
- I am suffering for prostatic cancer for more than 6 years, I have read your website about medicine Colloidal s
- What is prostatic cancer? How does it happen?
- How long does someone have to live if they have metastatic prostatic cancer?
- masterbateing linked to prostatic cancer?
- can prostatic cancer prisent as early as in early 20s ? please i want the answer from experient doctor?
- Does the presence of prostatic intrapithelial neoplasia mean that cancer is inevitable?
- my father, 77, healthy ,controlled diabetic diagonised with bladder prostatic cancer, need advice for treatmnt
- is there a way or guideline for prostatic care to prevent occurence of cancer?
- Specific prostatic antigen... surgery?
- Any opinions on this?Please no haters!?
- I am suffering for prostatic cancer for more than 6 years, I have read your website about medicine Colloidal s
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.?
- Finasteride (propecia, proscar) !? Pharmacologists, doctors, biochemists, balding guys, etc. HELP!?
Prostatic Cancer
Get the facts on Prostatic Cancer treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Prostatic Cancer prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Prostatic Cancer related topics. We answer all your qestions about Prostatic Cancer.
Question: I am suffering for prostatic cancer for more than 6 years, I have read your website about medicine Colloidal s how much the amount of this medicine? can I buy this medicine here in Cagayan de oro city? Do I need to consult my doctor regarding this medicine before taking it?
Answer: Why chance it. Prostate cancer is the slowest growing cancer. However, I would get a biopsy done, and possibly think of having my prostate removed. I am a prostate cancer survivor for four years. Thank God I had the sense to get the operation. Live for your family and other people who love you. Do not take the chance on unproven methods.
Question: What is prostatic cancer? How does it happen?
Answer: Like any cancer, it occurs in stages, it is when a tumour (abnormal cells that just continue to divide and divide) mestasises and grows.
Prostatic cancer is simply this type of tumour that has affected the male prostate gland.
Question: How long does someone have to live if they have metastatic prostatic cancer? My dad was diagnosed with metastatic prostatic cancer on Sept 25, 2007. He did radiation treatment but the doctor said that it was too late for any treatments. Now he is just taking pain killers to help with the pain in his bones. The doctor said that the cancer is spreading so fast as of last Friday and now is in his shoulders. The cancer has spread in his bones and other parts of his bodies. My questions is how long does he have to live now? What can we do to soothe the pain and help him right now?
Thank you in advance to anyone who helps.
Answer: Once cancer spreads to the bones it can be excruciating. We often put patients on morphine pumps to control the pain, then use things like Fentanyl patches and Oxycontin. Honestly nobody can predict when your father could pass away. I would suggest you ask your doctor for a hospice consultation. Hospice is a wonderful thing for patients who have terrible pain from cancer. He could even receive hospice care in his home and would pass away as comfortably as possible. I would not continue chemo and radiation. Often patients will die from chemo related complications and it isn't very nice. I know I would much prefer to be in my own home than die in the hospital from pneumonia. Plus chemo can cause thrush, weight loss, nausea, weakness, kidney failure, and low blood counts. Once you're past a certain stage in cancer the chemo isn't worth it.
See if hospice care is right for you. I know many families say it was wonderful to have the support of hospice nurses and to know their loved one was kept comfortable. Good luck in whatever your family may choose.
Question: masterbateing linked to prostatic cancer? hello, i REALLY need someone to answer this im scared.
ive been masterbating once a day average since about the age of 7 i dunno how i found out how, but anyway i just turned 13 now and i did some research and im not really sure of theis things
is masterbating bad for you in ANY way?
should i stop?
can i get cancer?
and also i noticed a few very small lumps on my right testicle(sorry 4 the details) and it sometimes has a dull ach around that aria PLEASE i really need an answer.
thanks for all your help and the lumps are really small like a small bead or something
Answer: No it's not in any way.
