Get the facts on Polyarteritis Nodosa treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Polyarteritis Nodosa prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Polyarteritis Nodosa related topics. We answer all your qestions about Polyarteritis Nodosa.
Question: Who is doing the most research regarding Vasculitis and Polyarteritis Nodosa? What medical centers, pharma. companies, universities, etc. are leading research on forms of vasculitis including polyarteritis nodosa?
Answer: John Hopkins has a vasculitis center
Question: Is it safe for my husband to travel on a 5 hour flight? My husband suffers with Polyarteritis Nodosa, Osteoperiosis, Osteoarthritis, Prolapsed Disc and 50-85% Blocked Arteries in Both Legs from the Knees down, Would he be ok on a 5 hour flight?
Answer: the first answer is ask his own doctor, who knows his ailments better than us.
The second answer is that everything in life involves risk, although some risks are bigger than others. With all these ailments, especially the arteries problem, presumably his health will deteriorate over the coming years, rather than improve? If that is the case, and if this trip is really important to him on a personal level, then maybe going now is a better option than waiting when his health will be even worse?? I guess it depends on the reasons for the trip and whether the risk is justified.