Polycystic Kidney Disease
Get the facts on Polycystic Kidney Disease treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Polycystic Kidney Disease prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Polycystic Kidney Disease related topics. We answer all your qestions about Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Question: I have polycystic kidney disease, when will i need a transplant by if i was diagnosed at 10 and now am 18? Hi i am a 18 year old female with polycystic kidney disease ! i was wondering if anyone knew about this disease and what could happen to someone with it? would i need a transplant in the near future if i was diagnosed at 10 ?
Answer: I'm 17 and was diagnosed when I was nine.
Live about your life like you usually would, but there are a few things you need to watch out for.
Avoid things that involve jumping around, for example, I used to do trampoline gymnastics and horse back riding, I had to stop because the up and down motions make the cysts grow.
Salty foods. avoid those.
And just remember to keep a good diet, be healthy. And if you were given any medication from your doctor, then TAKE IT. I had blood pressure problems too so they gave me a pill to take, and I really don't like taking pills, so i didn't take it. But apparently I just found out that if I DO take the pill it ll elongate the life of my kidneys. pretty much I'm keeping myself alive longer if i take it.
Don't worry about transplants unless your kidneys are really bad and are full of cysts. Just keep it monitored. ex: i go to the hospital every 6 months for ultrasounds on my kidneys to check the cysts, and see if they grew/or there are any new ones.
hope this helped :) peace and love!!
Question: Does anyone else have a baby with polycystic kidney disease? If so how is the baby doing? I am 7 months pregnant with my fist child and I have recently found out that my little girl has polycystic kidney diesase, the doc told me there is a possibility she could be fine and there is a possibility she couldn't be. I was wondering if anyone else has had and experience with this also?
Answer: my friends son had it, she found out at her 20 weeks scan, her son lived for 10 days, i am really sorry to hear your child has this, my friends son was born in 1997 so i'm sure that a lot more is known about the condition now and my prayers are with you
Question: Is polycystic kidney disease a death sentence for a cat? My vet suspects this of my Persian who has been losing a considerable amount of weight lately. He is trying 24 hrs of IV fluids and if he doesn't perk up, he said we should consider putting him down. Has anyone else had a similar experience. We are devastated at the thought of losing this wonderful pet.
I am well able to do a web search. I was hoping some people would answer with personal experiences with cats with this affliction.
Answer: Polycystic kidney disease is not a death sentence for a cat. Some positive cats can have long life. It depands on how bad the kidney failure is and what % of the kidney is still functioning. A friend of mine had a persian male who was positive by DNA but the kidneys were normal and showed no symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately when it is bad and the kidneys are not functioning any more there is nothing much you can do to help your cat.
Question: Which army regulation covers disqualifying conditions for deployment pertaining to Polycystic kidney disease? My unit is currently on orders for deployment. I'm not afraid to go, I knew there was a chance when I enlisted. I have Autosomol Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). I'm just wandering what kind of treatment will be available in Iraq? I was diagnosed with it in 2000. My mom and her siblings have it. My Aunt and Uncle are currently undergoing dyalisys for their ADKPD.
Answer: You will have to ask the Army medical staff - if you remind them that you have it they can look up the regs.
It might not disqualify you at all if it's not severe or if the treatment is not complicated.
Question: How can I find out if I have PKD(polycystic kidney disease) without the expensive genetic testing? For about 11 years I've had a cyst in my right kidney causing it to enlarge and a liver cyst that was once drained during my gallbladder removal a few years ago.The liver cyst has filled again and my kidney cyst causes severe pain daily.Over the years,I've had ct scans,mri's and sonograms to keep track of how large my kidney has grown.2 out of 3 doctor's(including a nephrologist from the Kidney foundation)suggests I have PKD and has told me that I now need to undergo genetic testing to verify this.I have no health insurance and there is only one income in my household.Due to the daily pain,I am so limited to activities that I can do with my two children.We are so stressed that we cannot get an answer from these "specialist" and can no longer afford any more testing or ER visits.I feel like I am alone.How can i get a diagnosis when i can not afford the testing?I've been to the"sliding scale fee" clinics(they say my husband makes too much money but fail to realise we pay bills with it).
Answer: Currently there is no cure for PKD, not with conventional medicine or (despite what you have been told) alternative medicine.
Ultrasound (sonogram) is usually used to diagnose this especially when the cysts are active. Genetic testing confirms the diagnosis. CTs & MRIs can be used but are not ususally required. The extra imaging you have had may have been redundant and unneccessary. For now, get a hold of all your films, reports and labs -- you will need them. The main concern at this time is to prevent or control pain, high blood pressure and UTIs and well as find help.
