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Papillary Tumors

Get the facts on Papillary Tumors treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Papillary Tumors prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Papillary Tumors related topics. We answer all your qestions about Papillary Tumors.

Question: Why would a thyroid tumor have both papillary and follicular cells? My friend was just dx'd w/ thyroid cancer. She had surgery to remove the 1.2 centimeter tumor in the middle of her thyroid. 3 of the 6 lymph nodes that were taken were found to also have cancer. Why would her tumor be both papillary AND follicular? What does that mean for her?

Answer: Thyroid cancer is not rare. It's the easiest to cure. I am surprised they did not take all the thyroid. All this means is the thyroid cancer went into the nodes. I had thyroid cancer the same kind with lymph nodes also cancer seeded with thyroid. I was given after surgery, radio-active iodine in large doses to get rid of all thyroid cancer several times. And yes you are radio-active to others. You stay away from children, women who are prego. It's not as bad as you think I am still here and trust my doctor to do his best for me. I sure will be praying for your friend. Now smile people do care.

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