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Get the facts on Endocrinology treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Endocrinology prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Endocrinology related topics. We answer all your qestions about Endocrinology.

Question: What kindof cases/disorders would one expect to find on a Medical Endocrinology ward? I know it is related to hormones, and there seems to be a varying amount of related disorders - from diabetes to thyroid to cancer. Are there any specific disorders in relation to Medical Endocrinology (in the UK)?

Answer: Here are some examples: patients with pancreatitis, patients in diabetic coma, sent up by the ER, patients in severe hyperglycemia sent up by the ER, patients with Addisons disease (adrenal trouble), patients with severe anaphylactic reactions that has not been properly diagnosed, young girls with severe abdominal pains who tell you when you ask whether they have had sex : "No doctor I am not married!" with an innocent smile and are about to loose a 6 week embryo,patients with acute neurotoxin infections from seafood, and other sources, patients with chronic heavy metal infections: lead, arsenic , benzene compounds, patients with wrongly diagnosed epileptic want more, we have seen them all mate.

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