Brain Metastasis
Get the facts on Brain Metastasis treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Brain Metastasis prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Brain Metastasis related topics. We answer all your qestions about Brain Metastasis.
Question: what is the prognosis of a 66 years male with bronchogenic carcinoma and brain metastasis newly diagnosed? a lesion was found in the right apical lung, and a right frontal brain mass with the size of 3.5*3.5, the pateint generally ill, smoker.
Answer: Traditional medicine has no hope for the man. But if you are willing to go to alternative medicine, this might help--
Five hundred years ago, people said the world was flat. Today, people say that if the FDA and AMA haven't blessed something, it can't be real good. Well, here's something I know to be real AND good. It's a little different take on cancer treatment--
In 1990, I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3-B, but I've survived. My doctors were great people, but they were limited to surgery, chemo and radiation by profitable AMA treatment policy. During the year in treatment, I started learning about alternative medicine. I'm a retired engineer, and this is what I've pieced together--our IMMUNE SYSTEMS become weakened by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and reduced oxygen. Once that happens, our body becomes vulnerable to common STRESSORS. Stressors can be environmental, like viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, electromagnetic waves or pollution. They can be internal things like emotional or job stress, or poisonous people in our lives. Aging is also a contributing factor. So this means:
WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM + STRESSORS = DISEASE (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)
Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body.
It takes a LONG time, usually, or a high level of stressors, to weaken the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it will generally spread rapidly.
THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that are currently being used in Europe and around the world, and there are some great books on the subject. I know because I've read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Here's a list of the best ones. Some are out of print and getting hard to find--
"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825
"A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052
"Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701
"Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077
"The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410
"Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966
"Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518
I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) AFTER they went on programs of herbs and nutrition to restart their immune systems.
You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke, and I'm not selling anything--just trying to help.
I am using the things I learned in those books right now to fight off a second infestation of cancer. I've been at it for over a year now, and think I'm going to make it. Use what works for you, and pass on your success. Best of luck.
Question: How long does a person with lung cancer and metastasis to the brain live? Cancer diagnosed in November. 67-yr-old male smoker (quit in June)
No treatments yet
Answer: srry to hear that. i lost both parents to it dad's was caught early and had
the treatment got very sick then recovered and lived 3yrs. 2 1/2 yrs he was ok in remission then came back second treatment gave him heart attack he never recovered, He opted against medical advice for a last ditch treatment which likely killed him a few weeks earlier;
Mom's "Dr" had his head up his *** and she went months wo diagnosis. It was finally caught by accident by another dr who saw something on the edge of xray. That moron finally realised was not a nerve disorder and ordered the wrong tests his nurse then lost the results more bureacracy more delays cancer spreading finally treatment starts it was rough. Mom with coaching from the so called professionals gave up and was allowed to starve to death. my friends and family pressured me not to take legal action and respect her wishes. I will never know if it was right thing to do
Sorry for ramble to answer ur question mom lasted bout 6 weeks after
spread to brain but she would have had months if the feeding was done. Maybe years if had been treated properly that Dr and others who caused this are alive because i promised mom i would be ok and that does not include prison or worse
Question: What is the life expectancy of a stage four lung cancer patient with metastasis to brain and liver?
This is small cell carcinoma.
Thank you. God Bless you and your work. The website helped, too.
Answer: There are so many other things that factor into a life expectancy besides the actual diagnosis. For example, the will to hang on, family or friends who are unaccepting or unable to come to terms with the impending death, faith in God-or lack of, unresolved issue or affairs not in order......you get the idea. Often, people will succomb to complications from their disease first. (In this case, an example would be pneumonia, organ failure, sepsis...) No one can give you the "real" answer your looking for. But, the diagnosis you mentioned does not give you long. I am an oncology nurse, and I have seen people linger far longer than anticipate (and beyond most odds), and people who leave so much sooner than thought. I can tell you it is an important time to speak what's in your heart and help the person who is dying find a sense of peace. If this is a person who is close to you, there will also be an important time to tell them it's ok to go. I'm so sorry that this has touched your life, I know what a hard journey lies ahead. I hope you peace and comfort in knowing that the human spirit lives on......and they never really leave us. They just get to the next place a little sooner. God bless you and yours.
