Lactose Intolerance
Get the facts on Lactose Intolerance treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Lactose Intolerance prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Lactose Intolerance related topics. We answer all your qestions about Lactose Intolerance.
Question: Lactose Intolerance? My mum is the head cook at a local primary school, she has just found out that in the new school year (september), a child with lacose intolerance will be joining the school and will be requiring school meals.
Upon speaking to the local authority it has come to light that they have no contingency plan for when a situation like this occurs.
Therefor, id be very greatful for any information you could supply on suitable meals and recipes that are lactose/dairy free and suitable for school meals and a young child
Thanks in advance
Im in England
And the kid wont be popping pills he'll be getting proper meals.
Answer: My son has a milk allergy and currently there are 2 school meals each month he can/will actually eat - fish fingers and hot dogs! The rest of the time I make packed lunches for him.
Your mums best bet will be to check out some allergy sites to get recipes and information if she's not clued up about what foods to avoid. She should also have a chat with the childs parent(s) who will have a lot of knowledge because they've lived with it. It might mean changing some ingredients if the school makes food from scratch, but the taste change is minimal so I doubt if there would be any complaints. She can find out if it is an allergy or just intolerance - the difference being one is life threatening, the other causes discomfort ranging from slight to severe. Good on her for taking the time to check it all out!
Question: What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance? Everytime I hvae a glass of milk I feel like I'm going to have you know what, and whenever I eaqt cheese. But I can icecream fine, and frozen yogurt. Could this be lactose intolerance? I don't know any1 in my family that has it, and I heard it's rare in my ethnic group.
Answer: If you can eat ice cream and frozen yogurt, you don't have lactose intolerance. You are obviously reacting to something in the milk, but usually when you are lactose intolerant, you are intolerant to all forms of lactose - including even milk chocolate (but you can eat dark chocolate). Symptoms of lactose intolerance don't usually include vomiting, but do include volumes of gas and very loose bowel movements, bordering on or actually becoming diarrhea. Try switching to soy milk. The ordinary soy milk is a little bland, but they have flavored soy (vanilla is yummy) and chocolate soy. Also soy ice creams, but you say ice cream doesn't bother you, so you don't need to worry about that.
Question: Do lactose intolerance symptoms always occur between 30 minutes and 2 hours? I have read in many places that lactose intolerance usually hits within 30 minutes to 2 hours of having the lactose. Does this mean that diaherria hits right away within that 30 minutes to 2 hours, or there is discomfort digesting the lactose?
Preferrably answer this if you have lactose intolerance; thanks!
Answer: I am lactose intolerant and if I eat or drink anything with milk or lactose or dairy within 5 to 15 minutes I will get really sick. Usually bad stomach cramps, vomitting, and diaherria. But mine is more servere from the rest. So I guess it would just depend on the person. It's more than discomfort, it's more like a achey cramp pain.
hope I helped =]
good luck
Question: What to do about severe lactose intolerance? I can't eat any milk/dairy products except yogurt. Sometimes even pastries make me sick because of the milk and butter in them. I try to avoid eating dairy but a LOT of food have hidden dairy in them. Also, those lactose intolerance tablets don't work for me at all.
Answer: Learn what foods have dairy in them that is hidden (most bakery items have at least butter). Read labels. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do about it, other than avoid the foods that make you ill.
Question: Can drinking milk when your lactose intolerance cause and damage other than a stomach ache? I have had lactose intolerance for a long time. Recently I've noticed that the stomach aches and what not that comes when I drink milk doesn't bother me. However I want to know if the discomfort is causing any damage to my intestines or what not. Please let me know!
Answer: The bloating and upset feelings you get are caused by a lack of the enzyme lactate, which breaks down lactose (hense, lactose intolerance). When an unprocessed lactose is in your intestines, it will give a great zone for bacteria to grow and produce gas, which causes bloating. Milk in the lower intestine will also draw water out of your system and can cause dehydration and diarrhea. If you already know yourself to be lactose intolerant, check out some over the counter product enzyme supplements that you take with your meal, such as Lactaid. They can be found at your grocery store's medicine isle. However, if you still don't feel better after taking the supplement, you may have an allergy to a part of the milk and Lactaid will then not help.
