Get the facts on Impotence treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Impotence prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Impotence related topics. We answer all your qestions about Impotence.
Question: Is it possible after a body massage two suddenly suffer from impotence when it was never a problem before? The person was very tense before massage and received a deep tissue/hot stone massage to relax and loosen all the knots. He had never suffered from any previous impotence issues until after the massage. Could it be stress related or could they have damaged certain nerves or muscles related?
He says that he is sure it's not stress related. What can be another cause?
Answer: First of all let's get our definition straight. Impotence is a chronic problem. In other words a male with this problem often can't have an erection. The inability to achieve an erection on a single occassion isn't impotence, it's just embarrasing and annoying.
The inability to achieve an erection happens to everybody. If it hasn't happened to a guy yet it will happen to him sometimes in the future. It can be caused by any number of things; stress, fatigue and or a lack of interest in his partner at that moment.
Perhaps this fellow as a bit tired when the message started and he was just too relaxed and maybe a bit sleepy when it became time to have an erection.
Question: Can cocaine use cause an episode of impotence or erectile dysfunction? Does the occasional use of cocaine (say once/twice a month) cause impotence during sex soon after one uses it? Would this be a tell-tale sign of cocaine use if the person has no other problems with impotence otherwise? Along with the impotence evidence I see is insomnia and talkative behavior.....
Answer: Yes and that can become definite too.
Question: Impotence? At what age, if any, is this considered a natural occurrence and not a medical problem.
Answer: There are lots of factors. At a certain point, usually after 50, your serume testosterone level drops and you go through what is now called andropause (male menopause). With a reduced T level, your libido drops and so does the ability to have or sustain an erection.
Genes play a part in exactly when this happens and testoserone therapy (like gel patches) have certainly proved to help in that department.
Your level of sexual activity through your life also plays a part, and most people, men and women, who have been sexually active all their lives tend to stay that way.
Blood flow is important as well so anything that restricts this will restrict you. Among the factors are diabetes, coronary artery disease, the drugs you take daily (some reduce libido).
Your own self image is also involved. Sometimes as we age we don't really like what our bodies have done, and that can translate into not being able to perform.
And you are not 20 any more as previously said. Getting there will take a little longer and have patience. The best things in life are worth waiting for.
And stop watching the pharmaceutical ads because they only want to convince you that you have something wrong in order to sell you a product. ED happens in one way or other at some time to all guys...wrong time, wrong mood, stress, etc. It's not a unversal dysfunction. It's your body telling you something's gotta change.
Question: What are the best vitamins for impotence for a 51 yr old man? Men over 50 ....and Men out there that have tried non- Rx for impotence please help and tell us what works...
Answer: There are a few supplements that CAN help .... they do not work for EVERYONE ... BUT; for some of us they do ....
Ginko Biloba
Panax Ginsing
Hope this might help .....
Question: Could do you think masterbation lead to impotence in men? Could do you think masterbation lead to impotence in men?
Im just curious to know
Any ideas?
I’ll higly appreciate it if more experienced people help me find an answer to this question. Thank u all.
Answer: Masturbation in men will not lead to impotence and in fact will cause an increase in the frequency of erections. Unfortunately there is an extremely negative side effect. Frequent male masturbation will cause the length of time between stimulation and ejaculation to steadily decrease. Thus frequent male masturbation will lead to premature ejaculation.
It is kind of funny that in females the effect although not exactly opposite tends to increase her ability to have satisfying sex. Since a woman does not have to obtain or sustain an erection to have satisfying sex duration depends entirely on the man. For most women the problem is the large amounts of time and stimulation required to achieve orgasm often exceeds her mans endurance.
For a woman, anything she can do to make her orgasm come faster the more satisfying sex will be. For a man anything he can do to increase the length of time required for orgasm will make him more satisfying as a lover.
Question: Anyone here take Viagra before bed to prevent impotence? Frank Sommer MD, Urologist, thinks if young, healthy men take low doses of Viagra at night, could prevent impotence. Anyone here do that?
Answer: I think it is b....t, what kind of a doctor is this who puts healthy people on meds. a drug dealer?:)) viagra cialis are good meds, but only in case you need it.
This is a very good article about this issue:
Q. What Happens if You Take Viagra and You Don't Really Need It?
A. Men who say they don't have any problems achieving or maintaining erections say that using Viagra dramatically changes the sexual experience, but not always in a good way.
They say taking Viagra gives them a far more rigid erection that is so intense that it's almost uncomfortable, causing them to lose some sensation and making it difficult to finally achieve orgasm. One person described the feeling like puffing your cheeks full of air and then pushing them out as hard as you can.
Others say the physical reaction happens so effortlessly that it becomes intense long before the man's own level of excitement can catch up, creating a feeling of detachment. "The disembodied feeling is a really profound feeling," says the ViagraStories.com editor, a 33-year-old San Francisco man who has used the drug three times.
Mr. Brykman, managing editor of National Lampoon, used only one of the six pills his doctor gave him, and also says he felt disassociated from the experience. He says that although physically it worked, "it didn't have anything to do with arousal. As far as excitement levels or arousal levels, it didn't live up to my expectations."
