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Get the facts on Impotence treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Impotence prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Impotence related topics. We answer all your qestions about Impotence.

Question: Is it possible after a body massage two suddenly suffer from impotence when it was never a problem before? The person was very tense before massage and received a deep tissue/hot stone massage to relax and loosen all the knots. He had never suffered from any previous impotence issues until after the massage. Could it be stress related or could they have damaged certain nerves or muscles related? He says that he is sure it's not stress related. What can be another cause?

Answer: First of all let's get our definition straight. Impotence is a chronic problem. In other words a male with this problem often can't have an erection. The inability to achieve an erection on a single occassion isn't impotence, it's just embarrasing and annoying. The inability to achieve an erection happens to everybody. If it hasn't happened to a guy yet it will happen to him sometimes in the future. It can be caused by any number of things; stress, fatigue and or a lack of interest in his partner at that moment. Perhaps this fellow as a bit tired when the message started and he was just too relaxed and maybe a bit sleepy when it became time to have an erection.

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