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Protein C Deficiency

Get the facts on Protein C Deficiency treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Protein C Deficiency prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Protein C Deficiency related topics. We answer all your qestions about Protein C Deficiency.

Question: Protein C Deficiency and Miscarriage? Hi there, I have just been told that I have low Protein C levels indicating a deficiency. I have had this testing done due to 2 miscarriages in the past 6 months. Is there anyone else out there with this inherited disorder and how did your doctor treat you for this? I am now waiting to see a hematologist but it is a 3 month wait :( Any info would be much apprecaited. Protein C deficiency is a inherited hypercoagulability syndrome (Blood Clotting Disorder)

Answer: You will need to take anticoagulation med/shots (heparin) during pregnancy and be closely monitored since it is a high-risk pregnancy. I am not sure how hematologist handle it usually if not pregnant. Though my wife didnt have Protein C Deficiency, she was taking baby aspirin to minimize risk of clotting around the placenta as a precaution (which is a major issue if Protein C deficient). Good luck.

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