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Somogyi Phenomenon

Get the facts on Somogyi Phenomenon treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Somogyi Phenomenon prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Somogyi Phenomenon related topics. We answer all your qestions about Somogyi Phenomenon.

Question: Dawn Phenomenon & Somogyi Effect - are they same/different? What are they? Background - how these names came ?

Answer: The Dawn Phenomenon is named after the time of day it occurs, and is the body’s response to hormones released in the early morning hours. This occurs for everyone. When we sleep, hormones are released to help maintain and restore cells within our bodies. These counterregulatory hormones (growth hormone, cortisol and catecholamines) cause the glucose level to rise. For people with diabetes who do not have enough circulating insulin to keep this increase of glucose under control, the end result is a high glucose reading in the morning. The Somogyi effect is a tendency of the body to react to extremely low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) by overcompensating, resulting in high blood sugar. The Somogyi effect, also known as the "rebound" effect, was named after Michael Somogyi, the researcher who first described it.

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