Sleep Walking
Get the facts on Sleep Walking treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Sleep Walking prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Sleep Walking related topics. We answer all your qestions about Sleep Walking.
Question: sleep walking? Why do people to sleep walk? What are things to do and not to do when he sees someone sleep walking? How do we stop them from sleep walking?
Answer: I used to sleepwalk...I seem to have grown out of it though. I generally did it and felt like I was having a dream. It'd be the kind of thing I'd have a vague recollection of the next day, much like most of my dreams.
I've taken the dogs for a walk before, tried to escape from a campground and once woke up in the garage.
I'd say the best thing to do with a sleepwalker is talk to them like they're drunk, slowly and purposefully. Let them know that you're in charge and get them back to bed.
I don't recommend trying to wake a sleepwalker. I accidentally woke myself up once by smacking my toe into the couch. It makes you very confused and frustrated and your emotions run about 10 times higher than normal until you get your bearings.
No idea how to stop someone from sleepwalking. I just grew out of it I guess.
Question: Sleep-walking? What is possible during sleep-walking?
Answer: A good number of good discovery channel shows on this topic. Most people just move around their bedroom, or house. Some people, unlock their doors, walk around outdoors, drive cars, climb ladders and scaffolding. Other people can become violent and a threat to their family members.
Question: I am sleep walking almost each day is there a way to prevent sleep walking and eating? Just recently for some reason i was sleep walking but this time i seen everything and remember everything when i was sleep walking.
I was looking for something and i remember that i was eating some food from the refrigerator i am not sure what it was but it seemed like i was eating leftovers food from the day after.
I remembered everything then i seen my sisters and brothers laughing and knew that i was sleep walking but i couldnt control myself i was observing myself doing things without my control.
Is there a way to prevent this?
Answer: extreme stress or emotional hurt. But if theres nothing in ur life that does that maybe youre just a natural sleep walker. go and see ur doctor necause it could dangerous to you and everybody else in ur house or street even becuz u have no control ova wot u r doing
Question: How do I prevent from sleeping talking and sleep walking? My parents hae told me that i have been walking in there room and asking dumb questions and I really want to stop sleep talking and sleep walking?Have any answers?
Answer: Well, I don't think that there's any kind of way to stop sleep talking. But there may be a way to stop sleep walking.
I'm not 100% sure if this would be the best thing to do, but try taking an Advil PM. They will help you sleep better, but once again, I'm not sure if it will prevent sleep walking.
I would recommend talking to your local Psychiatrist for more information about this.
Good luck!
Question: How do I handle possible night tremors and possible sleep walking? My 3 year old daughter has always had unusual sleeping habits. She often talks in her sleep, including crying and yelling, but is non-responsive when you try to talk to her. She has sat up in bed and cried and talked but seemed to be completely asleep. And lately we have waken up to her walking into our room and instead of coming straight into bed with us she just wanders around the room until we call her to us. Does any of this sound like something we should be concerned about?
Answer: I struggled with this problem for 21 years with my son, Brandon. When he was little he would scare the crap out of us...waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of his lungs, pounding on the walls, even sometimes yelling at someone who wasn't there! He didn't see us or respond to us until we literally had to get on top of him and hold him down and wake him...and even that was work. We had him in therapy that did no good at all. He would even do things like sleepwalk into the living room where we were watching TV at night and walk into the kitchen and pee in the trash can. or things like that...and have no idea what he had done. Nothing helped. We just had to be patient.
When he was in summer camp as a small child and even football camp as a high schooler he would have such bad night terrors that the counselors or coaches would come running into his cabin in the middle of the night thinking someone was being killed!! He would wake up the entire camp. We never figured out what was wrong. (Personally I suspect those night terrors are paranormal, but I won't go into that because I have no proof...just a theory and lots of reading on it.) Now he's 21 and he still has them..but very seldom and not nearly as severe. He still talks in his sleep alot and gets excited from time to time. His girlfriend says he gives her quite a scare once in a while.
I always just made sure he didn't hurt himself. Doctors didn't help. Just keep a good eye on him and ask a professional if they have come up with any new ideas on the subject. I know it's very scary when it's happening to your child. Take care....
Question: Can taking Lunesta help keep you from sleep walking or have night terrors? Can taking Lunesta help keep you from sleep walking or have night terrors?
Or both?
Answer: I switched from Ambien to Lunesta because of sleep walking and sleep eating which is common with Ambien especially if you are already prone to this behavior which I have been since I was very young. I have taken Lunesta for the last 2 months with no incidents at all.
Question: How can I prevent sleep walking? Are there any remedies for sleep walking, anything to take before you go to bed? Exercises or therapies?
Answer: you could tie yourself down. Or you could make a booby trap to wake you back up.
Question: What can I do to help me quit sleep walking? I dreamt last nite my house was caving into the basement, so like a dumb ***, I hopped up out of bed and took off running down the stairs to save myself from my house collapsing in on itself. I finally woke up with my heart pounding and out of breath. I dont know what woke me up, I am just happy I did.
I have very intense dreams and have slept walked for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid my dad nailed the door shut to the deck next to my room. He was afraid I would fall off the 2nd story and hurt or kill myself.
Does anyone specialize in the area of sleep walking or what can I do to get help for this issue. Its embarrasing. I am not really afraid, just ashamed of doing it all the time. Any suggestions?
Answer: Sleepwalking (somnambulism)...a common sleep disorder. It occurs when you awaken during slow wave sleep. It is also very common to have your eyes open and to have no memory of the event. The main thing is that you are more likely to injure yourself during one of these episodes. When you have them, someone should just gently lead you back to bed.
To prevent sleepwalking:
avoid fatigue
avoid stress
develop a calming bedtime ritual (read, meditate, etc)
As you can see, stress is a trigger as is fatigue. If you are the typical person, you are probably sleep-deprived. Try to rectify the situation and you should do much better.
You can also make your doctor aware of it and, if he feels it is severe enough to warrant further investigation, he may order a sleep study. Being honest though, usually avoiding the causes (fatigue and stress) is enough to prevent it.
Question: Why is it dangerous to wake up a person who is sleep walking? My friend sleepwalks and her mother always tells me not to wake her up or something could happen but I don't think she knows either. So i was curious as to what would happen.
Also ... do people have different reactions from being woken up while they are sleep walking?
Answer: It's an old wives tale. My mother used to tell me the same exact thing. And NEVER call them by their name...
It is best to wake them. Not that I'm an expert on this but I used to wake my ex-husband up (then husband) and he had no adverse affects from it.
While reading about the stages of R.E.M. it actually explains why we sleep walk and or talk out loud. the part that normally imobilizes our body is not in use with people who sleep walk.
I think it would be an interesting read for you.
But I don't believe it is dangerous at all. Just an old wives tale.
Question: Is It Dangerous To Wake Someone Up While Their Sleep Walking? Alright so one of my friends slept over once and he was sleep walking but I didn't know how to react to it. Rather to wake him up or just leave it alone. What do I do if it happens again? Is it dangerous to wake him up?
Answer: No, It's not dangerous. Just try to redirect him back to bed, and if he resists, wake him up gently, but step back, some people could take a swing at you if they are having a bad or scary dream.