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De Lange Syndrome

Get the facts on De Lange Syndrome treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, De Lange Syndrome prevention, screening, research, statistics and other De Lange Syndrome related topics. We answer all your qestions about De Lange Syndrome.

Question: Does anyone have a child born with De lange syndrome with severe retardation if so tell me the outcome?

Answer:… Above is some basic information. the syndrome is genetic in nature and can affect hearing, vision, physical development, and intelluct. another site told me that the syndrome can be mild or very severe, so it will be necessary to evaluate each child invidually. Persons with profound and severe mental retardation are often educated all or partially in a self-contained environment, have lots of trouble with daily living skills (dressing, eating, toileting) communication, and academics. They can learn, but it's more of a struggle for them. It is rare that they will ever live indepdently or unsupervised and their employment is often in sheltered workshops. I hope this helps. Lots of the outcome depends on the individual child, the family he or she is born into, the educational opportunities, and the nature of early intervention.

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