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Friedreich Ataxia

Get the facts on Friedreich Ataxia treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Friedreich Ataxia prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Friedreich Ataxia related topics. We answer all your qestions about Friedreich Ataxia.

Question: Can people with Friedreich Ataxia get pregnant? Is it possible for a 20 year old female, who is suffering from the effects of Friedreich Axtaxia quite severely, able to become pregnant?

Answer: Yes, I saw some program on Discovery Health like 5-6 years ago and the mother had the disease and she had 3 or 4 children. There is a possibility of your children being born with it too though. It is an Autosomal recessive disease, meaning both parents must be carriers. There's a 50% chance of the kids being carriers, 25% chance of actually having it and 25% chance of them being unaffected, but chances that they will have it will be higher if the mother has it.

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