with it. Explore all options before making a final decision.
We hope this helps. Good luck in your journey.
the team
Question: What is polemical and inflammatory language? In lit,
my teacher asked these questions:
What kind of language does the author use? Is it objective and dispassionate? Or passionate and earnest? Is it polemical, inflammatory, sarcastic? Does the language help or undercut the author's premise?
What does she mean by objective and dispassionate? It is like objective 3rd person narration (fly on the wall)? If so, then what is dispassionate?
Also, what does polemical and inflammatory language mean?
Answer: Objective and dispassionate language would be what you read in a textbook. Dry, unengaging, matter-of-fact drab speech for the purpose of conveying facts not feelings or passion.
Polemical and inflammatory language would be the opposite of that. It would attempt to inspire passionate and (most often) disagreement in the reader. Hate speech would be a good example. So would lots of the answers here on Y! A in sections like "Politics" or "Religion & Spirituality"
Question: How long before one feels the effect of an anti-inflammatory diet? Has anyone tried an anti-inflammatory diet? If so, how long was it before you felt A) the first signs of improvement and B) a significant improvement?
Answer: It took me about 2 weeks to kick my caffeine and sugar jones
I saw some signs at the 1 1/2 week mark
I never saw a significant improvement
Question: I have post inflammatory acne, and i was wondering if there were any products that could help me? Post inflammatory acne is when a pimple goes away and there is a red bump left after. Ive heard that vichi normaderm works well but im not sure.
Answer: nothing you do by treating the actual skin surface is going to help, you need to treat from the inside out. Start looking up anti-inflammatory herbal remedies, I know Nettle tea has anti-inflammatory properties. I am going through the same thing with my skin currently, and I've tried every single skin application out there, none work. You really need to find out what it causing your acne before you can treat it. Is it hormones? Stress? Too much oil? Once you know you can go from there, but for now, just take some herbal remedies for anti-inflammation (be sure they are'nt contraindicated with any meds you are already taking first).
Question: what kind of anti inflammatory can you take during pregnancy? I am about 8 weeks pregnant. What type of anti inflammatory would be safe to take during pregnancy?
Answer: Absolutely none until you talk to your doctor.
Question: Has anyone taken an anti-inflammatory for arthritis and gained weight? I have been taking anti-inflammatory (Mobic) for about 2 years now and I have gained 30# even with exercising 4-5 times a week and dieting. I need to take them for my knees, but the excess weight is hurting me more than ever. I spoke to my doctor, but he changed my script to Voltaren, which is another anti-inflammatory and I am afraid to take it for fear of gaining even more weight. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Answer: You should try Mona Vie. Check out my site- you can read and watch testimonials about how it helped relieve joint and muscle for many people. It really works.
Question: What anti-inflammatory is good for patients allergic to aspirin...? What if a patient need anti-inflammatory medicine and this person is allergic to aspirin...What would be the prescription for moderate to acute inflammation.
Answer: Tylenol or Celebrex. That's pretty much it. Tylenol III's are by prescription only and of course you'll have to see a doctor about Celebrex as well. Good luck. Athena