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Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Get the facts on Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 related topics. We answer all your qestions about Diabetes Mellitus Type 1.

Question: How would you explain diabetes mellitus type 1 to an 8 year old? Do you have any online resources, etc, that I could use?

Answer: Indigo! It is the most common form of diabetes in children: 90-95 per cent of under 16s with diabetes have this type. It is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Type 1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disease, meaning a condition in which the body's immune system 'attacks' one of the body's own tissues or organs. In Type 1 diabetes it's the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas that are destroyed. the cause of childhood diabetes is not understood. It probably involves a combination of genes and environmental triggers. The majority of children who develop Type 1 don't have a family history of diabetes. The main symptoms are the same as in adults. They tend to come on over a few weeks: thirst weight loss tiredness frequent urination. Symptoms that are more typical for children include: tummy pains headaches behaviour problems. The specialised nature of managing childhood diabetes means that most children are cared for by the hospital rather than by their GP. Most children with diabetes need insulin treatment. If this is the case, your child will need an individual insulin routine, which will be planned with the diabetes team. Most now use frequent daily dosage regimes of fast-acting insulin during the day and slow-acting insulin at night. Very small children normally don't need an injection at night, but will need one as they grow older. Increasing numbers of older children use continuous insulin pumps. Often in the first year after diagnosis, your child may need only a small dose of insulin. This is referred to as 'the honeymoon period'. As well as insulin treatment, good glucose control and avoidance of ‘hypos’ (low blood glucose attacks) is important. This is because many of the complications of diabetes increase with the length of time diabetes has been present. For more info visit

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