Vitamin A Deficiency
Get the facts on Vitamin A Deficiency treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Vitamin A Deficiency prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Vitamin A Deficiency related topics. We answer all your qestions about Vitamin A Deficiency.
Question: What vitamin deficiency would cause an overy high level of pyruvate in a patients blood and urine? Suppose you found an overly high level pyruvate in a patient's blood and urine. One possible cause is a genetic defect in the enzymes pyruvate dehydrogenase, but another plausible cause is a specific vitamin deficiency. Explain what vitamin might be deficient in the diet and why that would account for high levels of pyruvate to be excreted in the urine. How would you determine which explanation is correct?
Answer: Vitamin B1 deficiency. It is required for transformation of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA. Vitamin B5 is required for formation of acetyl CoA, also. I guess you could take vitamin B supplements and see if the condition improves. if not, then it would be a PDK enzyme problem.
Question: How do i know if i have a certain vitamin deficiency? 5 months ago I dyed my hair, since then I have been shedding hair. I try to find the culprit, but can't. So I'm wondering if I have a vitamin deficiency somewhere? I have been taking pre natal vitamins since then, but am still shedding. I not under any stress. Does anyone know what this could be from? And if it is a certain vitamin deficiency than what test need to be run and who should i go to too see what I am lacking? Also, all blood work came back fine.
Also, hair is coming out by the root, or the little white bulb at the end. I don't know if thats the same.
Answer: As a hairstylist, I first evaluate the hair condition. If it's not hair loss due to breakage from damage, I ask the following:
Are you wearing your hair in a pony tail more than you used to?
Are you wearing your hair curly more often?
Are you shampooing less frequently?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then it might just be that you only see your hair shed when you shampoo it. If hair is straight & you have your hands in it a lot, you won't notice when you drop hair.
Have you just had a baby/pregnancy?
Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. Your body will correct itself in time.
Do you have an eating disorder? If you're not getting the proper nutrition, your body will not waste resources on producing hair (even if you take vitamins).
If this doesn't apply to you, I suggest you re-visit the blood work. Hypo-thyroidism can cause hair loss. Doctors argue about what's considered a normal level of TSH. Ask for a copy of your recent bloodwork to be mailed to you. It might be that what one Dr considers normal, another won't. You can read more by following the link below.
I was just looking at your history of questions. You sound like you could have a color allergy. This can cause scalp breakout, patchy hairloss, and an overall aggrivated scalp.
Oddly enough, I developed a color allergy (yep, I'm a hairstylist who can't color my hair) around the same time I was diagnosed with hypo-thyroidsm.
Doctors can't test for this allergy, you just have to monitior your own level of sensitivity.
Good luck!
Question: Does sudden yellow teeth indicate a particular vitamin deficiency? I've been an orange juice junkie my whole life, but I've been without it for a month now and just noticed my bottom teeth are definitely more yellow than before. I'm wondering if the two could be related. Is this a sign of a Vitamin C or some other vitamin deficiency?
Answer: This is from http://en.allexperts.com/q/Dentistry-966…
says: The yellow color is probably a surface stain. It is certainly not from a nutritional or vitamin deficiency, nor is it a symptom of an illness.
Question: How do you know if you have a vitamin deficiency? I'm always tired, confused, anxious and depressed. I've taken prescription meds for this, but they only help a little. Because of this, I have very little motivation to exercise even though I know it might help. A friend of mine experienced similar symptoms, and found out that she had a serious vitamin deficiency. How do you get tested for this?
Answer: blood tests
Question: What is the vitamin deficiency when you eat egg without yolk? What is the vitamin deficiency when you eat egg without yolk?
Answer: Yolk has iron (and cholesterol, which might be besides the point). Whites have protein.
Question: How common are vitamin-deficiency diseases in the United States? How common are vitamin-deficiency diseases in the United States?
Answer: Very.
But no one knows it.
Most smokers suffer from a sub-acute form of scurvy.
Most Alzheimer's patients suffer from a b12 deficiency, but it is an odd form. You see, serum levels may even be normal, but the levels in the cerebral spinal fluid are less than 10% the amount of what other elderly folks have. IOW, inflammation, or something else, is blocking b12 from entering the cerebral spinal fluid. If it doesn't get in the cerebral spinal fluid, it won't get to the brain. An acetylcholinesteraise inhibitor might never be needed, if only they got normal amounts of b12 to their brains. Answer: daily marijuana and a daily methylcobalamin injection or nasal spray. Look up methylmate. And the maryjane is needed to ease systemic inflammation so your body will let the b12 into the cerebral spinal fluid.
Most people never get enough minerals from their diet for optimimum health. We can blame this on a diet high in processed and cooked foods.
Question: Ridges in fingernails associated with a vitamin deficiency? I have grooves/ridges in all my fingernails. They run lengthwise, and I don't have fungus or infection. Someone told me that's a sign of a certain type of vitamin deficiency. Which vitamin is this, and which foods are rich in that vitamin?
Answer: It's a calcium deficiency. I have ridges in my right thumb nail. Hoping that someday the ridges will go away, as I've begun taking supplements and also am getting more calcium in my diet..
Question: Can vitamin deficiency play a role in erectile dysfunction? I was curious to know if erectile dysfunction can be caused by, or in part by vitamin deficiency. Does any doctor know anything about this? How common is erectile dysfunction in young men? (25 and under.)
Answer: Yes and no... ED in younger men is a Symptom of something else... get a check up...
Question: What vitamin deficiency causes fatigue? I had a blood test for anemia to see why i am tired but i do not have anemia. is there any other vitamin deficiency that causes fatigue?
Answer: Hey James,
Despite what your blood test for anemia showed - you may be feeling lethargic due to a drop in your B12. You do not have to be anemic by Western medicine standards to be deficient in vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is important to good health. It helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, and is also needed to make DNA, the genetic material in all cells.
Characteristic signs of B12 deficiency include fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation, flatulence (gas), loss of appetite, and weight loss. Deficiency also can lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Additional symptoms of B12 deficiency are difficulty in maintaining balance, depression, confusion, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue.
You may also want to consider the possibility that your blood sugar may be causing your fatique. If your blood sugars are moving up-and-down too quickly fatique can result. If that's the case - you may want to look into eating foods that are lower glycemic. Don't despair - you do not have diabetes. Eating low-glycemic may give you longer-lasting energy calorie-for-calorie, combatting fatique.
If you need some tips on lower glycemic foods -- please feel free to look me up on http://www.TuDiabetes.com - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes.
Best regards,
Allison Love Beatty - Founder of "Allies Voice"
Making the World Safer for People with Diabetes
Question: Everytime I feel bad at all my cat insists it is a vitamin deficiency? Is there any merit to what he says or is he full of hot air?
He says it for anything, like if I have gas it must be a vitamin deficiency, that's what he said last night
I take a general and a super b complex supplement daily
Answer: Sounds like your cat is a hippie and is into naturopathic medicine or whatever. I've gotta tell you, he sounds like a liberal, and a socialist. Could be dangerous. I'd find another one that's anti-gun control and pro-America. This will adjust the balance of cat power in your household.
Vitamin A Deficiency News