Thyroid Dysfunction
Get the facts on Thyroid Dysfunction treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Thyroid Dysfunction prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Thyroid Dysfunction related topics. We answer all your qestions about Thyroid Dysfunction.
Question: Thyroxine and pregnancy, does having a thyroid dysfunction affect things? I am on thyroxine for an under active thyroid. I take 150 micrograms daily. We have been trying for our second baby and so far i think i may be pregnant but some of the thyroid symptoms could be masking this as well.
Has anybody had any luck with ttc while on thyroxine with irregular periods?
Answer: hi
if 150 is the right dosage for you then it should be fine, how much is your TSH?
anyway if you find out you are pregnant you need to go to the doctor, they have to give you a higher dosage as soon as you know you re pregnant!
Question: Bipolar disorder and thyroid dysfunction? I have a friend who is 40 years old and has recently been having maniac episodes... they include hallucinations, risky behaviour, and she has also been shopping excessively. She was hypothyroid... but recently she's lost weight and perhaps she could have developed a hyperthyroidismor another thyroid dysfunction.... If you know anything about a case liket this i would REALLY APRECCIATE IT!
thank you
Answer: If she's hypothyroid and she's on Synthroid medication to boost her thyroid levels, it's possible that she is getting too much of the medication and that could make her lose weight - but I think the more likely possibility is the fact that when Bipolar people go into their manic phase they don't have time to sit and eat - they just run around all day. Try offering her finger foods she can eat on the run.
Question: My friend donated her kidney last year. She was just diagnosed with thyroid dysfunction. Can the 2 be assoc?
Answer: I highly doubt it. The two don't really have anything to do with each other. Tell your friend to get a better job and stop looking for easy ways to sue : )
Question: Can you have hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's or other thyroid dysfunction without weight gain/obesity? If by some miracle there's a health professional who knows the answer to this question, I'll be forever grateful.
I experience a lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism but I'm not obese and there's no indication of abnormal thyroid levels on any of the blood tests I've taken. And I've retaken them at different times too to try to catch any variations or cycles of my thyroid levels. Is it still possible for me to have thyroid dysfunction? It may run in my family.
My endocrinologists and general practitioner can't seem to figure out anything to help me. They basically ran out of ideas right away and are no help at all. I'm stuck trying to find out what's wrong with me on my own!
Answer: If a person has hypothyroidism and is taking thyroxine they should not put on weight. If that person was to overeat they would put on weight.
I have hypothyroidism and do not put on weight. I have on 3 occasions over the past 16 years suddenly lost 5 - 7 kg very quickly within 3 days to a week. I then eventually returned to my normal weight. Nurse.
Question: Can thyroid function cause death? What does thyroid disfunction cause? Thyroid dysfunction causes death? Kidney function goes bad do to this? All answers welcome.
Answer: Thyroid dysfunctions can cause many types of problems manifesting as psychiatric, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and constitutional (weight loss or gain, heat or cold intolerance, sleep abnormalities) symptoms.
Without medical treatment hypothyroidism (too little thyroid function) and certain forms of hyperthyroidism, namely thyrotoxicosis, can both be deadly, however, prognoses are very good if the disorder is managed properly.
Question: Is there another alternative way to treat thyroid dysfunction? I am currently taking the "natural" thyroid hormone Armour, which for immunity and energy has been amazing. However, I am generally very allergic when it comes to various foods as well as prescription meds. Almost all prescription pills, with the exception of Lunesta and a few others, cause me to have a mild but uncomfortable interstitial Cystitis. It must be a filler (even a natural one) in many prescription products. I received the DMSO treatments, however, the problem comes back with meds. Always, and without exception. Does anyone please have any ideas on alternative thyroid treatments? Thanks.
Answer: Most doctors who prescribe Armour should be aware that most people also need an adrenal steroid given at the same time. This could be in the form of hydrocortisone, prednisone or prednisolone...etc. The fact that you are experiencing allergies and intolerance to medications (and possibly alcohol that would be another clue) is indicative of mild adrenal insufficiency.
This could have been especially mild before treatment with Armour, but because Armour speeds up the adrenal steroid metabolism, symptoms of allergies may appear worse on treatment. This is why most people start of with a small dose of steroids each day temporarily with their thyroid medication and slowly taper off the steroids after their own body's production of steroids takes over. This may take a few weeks or even months.
Your doctor SHOULD know this, but obviously it looks like he doesn't. Try to find a good doc that recognizes MILD adrenal insufficiency as part of your thyroid replacement therapy. Good luck.
