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Acute Renal Failure

Get the facts on Acute Renal Failure treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Acute Renal Failure prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Acute Renal Failure related topics. We answer all your qestions about Acute Renal Failure.

Question: How long does it take a cat to die of acute renal failure? If a cat is in acute renal failure, how long until it is fatal?

Answer: Hi there... Acute Renal Failure (ARF) is characterized by an abrupt shutdown of kidney function, most often accompanied by oliguria (reduced urine production). The primary causes of ARF in cats are: urinary obstructions, infectious diseases, trauma, and the ingestion of toxins - the most common one being ethylene glycol which is contained in antifreeze. ARF is extremely serious and can quickly become fatal. Immediate veterinary treatment is imperative. Though the prognosis is usually poor, if damage has not been too severe and medical treatment is aggressive, it may be possible for normal kidney function to be restored. I will include a website about feline renal failure. Perhaps you may find it helpful. I truly hope your kitty is at the vet so that they can try to help him/her.

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