Viral Arthritis
Get the facts on Viral Arthritis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Viral Arthritis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Viral Arthritis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Viral Arthritis.
Question: Has anyone heard of viral arthritis.My 4 yr old has it in his hip.Doctor said it can happen after colds & flu. He's had a sore thigh for nearly 2 weeks went to doc today and she prescibed nurofen. She said she's had 5 cases in the last few weeks. I've never heard of it. Apparantly it can also lead to infection. She said symptoms last 2-3 weeks. Anybody elses child every had this. Thanks.
Answer: My second child had some thing the same she woke up one morning and could barely walk the doctors took xrays and found she had a flu that had caused soreness in her hip and it came right with in a week or so i had never heard of this kind of thing before then as well
Question: When Rheumatoid Arthritis recurs is it as bad as the first time? I had RA for 3 1/2 yrs. I went into remission for 6 months (gave me false hope it was a viral arthritis) but it is now back. I've heard it is never as bad as the first attack, does anyone know if this is true?
Answer: I am sorry to say that this is not true. Ra is a progressive disease where the immune system is attacking your joints and other parts of your body. As the disease damages parts of your body then the symptoms get worse.
RA dose not usually come in attacks such as gout. Most patients do not see any periods of remission. There are up and down times in the early stages with most patients where the symptoms are limited or inflamed but most always experience symptoms all the time.
The best thing you can do is treat the disease aggressively in the early stages to prevent damage from being done to joints and other parts of your body. Stopping or limiting the advancement of the disease early will mean that you will have fewer problems later on.
Question: what is migrant arthritis or migiant arthritis? looking for infomation on this type of arthritis, has progressed from a triggered arthritis/ following a infection (viral arthritis)
Answer: You might try looking up "migratory arthritis" or "migratory polyarthritis" instead. There are many possible causes of migratory arthritis. If your doctor has already diagnosed it as viral and if you know which virus it is, you might have better luck looking up the particular virus. You could also just ask the doctor for the information you need. :)
Question: What type of disease is Rheumatoid arthritis? I know it's chronic, but I have to choose: genetic, nutritional, bacterial, viral, fungal, or teratogenic.
Thanks :)
Answer: None of the above. It is more correctly described as an autoimmune disorder. However, it is not so simple.
There is a genetic component to it, but this is not the only cause. There is a nutritional component to treatment [as there is with everything] as well. It is not bacterial or viral, though there is a theory that says that some type of bacteria or virus may trigger the immune response that causes the body to turn agaisnt itself.
Question: for years I have been diagnosed with weird illnesses under the "autoimmune" umbrella. Is there a specialist wh who can discover why I get illness after illness? ex sub-acute thryoditits, Meniere's, waking up with severe allergies but the testing comes up 1+ to three allergens, polycystic ovaries, viral arthritis, now I have a nasoharyngeal growth, abnormally large adenoids and iron defiency.
Answer: Sorry to hear that. There may be genetic predisposition. Try to get answer from your doctor who knows more about you.
Good luck!
Question: what can i do to help my friend ease her arthritic joint pain? my friend has a viral form of arthritis which has attacked her joints. she has to stay home for 2 weeks and i was thinking of taking her a present to cheer her up and ease her pain. any ideas? im thinking lavender bubble bath and arnica for starters...
Answer: Smoke dope, it will work wonders.
Question: in 55 years as GP never ever seen viral fevers with huge joint swellin severe pain. explain? treatment please? # i am 80, 165 cm/69kg, male, dark, india,have periarthritis of rt knee for 6 months controlled by natural self treatment w/o steroids/NSAIDS.no BP nor diabetes nor obese. 5july i had sever viral fever that is sweeping the country/world ,no joint involv. #now suddenly 16july the rt knee hurt and threw me on to bed. each and evry major and minor joint mucle ligament hurt and body literally stiff. some fever.. cos of the throbbing pain and local swelling more than other swellings i diag as septic arthritis with toxemia, and put my self on heavy amoxy 4000 mg/day, andjust 2 darvon proxyvon/d. 21 mornig i am limping out of bed, excruciating pain better.i never evr believced in NSAID except strong Aspririn and weak Paracetamol# i did not go visit my doctor friends cos of the endless tests they rightly need, coundnt get out of bed, their doses are too low, they will ask for admission. # any medical or non med person actually suffered from this pl reply .
Answer: Get the tests run. Medical professionals are the worst at seeking medical attention because they feel they can treat themselves, or know what to do when a crisis arrives. Suck up your pride and do what it takes to find out what's wrong.
Question: Fatigue, High White Count, & Arthritis Sudden Onset? I went to the dr. due to knee pain and right finger joint pain. Bloodwork/xrays were done and my white count was 17. Blood was redone and white count was lower. Everyday I become fatigued and sleepy and have no strength by noon. Dr. said I had a viral infection but I'm not getting my energy back though I take vitamins and iron. I'm scheduled to see an orthopedic dr. for arthritis but need to get my energy back to normal. This came on quite suddenly. I don't want to seem like a hypochondriac. Professional advice is greatly appreciated.
Answer: Go see a rheumatologist for the "arthritis" Did first doctor check your ANA levels? (anti-nuclear antibodies)? If that's high, you could have lupus, fibromyalgia, or rheumatoid arthritis (or some other, more obscure disease process). What kind of viral infection did you have and where was it located? Are you going to bed at a reasonable hour? Have trouble sleeping? Use alcohol or party drugs? Eating ok? Make your doctor explain things to you until you understand what s/he is saying. If s/he is unwilling to stop using medical jargon you're unfamiliar with, fire him/her!
Question: If someone took antibiotics could they still be contagious for gonnorhea? I heard it can relapse? Is it ever Viral? A girl told me she had it but it went away after antibiotics. She says she has septic arthritis. What do you think.?
Answer: Well, someone can always get reinfected even after Abx treatment. Also you don't write when she was treated. Also you don't write if all of her partners were treated (possible reinfection), or whether you were a partner. No, gonorrhea is never viral, because Neisseria gonorrhea is a bacterium. Another thing: Septic arthritis is a very serious infection of a joint. Sometimes it's a complication of STDs. ... and one STD often comes with another... Bottom line: Safest is abstinence or at the very least no unprotected sex.
Question: I've been told I have 'yin deficiency' of the kidney - apart from acupuncture, can anyone sugguest treatment? I have a viral arthritis of the right ankle that two separate people have told me is a 'yin deficiency' of the kidney/bladder, and that massage and/or acupuncture can sort this out. I'm low on cash right now, so was hoping someone could suggest something else, like a herbal remedy or something...
Any advice would be appreciated.
Answer: Shenyinxu (Kidney Yin Deficient)
by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
A term used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in describing certain condition of the body. When the condition of yin deficiency exist in shenxu (kidney deficient) it is called shenyinxu. Although shen means kidney, do not confuse with the anatomy term "kidney."
Shenyinxu patients can have
high levels of cAMP
relatively low levels of cGMP
normal to high levels of adrenocortical hormone
relatively high levels of epinephrine & norepinephrine
low levels of electrolyte
over active sympathetic nervous system
under active parasympathetic nervous system
retaining sodium and expelling potassium
See yin enhancing herbs
See: Food high in potassium
The other extreme condition is shenyangxu.
Back to TCM Diagnosis.
cAMP is the abbreviation for cyclic adenosine mono phosphate, a cyclic nucleotide of adenosine that acts at the cellular level to regulate various metabolic processes and mediate the effects of many hormones; so it is also known as second messenger where hormones are the first messengers.
Herb Therapy: liu wei di huang wan is commonly prescribed