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Goodpasture Syndrome

Get the facts on Goodpasture Syndrome treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Goodpasture Syndrome prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Goodpasture Syndrome related topics. We answer all your qestions about Goodpasture Syndrome.

Question: What are the treatment options and recovery chances for a patient with Goodpasture's Syndrome? A friend of mine has been hospitalized with Goodpasture's Syndrome. I'm having trouble finding out what the treatment options and chances of full recovery are for this disease. What can you tell me about the disease besides that it's an autoimmune disorder that targets the lungs and kidneys? This is the first time he's been hospitalized. He's had issues with anemia for years. He was originally hospitalized for pneumonia in both lungs. I've been estranged from this particular friend and his family for several years, and I guess I'm trying to find out how serious it before I decide what action (if any) is appropriate on my part.

Answer: Your friend and the family will have been informed of this and if you know the family well enough, you might ask them. Goodpasture's is a chronic, relapsing pulmonary (lungs) hemosiderosis (increased iron deposits in tissue) and is usually associated with glomerulonephritis (an inflammation of the glomerulus of the kidney). There is usually a cough with hemoptysis (bloody cough), dyspnea (difficulty breathing), anemia, and progressive renal (kidney) failure. Mild forms may respond to corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs. Severe recurrent cases have a poor prognosis and hemodialysis and kidney transplant are the only treatments. I have no way to know the severity of your friend's situation and you have not stated this. You may not know. Is this the first time for hospitalization? Despite what another has told you, there is no homeopathic "cure" for this disorder. I'm so very sorry.

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