Get the facts on Trichomoniasis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Trichomoniasis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Trichomoniasis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Trichomoniasis.
Question: Can a guy get checked and treated for trichomoniasis? I watched a video on trichomoniasis and it said guys could carry this. I don't want to be the carrier of anything!
Answer: Men are more often NOT going to have symptoms of this disease. Yes, it is an STD, but a rather rare one by perspective to the others. I've seen about 3 cases in the past 15 years. However, if you've had unprotected sex with a variety of females, then you might want to be screened just in case. If not...then you have little to worry about.
Question: Is it possible to get Trichomoniasis in your mouth? I had sex/and oral sex with my partner. Later on to be checked and find out that I had gotten Trichomoniasis from him. I had oral sex with him also, and since have had to go the doctor several times for my throat hurting, and it was always "iritated" the doctor would say. Could this possibly be connected in any way shape or form? Please help.
Answer: It's possible, but I'm not sure. Your Dr should tell you this info. Here is a website that might help you. Good Luck!!!!
Question: how long can i have trichomoniasis with out knowing? I am 18 years old I have reciently been informed that i have trichomoniasis. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years but a few months ago we broke up and we both had other partners. I have been faithful to him for a little over 4 months now he says he has done the same. I am trying to figure out if he reciently cheated and gave me this or if one of us got it when we were broke up and did not know it. I would appericate all the help i could get and i am open to all opinons.
Answer: Thankfully, you discovered you had it at all. Most men, and up to a third of women have no symptoms whatsoever of Trichomoniasis.
But the timing between contraction and transmission could be difficult to determine. He could have easily contracted the STD during your relationship "hiatus" and unknowingly passed it on to you when you reconciled. And of course you can't rule out that you contracted it from another partner either.
Only you can decide whether or not you feel someone you've been in a relationship with for 5 years is worthy of your trust. And even though he denies having had other partners recently--- I'd take into consideration that he *was* honest and forthright in admitting that he had other partners during the break-up period. Maintaining a frank and open dialogue on the topic is a very good idea before making your decision.
Best of luck, and be sure to complete your treatment.
Question: What is Trichomoniasis and can it cause you to have HIV is it serious? Is Trichomoniasis a serious STD and can this lead to having HIV?
Answer: Trick can be dealt with with medications. If a person has a STD and has sex with someone who is HIV+ they are 10 times more likely to become infected with HIV. The reason being there are a lot more white blood cells on the surface and in the white blood cells are the receptor cells for HIV so there are a lot more chances for the person with the STD to become HIV+.
Question: Can a yeast infection turn into trichomoniasis? if a woman has a yeast infection and doesn't know she does and is sexually active...can it turn into trichomoniasis?
Answer: No. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida.
* Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the area
around it
* Pain when urinating
* Pain or discomfort during sex
* A thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage
cheese and does not have a bad smell
You may only have a few of these symptoms and they may be mild or sever
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that affects both women and men, although symptoms are more common in women. Trichomoniasis is caused by the single-celled protozoan parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. The vagina is the most common site of infection in women, and the urethra (urine canal) is the most common site of infection in men.
The symptoms for women a frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor. The infection also may cause discomfort during intercourse and urination, as well as irritation and itching of the female genital area. In rare cases, lower abdominal pain can occur. Symptoms usually appear in women within 5 to 28 days of exposure. (may not have symptoms)
It is hard to tell sometimes what kind of a vaginal infection you have so if you are unsure be sure to see a doctor as Trichomoniasis can cause problems and is easily cured with a one dose medication. Good Luck!
Question: How is trichomoniasis diagnosed? I have been having a debate with a friend of mine. She says that trich is found from the pap smear, but I tell her that the pap smear just reveals abornmal cells in the cervix. I told her that the wet mount test is what diagnosed trichomoniasis. Who's right?
Answer: Both can be, the cervical fluids that are normally produced can contain a biological sample of your current condition, plus the cervix is a good place for most things to hide.... thats funny to think about, things hiding in the vagina.... tunnel of life, tunnel of death, all in the eye of the beholder, think about it!
Question: Does it harm your baby if you have trichomoniasis? I'm pregant and they found out that i have trichomoniasis does that affects my baby?