Question: I got readings of my Thyroid Test. Can anyone tell me if there is a cause of worry? Hi,
I recently got a blood test done for thyroid. The report states as follows:
T3 (Chemiluminescence Method) 1.81 ng/ml
T4 (Chemiluminescence Method) 9.9 mg/dL
TSH (Chemiluminescence Method) 1.49 mIU/mL
Is there any cause of concern for me with respect to Thyroid dysfunction?
Answer: http://thyroid.about.com/cs/newsinfo/l/b…
this website will explain your lab values.
Question: Have u ever corrected your thyroid problem by taking herbal supplements? Yes.......I have all the symptoms of a thyroid problem according to my doctor and yes I will be tested for thyroid dysfunction
Enough of that my question is to those who know they have a thyroid problem and whether or not those herbal supplements you get at the health food store work? DId you see any positive results? Did your symptoms lessen? Did they work for you? because I'd rather go the herbal route, my choice.
thank u!
Answer: I have not taken an herbs, however, i am curious as to whether or not they work!
Question: yes this is for a medical doctor. What relationship exists between the thyroid and the adrenal gland? After many years on the same synthroid and having Graves in my twenties, my thyroid blood test kept showing low TSH levels and then i discovered nodules! The bigger question is what causes nodules? I have very little thyroid left. One thing the doctor is checking adrenal dysfunction (cushings) or pituatary gland? :Symptons: extreme tired after waking up in morning, fevers, infections??
Thank you,
Answer: lymph glands trap foreign bodies and cause lymph nodes to form nodules, mostly in the neck area.
Question: I'm underweight, possible thyroid problem.? I have no insurance to get this checked out as far as hyper thyroidism. It could be the reason for my being 5'7" and weighing 108lbs. But I was wondering if it's not a thyroid dysfunction, what kind of foods would help give me good/healthy weight gain. Thanks
Answer: According to your BMI, you are underweight.
Your BMI: 16.9
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
To gain weight i reccomend..
these steps...
1) calculate the average amount of calories you consume a day, (without changing your diet)
2) Starting the day after you counted calories, 500 calories MORE then you normally do. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day all the time, spread those calories out over 5-6 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. To get big, you have to eat big! Remember that.
3) Weightlifting! Get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly. For more information on weightlifting workout routines and splits, read the workout routines and splits section. (that i wrote down the bottom)
4) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice you're gaining just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 10lb increase. Gaining anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means you're putting on way to much fat. So look for 1 or 2 pound gains at the end of the week. Don't sound like much? You can be gaining 5-8 pounds a month!
5) Heres an important one. At some point, you will stop seeing weight gain. At this point, you will have to eat even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, it means it is time to start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven't gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.
Here are some more tips:
More tips for how to gain weight (extremely important!)
- Stay away from bad fat! Even though weight gain is your goal, you don't want to be gaining fat and eating junk. Get rid of the chips and candy. No more fast food, nothing fried. Stick to high protein, low (saturated) fat foods like fish (and fish oil supplements), chicken breast, turkey, lean meats, rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables, nuts, flax seed oil, etc. (For more information, go here: Diet Plans And Diets)
- Track your progress! Weighing yourself once a week is extremely important, but so is figuring out if the weight you are gaining is muscle or fat. In order to know this information, you need to also track your body fat percentage!
- WATER! Drink water! Drink around a half gallon a day, more if you can. Yes that's a lot of water, but it's that water that will give you the energy you need to gain that weight!
- Sleep! YES! Sleep! The easiest, yet most over looked step. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. You're gonna need it!
Now the concern some people have about how to gain weight, is how to do it without putting on extra fat. Let me tell you how, YOU CAN'T! Unless you are using steroids, it is basically impossible to gain weight without putting on a little bit of extra fat. But hey, you want to see some weight gain right? Well then who cares about the little bit of extra fat you might put on while gaining. You will be able to burn that off later on, right now gaining is your main concern, so that is all you need to worry about.
Workout Routines and Splits - weightlifting and bodybuilding programs
Workout routines are what exercises, how many sets, how many reps etc. that you do for each muscle. For example, 3 sets of the flat bench press, 3 sets on the incline bench press, and 2 sets of flat bench dumbell flyes is an example of one of the many chest weightlifting workout routines. A workout split is a term given to how you split up your workout. What days you do what muscle on. For example, doing biceps back and legs on Monday, and doing triceps shoulders and chest on Thursday is a workout split. Here i will give you some sample workout routines, the routine I use, and tell you how to make your own workout routine.
