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Diffuse Sclerosis

Get the facts on Diffuse Sclerosis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Diffuse Sclerosis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Diffuse Sclerosis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Diffuse Sclerosis.

Question: I have been experiencing blurred vision, eye pain and feeling unstable whenever I look around.? I have been experiencing blurred vision, eye pain and feeling unstable whenever I look around and change eyesight direction. This has been happening sporadically but today is the worst it has been. I feel pressure in my eyes, anyone have any suggestions as to the cause? I am worried I may actually have Multiple Sclerosis, I have almost every symptom but have never been tested. I have been to a neurologist and had my spine examined and an MRI done. The Dr said my chronic pain and symptoms of nerve damage are caused by my spine (tests done in the office) but the MRI showed nothing significant to explain the back pain, nerve pain and muscle spasms leaving them to just call it fiblomyalgia and call it a winner. I am on methadone for the pain, with a prescrition for Soma for the spasms. The Soma (when I take it) does hardly anythng for my pain, which is diffuse and "moves" around with no rhyme or reason.

Answer: I don't have any medical expertise but I have MS and have learned a lot about optic neuritis. I highly recommend seeing an eye doctor asap! Ask him about Optic Neuritis. I hope this helps. Don't give up until you figure out what is going on.

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