You may want to contact the Kidney Foundation and see what they suggest. Call to get an 800 number and check their website. They may have programs for someone in your situation, programs that will give you immediate help.
My hope is that you can avoid ESRD (end-stage renal disease), kidney failure and transplant.
I'm not certain if you are eligible for Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits through the Social Security Administration but it's something to investigate. You would need the medical information I suggested you acquire and any written physician statements you can get concerning the probable diagnosis. If I am able to find additional help for you, a grant perhaps, I will contact you if I'm able.
God bless you and your family. You're in a very frustrating position but I'm sure there are others who will try to help. You're not alone!
Question: what are the clinical findings of polycystic kidney disease? please give details informations about polycystic kidney disease.
Answer: Polycystic Kidney Disease is an autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant inherited disease. The symptoms are:
1) Hypertension
2) Fatigue
3) Mild to severe back or flank pain (located just near or below the rib cage in the back)
4) Frequent UTI's ( Urinary Tract Infections)
This disease often leads to chronic renal failure and may result in total loss of kidney function. Dialysis is recommended .
I hope this helps and here's a web:
Question: Does anyone know about polycystic kidney disease? My husband has just been diagnosed with PKD. We are both devastated and have been petrified by what we have read on the web. He is only 46 and has no symptoms at the moment other than high blood pressure which is being treated. I am so desperately afraid of this diagnosis.
Answer: If you want true information about this PKD disease, this is the best site for honest information...
They also have doctor videos on this site to
look at and learn more about this disease.
(If Kidney transplant is in his future...watch the Video here by doctor Robert Montgomery...he is a World Reknown Transplant Surgeon at
Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.)
There is a group for those who need or may need to have a Kidney transplant...it is free
to join and post; Other here have PKD and
may be able to help you:
Here is a patients guide to kidney transplantation
put out by one of the many Transplant Centers:
You will learn about when a patient may need
a transplant, about his lab tests, and other things
Question: I have polycystic kidney disease and the pain that comes with it when the kidneys become enlarged.? I can not take NSAIDS, and dr's give me non-specific narcotic pain meds. While these make my head feel loosy goosy doesn't do much for my pain. I have read its basically nerve pain. is there meds for nerve pain?
Answer: I also suffered kidney disease,and have recieved a transplant,the pain you are suffering I feel for you- My Nephrologist didn't have to prescribe me anything due to me having a herniated disc and degenertive spine disease-I was already seeing a pain management doc-If what you are getting isn't working it will be hard to get it out of your Nephrologist due to you are not able to get meds out of your system that easy due to your failing kidneys,but anyway what should work for you is Roxicodone 5mg-these do not have any Tylenol or Asprin in them just a narcotic(Oxycodone-same as Percocet) if you are already on Percocet since you are not sure what it is-look at the bottle,and e-mail me,and I can tell you what may best suit you-you may also e-mail me from this site,and i will give you my real e-mail adress if you need to talk about any issues concerning your kidney failure-been there and I know it's very hard and sometimes frustrating....Are you on Dyalisis yet???
Question: What is the best solutions for the polycystic kidney disease kidney enlarge very big?
Answer: my dad died from it at 24 years old my sister is in her late fourtys and has it and is very sick in and out of N STAGE hopefully you are going to the right docs and are on the transplant list this is a very dangerous thing little cyst break away and attach to your other organs causing various other illnesses you can contact the national kidney hot line for all the info you need good luck
Question: Has anyone ever heard of Polycystic Kidney Disease? Is there an effective way to manage the pain?
Answer: It appears that no analgesics can be used with impunity. Codeine and other narcotics can lead to dependency or addiction. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxyn and several more with trade names such as Advil, Nuprin, Naprosyn, Motrin, etc.) can reduce the flow of blood through the kidneys and aggravate high blood pressure - so PKD patients should NOT take these medications. Acetaminophen can probably be used in small doses for short
periods of time without injuring the kidneys, but patients with chronic, severe pain may have to consult a specialized pain clinic in order to consider alternative types of treatment.
There have been some exciting preliminary results in the use of laparoscopic surgery to “unroof” cysts (also called de-roofing) and thereby reduce pain in ADPKD patients. Laparoscopic surgery is similar to arthroscopic surgery in that only a very small incision is necessary for the procedure, and the surgical recovery time and scarring are much reduced. This procedure is conducted only in patients whose symptoms strongly suggest that their pain is caused by the cysts, and who have cysts larger than five millimeters in diameter. This procedure is only to reduce pain, not to preserve kidney function.
Polycystic Kidney Disease News