One rule when making weightlifting workout programs is to make sure to split it so that you aren't overtraining. Doing chest on Monday, then triceps on Tuesday, then shoulders on Wednesday will overtrain your triceps. Why? Because just about every chest and shoulder exercise works the triceps secondary. And almost every back exercise works the biceps secondary. So, you would need to do 1 of 3 things when making your workout routines and splits:
1) Work chest, triceps and shoulders on the same day, and biceps and back on the same day so that it's ok if the secondary muscles get worked that day, because your doing them anyway.
2) Separate those muscles that work a secondary muscle so that they are far enough apart not to overtrain you. For example, do Chest Monday, triceps on Wednesdays, and shoulders Friday... and biceps Monday with chest, and back Wednesday or Friday.
3) This is personally what I prefer, and do myself. Do chest and triceps Monday, and shoulders Thursday, and back and biceps together on Friday.
Sample Splits
Coming up with weightlifting workout routines and splits and programs isn't really rocket science, once you understand the basics you can create your own. But, here are a few sample split routines and programs off the top of my head I have either used at one time, or are commonly used by other people
Monday - Chest/Triceps
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Biceps/Back
Thursday - off
Friday - Shoulders/Legs
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Monday - Chest/Biceps
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Shoulders/Legs
Thursday - off
Friday - Back/Triceps
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Monday - Chest/Back
Tuesday - Shoulders
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Biceps/Triceps
Friday - Legs
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Remember, these are just sample programs. Some people like to workout on the weekends, and I don't. So in all the samples I made them off days. It all depends on what days you have time to workout and/or when you want to workout which is why these are just samples, not splits you have to use.
Sample Weightlifting Workout Routines
This is hard. There are so many exercises for each muscle, and so many ways to split them up and make a routine out of them. So instead of listing 10,000 workout routines, I'll just list what I think are the most effective muscle building exercises for each muscle and later on you can decide which to use in your own workout routines.
Flat Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes
Incline Dumbell Flyes
Lat Pulldown (or weighted pull ups)
Seated Cable Row
Bent Over Barbell Row
Bent Over 1 Arm Dumbell Rows
Standing Barbell Curls
Preacher Curls (with dumbells or barbell)
Seated/Standing Dumbell Curls
Tricep Press Down
French Press
Calve Raises
Seated/Standing Military Press (with barbell or dumbells)
Lateral Raises
Abs are an important muscle and should be worked, but most people are just soooo confused when it comes to ab workouts. So, for more information on how "important" ab workouts are, and how to put abdominal exercises into your workout, click here.
My Weightlifting Workout Routine And Split
I've tried a bunch of different workout routines, and this one is probably my favorite. Remember, I'm not selling this. It's just what I do. I'm not saying because I do it and it works for me, that you should do it and that it will work for you.
Monday - Chest/Triceps
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Back/Biceps
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Flat Bench Press 4 sets
Incline Hammer Strength Machine 2 sets
Dumbell Flyes 2 sets
Deadlift 3 sets
Lat Pull down 3 sets
Seated Cable Row 2 sets
Standing Barbell Curls 3 sets
Preacher Curls (with dumbells) 1 set
Tricep Press down 2 sets
Dips (weighted) 2 sets
Squats 4 sets
Leg Extension 2 sets
Leg Curl 2 sets
Seated/Standing Calve Raises 5 sets total (2 or 3 sets each way)
Seated Military Press (with dumbells) 4 sets
Lateral Raises 3 sets
Shrugs 3 sets
*Note, on all exercises I do 6-10 reps. As I increase the weight, I decrease the reps. For example, if I'm doing dumbell military presses, it might be 60lb dumbells for 8 reps, then 65lbs for 6 reps.
Now, some questions you might have about weightlifting workout routines, splits, programs and what I do.
Why do you do the incline hammer strength machine and not the incline bench press? Well, I used to do the incline bench press, but I never felt right on it. I can't really explain it, but I couldn't get into a groove so to speak. So I went to the next best thing to free weights (by the way, free weights are the best thing for building muscle mass) which are hammer strength machines. They are the closest thing to free weights, and I happen to love the incline hammer machine, so I use it.
Why do you do so little? Wouldn't you be better off doing 10 sets for biceps or doing 15 sets for the chest? Nope, I tried that and it didn't work. After trying a bunch of different workout routines and programs, I discovered that the one I am using now works, so I use it. 10 sets for biceps might work for you but it doesn't for me. For more information on this, read the Important Facts section where I explain this in more detail.
If you did for example, biceps and back on different days, or triceps and chest on different days, would you do more for the secondary muscles, biceps and triceps? This is hard to answer. You see, I never did triceps on a different day than chest, or biceps on a different day than back. Like I said, this routine works for me, so I stuck with it. But I would guess, if I did them on different days, I would probably end up doing a few more sets for biceps and triceps.
Hope you can gain!