Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Get the facts on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 related topics. We answer all your qestions about Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.
Question: Is diabetes mellitus type 2 the same thing as diabetes type 2? help, please :(. im a nursing student ... a new one.. and trying to do some paperwork in someone who has diabetes type 2. i keep finding stuff that comes up diabetes mellitus type 2...is it the same thing as regular diabetes type 2???? i'm confused.
Answer: yes
Question: how is diabetes mellitus type 2 associated with obescity? i would like to know the effect that extra fat has on the metabolism of glucose.
Answer: Because the extra fat is pushing on the pancreas making it hard to work, so you become resistant to the insulin. Then the insulin isn't there to lower your sugar so it gets all outa whack.
Question: statistics for diabetes mellitus type 2 in childrens of arabian gulf countries? statistics for diabetes mellitus type 2 in childrens of developing arabian gulf countries (chart)
Answer: Finding a chart for NIDDM in children for that area is going to be next to impossible. Suffice to say, you might be able to derive some useful info from this study:
Bear in mind that NIDDM is increasing in all countries and all age groups where the population is adopting the western style of living.... eating crappy prepared foods and sitting around watching TV. Also bear in mind that in civilizations that adhere to the old world way of life, natural foods and high physical activity levels, don't know what type two diabetes is.
All one has to do is look at the diets and daily activity levels of the various populations around the globe. India, in particular is an interesting study. Read this:
It's the lousy food and lack of activity, folks.
Question: Is too much sugar directly responsible for diabetes mellitus type 2? To avoid sugar after the onset of diabetes mellitus is well known... but could avoiding sugar before the onset of the disease reduce the occurence of the disease... if so whats the pathophysiology....
Answer: No, too much sugar is NOT responsible for diabetes. And after the onset of type 2 it is important to reduce carbohydrates, sugar just happens to be one. It is just as important to watch how much rice or potatoes or white bread or milk is consumed as it is sugar.
Also "Fully" needs to work on her facts and stop going to "that place where all the people go that know nothing about diabetes" because her "facts" are wrong! She may be a type 1 diabetic but that does not make her an expert on diabetes.
Type 2 is a type of diabetes mellitus and is not brought on by bad diet, obesity, lifestyle etc, but is a genetic or hereditary disease.
Question: What does obesity have to do with diabetes mellitus type 2 and why ?
Answer: Obesity is a sign that you've had "metabolic syndrome" for too long and that you're overworking your endocrine system which causes excess fat storage and "insulin resistance". For those who are genetically susceptible, you can become type two diabetic as a result. FYI, you don't have to be obese to become type two diabetic. You do have to eat a lot of crappy food, though. It's a bit more complicated than that and if you're really interested, you can read the articles in the source box below:
Question: What's the latest news on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2? When do you subject your kids for testing for diabetes? At age 40, i suffered from blurred vision and since this condition is very dangerous (i commute to and from work every day). I went to a doctor and was made to undergo test. It's at this point when i was told that i am a diabetic. It has been 3 years and taking medications has been a part of my daily routine since then. I have been very good in following my doctor but i wish to gain more updates on my ailment. I also hope there is someone who can advise on the chance of my kids inheriting diabetes (i have two kids - boys 12 and 7 y/o)
Answer: He's an answer I did not copy and paste from the Internet.
Your children will have a higher risk or Type II diabetes because it is in their family. But it can be avoided by them if they maintain healthy eating habits and stay active. They should also avoid excessive drinking later in life. They should not be at risk now unless they are obese. Type II is on the rise with our youth because of the electronic babysitter and over indulgence of junk food and soda. If you teach your children proper eating habits now they can carry that through as adults and they will be fine. Type II runs in my family - 2 uncles and my grandfather. As long as the rest of us stay active and eat healthy we will be fine.
Good luck to you and your family.
Question: Several plants are used for controlling diabetes mellitus type 2.Which are the top two plants effective? The common plants used are:bittermelon,gymnema,tinospora,margos… guard,holy fruit tree,pomegranate,holy basil,barmuda grass.indian pennywort,fenugreek etc,Which are the top two plants effective in controlling diabetes melitus type 2
Answer: Unfortunately, plants will not cure or treat diabetes.
You need medication, diet and exercise to treat diabetes.
Nothing will cure it.
Come out of the garden and go to a doctor.
Good luck.
Question: what are the normal blood glucose levels for a person with diabetes mellitus type 1 & 2? normal blood glucose levels for an average perso n is approximately 90mg/100ml. can anyone tell me the BGL for a person with diabetes mellitus?
Answer: There are various methods to determine blood glucose level. Some tests give you accurate diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes, while others will tell you how well you are managing your diabetes.
Fasting Blood Sugar Test:
Measures the blood sugar level after 8 hours fast or overnight. Normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 100mg/dl. If your fasting blood glucose level is from 100mg/dl to 125mg/dl then you will have impaired blood glucose level also known as Pre-Diabetes. If your blood glucose level is above 125mg/dl then your doctor will diagnose as a patient of diabetes. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may repeat the fasting blood glucose test on any other day. If you have blood glucose level of 126mg/dl or higher in two consecutive tests, then you may have diabetes. If you have blood glucose level greater than 200mg/dl and you have symptoms of diabetes like increased thirst or hunger, frequent urination, weight loss, blurred vision etc, then you may be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus without confirming it with second test.
Random Blood Glucose Test:
Random blood Glucose test gives your blood sugar at any time in a day. Normal random blood sugar level should be less than 200mg/dl. If your random blood glucose level is between 140mg/dl to 200mg/dl then you will have pre-diabetes.
Oral glucose tolerance test
This test measures your response to sugar. First we measure fasting blood glucose level, and then glucose solution is given, after that we measure blood glucose after 1 hour and 2hours. A normal blood glucose level after an oral glucose tolerance test is less than 140 mg/dL. Level between 140 mg/dL to 199 mg/dL suggests pre-diabetes. A blood glucose level of 200 mg/dL or higher two hours after you drink the glucose solution may suggest that you have diabetes mellitus.
Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test
This test is not for diagnosing diabetes, but it shows you how well you have controlled your sugar in last 2 or 3 months. Normal value is less than 7%, however if it is more than 7 then you and your doctor should think of changing your treatment of diabetes.
Always Remember, your blood glucose measurement alone is not enough to differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Your doctor may do some other tests to find out which type of diabetes you have.
That it , there the same.
Question: i'm not going to lie, i need homework help on the genetic basis of diabetes mellitus type 2? i need to collect some data and i need 2 good resources. if anyone can help, that would be great.
Answer: Try this article.
Question: How LADA is misdiagnosed as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?
Answer: Patients with LADA may lack some of the type 2 diabetes symptoms. These could include age, obesity, and the difficulty in achieving glycaemic control using standard oral hypoglycaemic agents. If these are lacking from diagnosis, it is quite possible that the patient has LADA. LADA is more typical of the immune markers common to type 2 diabetes, yet in its early stages does not require insulin.
Patients in the early stages of LADA may also lack ketoacidosis symptoms. However, there may be a more rapid progression to requiring insulin amongst LADA patients when compared to normal type 2 diabetics. LADA patients share features common to both type 1 and type 2 diabetics.
Much more info in link.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 News