Question: Is cottage cheese considered the same as milk when referring to lactose intolerance? It appears that a lot of people mention lactose intolerance in dogs, but many suggest adding yoghurt or cottage cheese. Do they affect dogs differently?
Answer: It depends who diagnosed your dog, first of all.
They are indeed basically the same thing. They are made with milk. If you want to try to give it to them, and you have a Whole Foods nearby, go and buy "Nancy's" cultured cottage cheese. It contains cultures just like yogurt, which help your dogs digestive system.
Cultures are "probiotics" and these are healthy friendly bacteria. Probiotics keep the dogs stomach in top shape.
You can give probiotics without milk, by buying an 'enzyme and probiotic' in powder form that you just add to the dogs food.
Enzymes help a dog to digest food. If you give your dog dry dog food, it definitely needs enzymes. Try this brand- ANIMAL ESSENTIALS Plant Enzymes & Probiotics.
Here's what you do. Sprinkle about a quarter to a half tsp on the food once a day. I give my dogs cultured cottage cheese, two or three times a week, just a spoonful, but its not necessary. They just love it.
Try ANIMAL ESSENTIALS Plant Enzymes & Probiotics and you will see a difference. Also, they won't have gas. My dogs used to have bad gas. But not anymore.
I have found that the ANIMAL ESSENTIALS Plant Enzymes & Probiotics helps the dogs to digest milk easier too.
I do however, feed one of my dogs raw food, and the other one eats completely grain free. He just loves cheese and yogurt tho!!
If you do try yogurt, here is a great recipe!!
1 container of PLAIN organic FAT FREE yogurt.
1 RIPE banana
1 TBS of NATURAL peanut butter
Mash the banana, add all ingredients into a blender, or mix by hand until well mixed. Feed 1/4 cup of yogurt to the dogs as is, or freeze it for an extra yummy treat! You can freeze it in an ice cube tray, and then give them 2 or three cubes at a time!
Good Luck!
Question: is it possible to develop a lactose intolerance? I used to drink milk by the glass, multiple times a day without ever having a problem. Then I quit drinking it on a regular basis. I've recently allowed myself a glass here and there, and I've had a lot of gas pain and just now I had really sharp abdominal pain with the first sip.
Can you develop a lactose intolerance if you never used to have one?
Answer: sure. the enzymes in the tummy are very finiky to long term useage and then quitting much like a drug addict quitting herione..the stomach has been use to the enzymes and the way they react to mil then as the years go by it is second nature to the belly. then you stop an then later resume.. 2 things have happened..one you are grown older and the body has developed an intiolerance and/or your stomach has made up for not having it any more...one other thing though if you are weighty or real skinny it could be some stomach problem that may need checking. gas other than just from eating spicy or gaseous food is a sign of staleness and/or bacterial infiltration. if it persists after tring different prands of milk then u stop the milk and it goes away u should be fine and just cant drink regular milk "any-mooooooo-re". <Snicker>
Question: Could my lactose intolerance have been brought on by an eating disorder? I developed lactose intolerance later in life- around the age of 19 or 20 yrs old. When I was 16 I had an extreme eating disorder. Could my intolerance have been brought on by that?
Answer: Good question. It's not entirely impossible that an eating disorder did bring about your lactose intolerance, however it may depend on what type of eating disorder you had. If you binged and purged, or misused laxatives you could have disturbed the microvilli in your gut. The microvilli are responsible for absorbing nutrients from food. When they are damaged, you often can become more sensitive to different foods that you didn't have a problem with before (i.e. lactose, gluten, etc).
Question: How do you live with Lactose Intolerance? I have Lactose Intolerance. I know there are Lactose free milk out there and some other stuff. But almost everything has milk, it sucks. If you have this how do you deal with it? Do you think you can cure yourself?
Answer: my daughter is lactose intalorente we have to buy lactaid works pretty good just have to take them everytime you eat dairy.Ive also read that is you eat a little at a time you will get used to it but it hurts her to much even if she eats alittle.
Question: How would you describe to someone what lactose intolerance is? How would you describe the condition known as lactose intolerance to another individual who believes she may be suffering from this because she experiences gastric distress after consuming dairy products?
Answer: when you have distress after consumption of milk and its products you may be suffering from lactose intolerance , rest is for the physcian to explain ,