Answer: not if you get it treated ask your doctor
Question: how long can a male have trichomoniasis without having any symptoms? can he go a whole year with no symptoms? Can trichomoniasis be contracted by anything else besides having sex with an infected partner?
Answer: Men rarely notice any symptoms. Yes it is mainly transmitted by sexual intercourse, but it may also be passed on from a towel recently used by someone infected, or by contaminated water splashing from the toilet (such transmission is believed to be rare, however).
Regards, Starlet..
Question: How do men get infected with Trichomoniasis and how long do they carry the parasite? Do they have to get it from an infected female during intercourse or can they get it from not washing their genitals properly?
Answer: From
Trichomoniasis is caused by the single-celled protozoan parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. The vagina is the most common site of infection in women, and the urethra (urine canal) is the most common site of infection in men.
The parasite is sexually transmitted through penis-to-vagina intercourse or vulva-to-vulva (the genital area outside the vagina) contact with an infected partner. Women can acquire the disease from infected men or women, but men usually contract it only from infected women.
It doesn't sound like this can be acquired from poor genital hygiene. Hope this helps.
Question: How do you know the difference between Trichomoniasis and Bacteria Vaginosis? I just need to know how you know the difference?
Answer: they have basically the same symptoms so the only way to really know is to go get a test done. Go to Planned Parenthood because they keep these thing confidential.Trich is an STD where as Bacterial vaginosis could occur from something internal like a PH imbalance.Both are easily curable but since you are there might as well test for everything Better safe than sorry.1 out of 4 woman are infected with something Butt Sc watch where you put your thing... oh and also most men that carry these diseases have NO symptoms so they could be a carrier and not even know it.
Question: trichomoniasis? I have been looking up facts on trichomoniasis and now i am confused. Some sites says it is a parasite and some say it is a baterial growth amd i was put on antibotics to help cure it. So now i am really confused. Pease help.
Answer: Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite. It is not a bacteria, it is actually a protozoan. That means it's one-celled and it has a nucleus and organelles. Protozoans are more complex than bacteria. If you happen to be familiar with these terms, the trich parasite is a eukaryotic microbe, whereas a bacterium is a prokaryotic microbe.
And yes, trich is pretty easy to cure with certain antibiotics.
Question: What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis? now I only what to hear from you if you have had the disease or if you know someone who had it. I don't just want you to write the symptoms you find on the internet because i've already read those.
Answer: It has been a very long time but I had it when I was a teen. I had to take an antibiotic and use a bag type douche twice a day. I just laid in the bottom of the tub and let the water cleanse. I am not sure what the treatment is these days but DON'T use the bulb type if it is still recommended because it can push the infection up into the uterus.
It is a nasty smelling discharge. I don't remember if it was a thin yellowish discharge or not. It has been 40+ years ago.
Question: When can I start having sex again after being treated for trichomoniasis?
Answer: at least 7 days after completing your meds. meds do stay active in your body for a couple days so it may NOT be gone RIGHT after you complete the cycle of meds...
wait a week is what most dr's reccomend
also make sure you partner has been treated and OR use protection
as you always should do anyway
Question: Whats the difference between the med metronidazole used for fish and the one used treat trichomoniasis?
I did a search for the drug and some results were talking about it being used for dogs. and ebay results show it as a drug used for treating fish and dogs.
Answer: Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to treat certain bacterial infections and also certain protozoal infections such as trichomonas and giardia.
It's the same drug, whether used to treat such infections in humans, dogs or fish, although the doses would be different.
We dogs prefer the meaty flavoured tablets. Not sure what flavour the fish like. It probably comes as a solution you can add to their water.
Question: anyone ever use clotrimazole to treat trichomoniasis? I am afraid to take the metronidazole (flagyl) after reading all of the reviews of people getting nausea, cramps, etc. I read that clotrimazole is an alternative but not as effective, anyone know about this?
Answer: Clotrimazole is an anti-fungal primarily used for Candida infections. Appropriate treatment for Trichomonas is Metronidozole or tinidazole.
Question: What is the death rate of Trichomoniasis, if any? I need it for a microbiology project, I cant find it.
Answer: I have done my fair share of research on STDs, but as far as I know, trich is not an infection that kills people. I'd be really surprised if it did. I'm thumbing through the CDC infectious disease manual, and there's no listed case-fatality rate. Frankly, I'd just state in your report that trich is seldom if ever fatal.