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Question: Gastritis and Prilosec question!!!!!! Please HELP!? I am 22 and female. After 2 months of random stomach problems (pain, nausea with no vomitting, etc.) I was recently (2 weeks ago) diagnosed with Gastritis via Upper GI endoscopy (results are still out if it is caused by H. Pylori bacteria). I was put on Prilosec (20 mg) daily. I have completed 2 weeks of it already, and I DON'T FEEL BETTER. I still have "attacks" of the gnawing stomach pain that keep me laid up for a day or so. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice? Should it be taking this long?
And before you suggest it, I have already changed my diet to cut out all caffeine, coffee, tea, soda, fatty or fried foods, sugary foods, and acidic (tomatoes, etc) foods. And I get a good amount of exercise.
Also, I am open to the fact it might be stress-induced, what do you do for that (and don't say cheap breathing techniques, I need something better than that.)
And for the 100th time, I am POSITIVE I'm not pregnant.
I am mildly lactose intolerant, so I do avoid those foods, and I am not allergic to any other foods.
Answer: There are other medications for your condition.Protonix,prevacid,nexium.You may need to ask the doc to change prescriptions