Grave's Disease
Get the facts on Grave's Disease treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Grave's Disease prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Grave's Disease related topics. We answer all your qestions about Grave's Disease.
Question: How long will Grave's disease symptoms last? I have been diagnosed with Grave's disease, and the symptom I can't stand the most is the dark circles under my eyes....My question is this: If I go through with the radiation treatment to obliterate my thyroid, will my dark cirlces get better? How long will it take?
Answer: I've never heard of dark circles being a symptom of Grave's disease. You learn something new every day.
Sorry to not answer your question, but I think the dark circles are the least of your problems. Do you really want to give yourself another serious disease that you will have to take medication for every day for the rest of your life? (Hypothyroidism) Because that is what you will be doing if you have radiation. You should research this a LOT more before you do this, because it's completely, 100% permanent.
Question: My brother is trying to cure Grave's disease naturally. Any suggestions that have worked for other people? There seems to be a disagreement in the literature on whether or not he should have fish and iodine supplements. Right now, with a small dose of an antithyroid medication, he is doing well, but would like to go off of the medication. Has anyone had success in treating this disease, naturally?
Answer: I have heard of some diseases of this nature being controllable with the strictest of diets. I would strongly recommend against going off the doctor's medication. Also, tell the doctor of all the supplements you are taking. Supplements have a bad history of interacting poorly with medication and negating its effects. Be careful, this disease can result in many nasty effects if you don't treat it effectively, such as blindness.
Question: Does Iodum work well to help cure the autoimmune condition, grave's disease - hyperthyroidism? My brother is taking a low dose of an antithyroid medication, which has helped minimize the hyper-symptoms, but his TSH levels are almost non-existant. Anyone use Iodum successfully? Any side affects? This remedy was prescribed by an homepathic professional.
Answer: There are alot of medicines in homeopathy for hyperthyroidism
Iodum is one of them
Others are Spongia tosta, Fucus,
For a detailed drug picture you can read boerickes materia medica, match the symptoms by urself.
Question: Does anyone with Grave's Disease have problems getting their medicine regulated? I had my thyroid removed in 1999 and was told I have Grave's Disease. But since then about every six months I will start feeling strange (either crummy or very hyper), my MD will do blood work and my medicine will have to be adjusted. Anyone else have these problems?
Answer: i also had both my thyroids removed two years ago and yes i have the same problems as you it seems i can never get it regulated its always to high or to low and i feel sleepy all the time or i am running around like a crazy woman i don't think you are alone in feeling like this
Question: I have Grave's disease. I don't know how long I have had it. How long do I have before my eyes bulge? I've only been losing weight or about a month. I'm really concerned about losing my eyesight or having a heart attach. My heart rate is normal now. How long before it becomes rapid?
Answer: I was diagnosed with it six years ago and haven't lost my eyesight or had a heart attack, nor do I have bulging eyes. The only thing I have is an oversized thyroid (if I tilt my neck back, there's a slight bulge, but it's only visible if I tilt my head back.)
Take your medication and you'll be fine. The medication prevents the symptoms you speak of from occurring.
Question: Does anyone have a child under 5 that has been diagnosed with Grave's Disease or hyperthyroidism? Looking for symptoms that other children have experienced. My child blinks her eyes funny (over-blinking) and is being tested. At first, it was thought to be tourettes syndrome. But that has since been ruled out. She's weighed 26 pounds for almost a year, now. She is a good eateer but doesn't gain weight. Any experiences similiar to hers? I would greatly appreciate it.
Answer: No, I do not, but the following link offers a large variety of topics for persons concerned about Grave's disease and other thyroid disorders. Online chats. You might find it helpful.
Best wishes
Question: Not thyroid but is it grave's disease? I have tremors and nervousness(a lot). I scanned for T4 and TSH but didn't have Thyroid. Could it be Grave's Disease? How do i check for grave's disease?
Answer: I don't understand the "not thyroid" part of your question. Grave's disease very much attacks the thyroid, so your thyroid is involved. What labs have you already had, what were the results, and what are the reference ranges? The TSI blood test is the definitive test for Grave's disease.
Question: If someone has Grave's disease, does it necessarily mean that they will suffer from 'bulging eyes'? What percentage of people with this disease actually have this eye problem?
This person is very young (16) and blood tests have been normal for several years.
Serious answers very much appreciated.
Answer: No, it does not mean you will get the bulging eyes. Basically, what occurs is when Grave's is not in remission (and it sounds like it is now), you can be so hyperthyroid that the eyes occur (and they are permanent). However, once the body goes into remission and you have normal thyroid function, you can rest easy. I strongly advise you keep getting periodic blood tests.
A cautionary note -- I had Grave's as a teen too. At 30, I was diagnosed with HYPOthyroidism. My endocrinologist explained that the thyroid comes with a limited life expectancy. When it goes hyper for a while, expect it to also go hypo at some point. However, prior to hypo, I was on full alert to not go hyper again. The longer you are in remission, the more likely you will remain in remission. Good luck -- been there. It's really scary for a while.
Question: Why are people who have Grave's Disease really tall?
Oh, sorry, do mean Marfan's Syndrome. I thought they were the same.
Answer: I never heard of that, I have graves disease and they had to remove my thyroid through radioactive iodine, and I am only 5 foot tall. Many of those I know that have graves are not tall. I know I was thin until I had my thyroid removed as my metobilism was way off. Now I am of a normal weight. That is the only thing I found different.
Question: Does Grave's disease weaken the immune system? Can Grave's disease weaken the immune system and can it make you feel fatigued? Does the radioactive iodine treatment relieve these symptoms?
Answer: Grave's is an autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune disorders are those disease states in which your own antibodies attack some gland or tissue in your body.
Grave's disease results from immune system destruction or stimulation of thyroid tissue. Symptoms of thyroid disfunction are nonspecific and can develop slowly or suddenly; these include fatigue, nervousness, cold or heat intolerance, weakness, changes in hair texture or amount, and weight gain or loss.
The onset of autoimmune disorders occurs most often in middle-aged women - the time of life when estrogen dominance becomes common.
Bottom Line: If you're suffering from an autoimmune disease, you don't have to wait for all the academic research answers to come in. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) at physiological doses is relatively safe, and, if nothing else has worked for you, it's an option you and your physician should consider exploring.