Question: what to expect in the final stages of brain cancer (metastasis)? my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in her lungs, hips, spine, liver, esophagus, stomach, scapula, and brain. she was given two weeks to live as of 10 days ago. she is home with hospice, and has signed a living will. she has had no food or water in the past 5 days. she is on pain medicines for pain, but i was wondering what is to come. i don't think it can be much worse that it's already been. what can i do be more prepared?? what will be the next stage, and what do i look for to know when her time here with us is getting close to the end?
her breathing has already starting going irregular. she will go about 10-15 seconds without breathing, and then catch her breath. her feet have started to turn a blue tint. all these things together, i know the end is close. she will still respond with a hand movement to let me know she understands me. she has told me through hand movements that her stomach and hips hurt, so i was scared that the pain medicines were not working.
Answer: sounds like the angels will be coming for her soon...
Question: pathophysiology of endometrial cancer stage IV with brain metastasis?
Answer: Endometrial (uterine) cancer is cancerous growth of the lining of the uterus.It mainly occurs after menopause.
Epidemiology-25% premenopausal and 75% postmenopausal. The most affected group is between 50-59.
Pathophysiology- Increase in natural estrogen levels. Histopathology is usually an endometrial adenocarcinoma. It appears as a background of endometrial hyperplasia . Tumor cells are atypical and form irregular glands with multiple lumens. The stroma is reduced.; producing back to back aspect With evolution of the disease; the myometrium, the outer lining is infiltrated.
Risk Factors:Obesity ->30lbs or 14kg.. Women with excess fats produce more estrogen. Fat converts certain hormones into a form of estrogen. Diabetes and hypertension. These conditions are usually associated with obesity. Other cancers, such as colon cancers, and breast Ca.
In Race. White women have a higher risk than black.
Nulliparity, when a woman never became pregnant, infertility, early menarche,first menstruation and late menopause. Post menopausal women who use estrogen replacement therapy.
Use of Tamoxifen, drug used for breast
cancer.This drug tends to have estrogen like effects on the uterus.
Women who use birth control pills that have a combination of estrogen and progesterone are at lesser risks. The progesterone protects the endometrium from the cancer causing effect of the estrogen.
Stages of endometrial cancer:
Endometrial carcinoma is surgically staged using the FIGO cancer staging system.
Stage IA: tumor is limited to the endometrium
Stage IB: invasion of less than half the myometrium
Stage IC: invasion of more than half the myometrium
Stage IIA: endocervical glandular involvement only
Stage IIB: cervical stromal invasion
Stage IIIA: tumor invades serosa or adnexa, or malignant peritoneal cytology
Stage IIIB: vaginal metastasis
Stage IIIC: metastasis to pelvic or para-aortic lymph nodes
Stage IVA: invasion of the bladder or bowel
Stage IVB: distant metastasis, including intraabdominal or inguinal lymph nodes
The only treatment is surgery. Abdominal Hysterectomy is recommended over vaginal hysterectomy. It affords opportunity to examine and obtin washings of abdominal cavity to detect further evidence of Ca. Lymphadenectomy or removal of pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes is considered esp for Stage 3 and 4, where the lymph nodes are involved. Surgery with radiation is advised for Stage 1 and 2. Surgery plus chemotherapy is advised in severe cases as in Stage 3 and 4.
Survival rates:
The 5-year survival rate for endometrial cancer following appropriate treatment is:
75% to 95% for stage 1
50% for stage 2
30% for stage 3
less than 5% for stage 4
The picture here is very dim if the disease is not detected early. So regular check ups with pap smears is recommended. I hope you don't have this dreaded and awful disease. But if you do or know somebody who does, don't delay, go for surgery and chemotherapy. If it has metastasized to the brain, that means other organs are also affected.
Question: Breast Cancer and Metastasis to Brain? I have some questions. My mother had breast cancer 10 years ago and the treatment she followed was surgery (only a slice of her breast), it was followed by radiotherapy and ended with chemiotherapy. Six months ago another tumor was found on her breast and the treatment followed was surgery (whole left breast removal) and chemiotherapy. Two days ago she had strong headache and after a scann of her head, a metastasis was found. She cannot move her right arm and leg. My father somehow hides information to me. My mother is 66 years old. I don't know where in the head is located.
