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Sleep Walking

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Question: sleep walking? Why do people to sleep walk? What are things to do and not to do when he sees someone sleep walking? How do we stop them from sleep walking?

Answer: I used to sleepwalk...I seem to have grown out of it though. I generally did it and felt like I was having a dream. It'd be the kind of thing I'd have a vague recollection of the next day, much like most of my dreams. I've taken the dogs for a walk before, tried to escape from a campground and once woke up in the garage. I'd say the best thing to do with a sleepwalker is talk to them like they're drunk, slowly and purposefully. Let them know that you're in charge and get them back to bed. I don't recommend trying to wake a sleepwalker. I accidentally woke myself up once by smacking my toe into the couch. It makes you very confused and frustrated and your emotions run about 10 times higher than normal until you get your bearings. No idea how to stop someone from sleepwalking. I just grew out of it I guess.

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