No your shouldn't
No you can't
How can masturbation be bad? Your body doesn't know if you are having sex or masturbating, and you can't get cancer from sex.
if the bumps are at the top and to the back of the testicle don't worry about it that's normal, but if it's in the front or something you might want to get a doctor to look at it. IT's probably nothing tho.
Also studies have proved that boys/men who ejaculate 21 times per month or more have a lesser chance of getting prostate cancer.
Masturbation is healthy for you, never bad.
Masturbation also inhances immune function, so you might not get as sick as often. (same with sex) it's great for you health.
Question: can prostatic cancer prisent as early as in early 20s ? please i want the answer from experient doctor?
note/ could it happen if PSA level is 1ng/dl
Answer: the earliest i have seen is 31. he had a hormone imbalance and a strong family history.
his symptoms were pain and difficulty urinating. his cancer was very agressive but treated successfully because he was young and healthy. (it contained surgery on prostate and lungs and chemo)
Question: Does the presence of prostatic intrapithelial neoplasia mean that cancer is inevitable? PSA increased from 4.4 to 7.7 in a three month period. Age 59. Free PSA is 14.
Answer: huh?
Question: my father, 77, healthy ,controlled diabetic diagonised with bladder prostatic cancer, need advice for treatmnt
Answer: Your question is a little vague, does your father have bladder or prostate cancer? The treatment will differ based on the disease. It also matters what stage the disease is. In either case, if it is advanced disease, spread outside the organ, chemotherapy should be used (combined with hormonal therapy in prostate cancer).
In localized bladder cancer, placing drug (BCG) into the bladder is often used. In addition, local therapy through the urethra to remove lesions can be utilitized. Depending on how advanced the disease is, a cystectomy (removing the bladder) could be done.
Prostate cancer is the same, early disease could be either surgery, radiation (external or seeds) or, in someone your father's age and depending on the pathology of the lesion, a "watch and wait" approach could be taken. More advanced disease would be treated with hormonal therapy and eventually adding chemotherapy.
Question: is there a way or guideline for prostatic care to prevent occurence of cancer?
Answer: 1. Do not forget your sensual activities. Its way of release. Add yellow corn to your diet as it is one cure of prostrate gland. East vegetables.
Question: Specific prostatic antigen... surgery? My dad has a mild high level of SPA (6ng/ml) he is 65 years old, he went with the urologist who recommended a biopsy (abnormal findings at rectal exam), then another urologist recommended a radical prostatectomy, he has no symptoms, but he had a brother who died of prostatic cancer... The family is divided, my dad is worried, some clues?
Answer: I would opt for a biopsy. This can be done in a urologists office or out-patient facility with light sedation. Ten to fifteen samples are taken and sent to the pathologist. If no cancer is detected, repeat the PSA in 6 months.
Before undergoing any type of prostatectomy, wouldn't you first look for spread to bone or lymph nodes? Why do radical surgery when the tumor is already spread?
My understanding is that spread of prostate ca outside the prostate is very uncommon if the PSA is below 10. Some say below 20,
Finally, why a radical prostatectomy if the ca is confined? I would think robotic surgery would be best procedure. Otherwise implantation of radio-pharmaceuticals.
This is a complex subject. A patient urologist needs to take time to explain the options your dad has. I don't know what induced the second urologist to recommend a radical prostatectomy, but from the info you gave us, it's a radical recommendation.
Question: Any opinions on this?Please no haters!? It is no longer medically justifiable to castrate dogs for prevention of cancer. The overwhelming mass of data to the contrary can no longer be ignored, and publications are out there so that no veterinarian can use the excuse of ignorance. Castration predisposes to highly malignant prostatic cancer. Nearly all dogs afflicted with this nasty tumor are neutered individuals. Testicular cancers are very rare and almost always benign. Perianal adenoma can be treated by castration if and when it arises. It too is benign although messy.
