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Multiple Sclerosis

Get the facts on Multiple Sclerosis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Multiple Sclerosis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Multiple Sclerosis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Multiple Sclerosis.

Question: What is the difference between Scoliosis and Multiple Sclerosis? One of my good friends has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. However, after researching her autoimmune disease, she believes she has Scoliosis. After reviewing both of the a. diseases, her symptoms definitely fit more into the Scoliosis category. Still though, I am having a difficult time distinguishing between the two. Update: Thank you for the responses but I assume I should be more specific. How may I decide which autoimmune d. my friend has? (Doctor would be the best option but at the current moment, money is an issue.)

Answer: You cannot tell what autoimmune disease your friend has unless you have a PhD in immunology. Multiple sclerosis can only be diagnosed by taking a picture of the brain and seeing if there is a certain type of lesion in the brain. Successive pictures (called MRIs) must be taken. Multiple sclerosis cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone since there are at least 50 symptoms of varying degrees of intensity that a person with MS can have. All these symptoms mimic other diseases and conditions. Even neurologists have a very difficult time diagnosing it. I have multiple sclerosis. It took my neurologist ten years to make a definitive diagnosis. Scoliosis and multiple sclerosis have absolutely nothing to do with one another. They are not in any way similar to one another. They don't share one symptom. One is a correctable bone malformation. The other is a immunological disease that affects the nerves.

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