Those who have used Viagra "recreationally," however, say the drug, nonetheless, makes it much easier to sustain an erection and achieve a second erection relatively quickly after orgasm.
Pfizer balks at the notion of a recreational use for Viagra, contending that if someone can feel the effect of Viagra, then they, by definition, have lost some sexual function. And the reality is, sexual function starts to fade in the 20s.
"Viagra helps to improve erectile function which isn't optimal, " says Pfizer's Dr. Sweeney. "If you're a 20-year-old college guy with no diseases and you have great erectile function, it's not going to do anything for you. It can't make it go beyond normal."
Question: How to treat impotence with herbs? I am wondering how you can treat impotence with herbs? Vitamins? I am over 46 and I have dysfunctions.
Thank you.
Answer: Before trying any herbs consult a doctor. But yes herbs might help you.
Question: Premature ejaculation and impotence in one person? I have recently been experiencing pre mature ejaculation issues and impotence issues. My girlfriend gets me really excited and I will ejaculate very fast, but then after that I can't get it back up. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? Any suggestions/advice. I am 20 years old and I am glad she is very supportive of me, but still for future I want to resolve this issue.
Should I go to a doctor or something? Should I do kegels or something?
Answer: The male orgasm/ejaculation involves the contraction of many muscles in and around the pelvic region.Mind plays an important role during ejaculation.If you know how to identify these muscles and how to control your mind,ejaculation won't happen until you desire.Natural treatments are best to delay ejaculation
Question: what treatment is available for youth impotence? I am suffering from youth impotence and would like to know what treatment is available and also some causes.
Answer: You better have a talk to your Dr.
He can refer you to a child psychologist to find the cause behind this
Don't let it ruin your life,just go
Question: How long will impotence from cigarettes last? I started smoking about a 3 months ago. Ive been having around 5 a week on average. I never use to have an issue with getting hard, hell i could think about something and pop it. So im wondering if by quitting some of this is reversible. I have quit for 2 days now but havent noticed much change yet.
Answer: sorry thats no the cigarettes
it takes many years for erection problems to occur, esp with the little about you smoke.
it could be a mental think, you thinking about it. if your still worried, go and see your doctor
Question: How good are the non-prescription impotence drugs? I have heard of a new anti-impotence drug called Prelox, and wondered whether anyone has heard any good reports of this. Also, does anyone know of any other successful remedies other than Viagra and/or Cialis?
Answer: There are no over the counter or non-prescription drugs for sexual dysfunction, erectile problems or impotence. Period. If you see one, it is a scam, period.
Prelox is just some amino acids and an antioxidant. That's it. It has never been subjected to any sort of testing. It is NOT a drug, it's just something someone made up and is trying to sell without any sort of safety or efficacy testing.
As for other treatments, back before Viagra in the good old days they had a prostaglandin urethral suppository. It was a gel of sorts that you basically shoved down the urethra when you wanted an erection. Incredibly effective. But for whatever reason, people who didn't actually need it weren't too keen on getting it.
Question: What Percentage Of Males Who Take Prozac Have Trouble With Impotence? I couldn't find the percentage, but I read a lot of articles saying that it did it most of out all the anti-depressants. My fiancee just got on it, and I was wondering how big the chance was that he was going to have a lowered sex drive and possibly impotence.
So, if anyone could find the percentage or anything like that it would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: It's probably nothing to worry about - have you heard of the placebo effect ? Just don't bring it up
Question: What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date? I'm going on a date and have been having a few problems getting and keeping it up. How would I explain this to my potential partner?
Answer: Just tell her Mr. Dinky is more like Mr.Slinky.
Again I have to ask: You have talked about your wife in questions and now its about first dates. Are you married, dating, or having an affair?
Still waiting on the answers to my questions!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question: What we will do in a circumstance of extreme weakness and impotence? When someone caused a fight between you and your best friend?
But frequêntemente there is a third person causing fights continued between you and your best friend through mistrust of loyalty.
Answer: I know what my action would be, but what would yours be? Extreme weakness. Extreme impotence? Is this how you are defining your feelings of powerlessness? I do not argue, or engage in acts of conflict. I am no sissy, but I believe no one wins and argument, and participating in physical conflict is simply an ego trip. We all have power. That power is our ability to choose. So quit whining, and use your power.
Question: can you take viagra and steroids at the same time to prevent impotence? i found out that some of the effects on steroids are impotence(unable have an erection) as well as sterility. I'm just wondering if viagra would let you have erection while taking steroids at the same time. i want a good, detailed answer please!!
Answer: im pretty sure it would, but finding a woman to put up with the other side effects such as acne, irritability, rage, and, not to mention, balls the size of undeveloped peanuts, would hinder your ability to enjoy true pleasure associated with sex. If you're taking steroids, sex is the least of your concerns.
Question: I know they have medications for impotence, is there any medicine for inability to ejaculate? My husband has no problems getting firm, but a lot of the time, he cannot ejaculate. Is there any kind of medicine for it?
Answer: The first thing, is your husband taking any of the medications for anxiety or drepression. Those medications have a tendency to make ejaculations either difficult or not at all. Secondly, sometimes such a problem is purely psychological. You have to find out from your doctor which the problem might be.