I have always held that male-to-male dog-to-dog aggression is the only justification for castration. Many owners wish to castrate their male puppies thinking that all sorts of behavioral problems will be solved. Such as roaming. Most of these behaviors can only be altered by husbandry and training. Others are convinced that by castrating their dog, they will be doing the right thing regarding 'population control' - the fact is, males do not have puppies, females do. Castration is the search for the "quick fix" for people who don't wish to invest the time and effort necessary to care for their dogs properly. And, it may help; if not, the obesity which develops may achieve the desired effect.
With large breeds, early castration often results in an animal with an insufficient breadth of chest for orthopedic health. Seeing the number of giant breeds that I do, I am very aware of the tragic effects of castration on young males. The narrow chests which result are inadequate to support the weight that so many neutered animals, male or female, put on. These dogs then have to develop a 'toe-out' stance, with valgus deformity of the carpus, in an attempt to broaden their base for weight bearing. Once you've seen the harm caused by this practice in person, you quickly change that 'knee-jerk' reaction so often seen, of 'neuter everything that breathes'. If you do choose to castrate your male dog, by all means wait until he is at least one year old for small to medium size breeds, or at least 2 years old for giant breeds.
Answer: I agree with you 100%!!! Castration is the remedy in here for every behavior problem known to man kind.
The irresponsible people that the neuter and spay police are trying to get through to will never listen and the rest of us know how to keep dogs under control. In 30 years of training dogs and having had hundreds come through my hands, I have never had a single dog get accidentally pregnant!
I have also never has an animal fixed simply to make my life easier and take away my responsibilities.
I have owned a dog that was neutered before I got him and I can tell you that he has many problems that he would not have had he not been neutered!
Hope I helped!
Question: I am suffering for prostatic cancer for more than 6 years, I have read your website about medicine Colloidal s how much the amount of this medicine? can I buy this medicine here in Cagayan de oro city? Do I need to consult my doctor regarding this medicine before taking it?
Answer: yes talk to your dr before you do that. ask him if its ok to try the stuff you want and that you just want to do all you can to get better.. good luck
Question: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.? I have been told that I have an enlarged prostate. I have had problems with it since my mid 20s. I am now only 28.
Should I get a tested regularly for cancer or should I not worry about that until I am older.
Please leave sources.
Answer: All of that and still no answer to your question!
You are very young to have BPH so I understand your concern. Prostate cancer in older men do far better than younger men and young in prostate cancer terms is under 55. I’m sorry I don’t have a resource to send you to. I am answering based on my experience dealing with cancer cases everyday and having an ex-husband who is a urologist. It doesn’t hurt to be tested periodically so I would do it, but I wouldn’t spend time worrying about it either. You may want to consider clinical trials for young men with BPH. This way you will be followed closely by doctors who are very interested in prostate cancer and are researching it. This way if you should get it, especially if you are young, it gives you the best chance of overcoming it.
Question: Finasteride (propecia, proscar) !? Pharmacologists, doctors, biochemists, balding guys, etc. HELP!? I'm taking finasteride currently to combat the onsetting effects of androgenetic alopecia which has been bestowed upon my family like some kind curse out of hell. Anyways, I was wondering if it matters at all if one takes propecia or proscar. I USED to take propecia 1 mg, specifically marketed for male-pattern hairloss but NOW I am taking proscar 5 mg, which is marketed for preventing the development of prostatic cancer. I use a pill splitter to cut one 5 mg pill into two 2.5 mg halves. My actual concern resides in the cutting of the pill. I use one 2.5 mg half each day, leaving the other half in the blister pack, which is obviously now ruptured exposing the ingredients of the pill to the atmosphere for around 24 hours. Is this OK!?!? I mean, is there any denaturing of the ingredients or diminishing of their effects occuring when exposing this cut pill to oxygenation? Is it still effective? It's cheaper to cut proscar and cut it up than it is to buy propecia and swallow it whole. Help.
Answer: The cutting is fine.