I have few cold questions.
- I heard the size of the tumor is about 4 centimeters. I am not sure if that is the blood that exploded of the tumor or the tumor itself. If that is the tumor, is that considered big?
- I heard surgery is not an option, so she will go for radiology. Is brain metastais painfull to her? Is she going to recover movement on her arm and leg?
- What is life expectancy in months or years after radiology?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Can doctors may not seen the tumor in the brain after the last chemotherapy?
If is a primary, can it grow that fast? I mean, the hair is just growing back.. slower than the tumor then.
What is easier to fight, a metastasis from breast to brain, or a primary in brain?
Answer: 4 centimeters is considered large.
Brain mets are not typically painful.
There is a good chance she will regain movement in her arm and leg once the tumor has shrunk, as it is often the pressure, due to limited space in the skull that causes the symptoms.
Your last question is the hardest to answer partially because there isn’t enough information, but primarily because I don’t think it is metastatic disease. All cancer patients have metastatic workup before chemo is started. If she had brain mets they would have been found then. The only way they could have been missed is if they were too small.
During the months that followed your mom was undergoing chemo, so obviously metastatic disease or not, this tiny little tumor grew very fast and quite large. This behavior coupled with the fact is was not all affected by chemo for breast cancer indicates it is not metastatic from the breast. I suspect it is a brain primary.
I know this is probably not what you expected to hear and probably causes more questions for you than I was able to answer. I think if you want accurate information and answers you are going to have to speak directly to your mother’s oncologist. Best wishes.
Question: what is the latest treatment for small cell carcinoma of the lung with brain and bone metastases? Patient is a 59 year old miner, with pet dogs which recently died of unknown disease... 40 pack years of smoking history...
Answer: Most likely the patient will recieve chemotherapy, radiation and medications such as, pain medication, steriods (to decrease swelling in the brain caused by tumor). That is if the patient decides this route, or there is hospice where the patient decides to live what is left of there life without treatment and just controll symptoms such as pain. Hospice will keep them comfortable, but does not aim at treatment so no chemotherapy or radiation.
Question: if someone has brain Metastases what should be done?
Answer: There is the possiblity that radiation and/or chemotherapy might slow down the progression, maybe even surgery if the tumor can be reached and is small enough to make the surgery worth while. Much depends on how invasive the cancer is in the brain and elsewhere in the body. Sometimes a known metastatic tumor may not have spread elsewhere in it's early detection.
There are several different factors to consider. Can the brain tumor be treated for cure or to prolong quality life? What other areas has the cancer spread to if any? The oncologist can give you the best answers of how invasive the cancer is and if there is anything to be done. The person with the cancer has to make the decision to accept or deny possible treatment based on the information and the prognosis. The people who love and care about this person should abide by the decisions made. If the cancer is prognosed terminal in weeks or months, then Hospice at home or in a hospice facility is a wonderful choice for patient and family support.
Question: why does Lung CA usually spread to the brain, thereby producing brain tumor? Bronchogenic carcinoma with brain metastasis
Answer: Not all types of lung cancer travel to the brain. My mom just recently died of lung cancer, and i am a medical lab technologist and a homecare nurse. My mothers was a mass tumor in her left lung then it spread to her lymph nodes which is very common then to her bones, not all progress to the brain.
Check out this site
it explains how your type of cancer spreads through the body, and it will give you a more detailed picture of what is going on with your cells.
God Bless ya
Question: Is there hope for survival of my mother having metastasis breast cancer alongwith ulcerated growth in breast? my mother was detected breast cancer 4 years ago, she was taking ayurvedic medicines and living a healthy life,but just 4months back she got an ulcerated growth in breast which is now open and doctors say its a metastasis stage cancer has spread to liver, bones,brain.She is HER-2 positive, but still doctors say we cannot give any treatment to her.Shud we keep watching her die like this or can we do something please help me to save my mother.
Answer: Yes she can still be treated. What kind of doctor is she going to?!
I don’t know why she did not get treatment 4 years ago and of course this is why the disease has progressed to the point it is no longer curable, but she can still survive many years with proper treatment.