Get the facts on Vitiligo treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Vitiligo prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Vitiligo related topics. We answer all your qestions about Vitiligo.
Question: How can I stop vitiligo patches from expanding? Its on my face, please help? I developed vitiligo 2 years ago, I was prescribed some creams and my face went back to normal. I am still using the creams but the white patches are developing again. How can I stop it? Thank you for your answers.
Answer: In case the disease is active and u have new lesions or extension of the old lesion, the 1st priority should be to arrest the progression of the disease.This can be done by using Levamisol in a dose of 150 mg on two consecutive days per week if the disease is limited and spreading very slowly or corticosteroid in a dose of 5 mg Betamethasone as a single dose after breakfast on two consecutive days per week if the disease is extensive and spreading very fast.Arrest of the disease is progressively achieved within one to two months.With the control of the activity of the disease most of the patients tend to develop repigmentation of the existing lesions even without any additional treatment.Repigmentation, however,can be stimulated with topical or systemic psoralens followed by exposure to ultravoilet A from an artificial lamp or sunlight.
Before using any of these treatment go to your dermatologist first...Hope this helps you out.
(medical student of 4th year)
Question: What is the best Camouflage cream to cover Vitiligo? My beautiful wife has got Vitiligo (she is losing the skin pigment in her skin) and it is really getting her down. What is the best camouflage cream for her to use. If you have used some for Vitiligo or to cover a tattoo or scar, what did you use and what did you think of it?
thank you in advance for you help.
Answer: I've got Vitiligo on my arms and shoulders. It also shows through my hair (It's brown with a white streak).
I've never done anything to cover it, it's nothing to be ashamed of or feel awkward about.
Your wife is beautiful anyway!
Question: What is an effective treatment for vitiligo? My wife has small vitiligo spots (white spots with no skin pigmentation) on her legs. They are minor but they make her very self conscious, and she has to use coverup makeup whenever she wears a skirt that hits near or above her knees. Also, no Micheal Jackson jokes. She is using an herbal supplement called Kalawala, but if it is working, it is extremely slow. Does anyone know of any other treatments that have been shown to be effective?
Answer: hi are you shur its vitiligo?
have she seen a dermatologist?
not all tiny spots are vitiligo.
i have vitligo and i get tinea versicolor usually in the summer.
check our tinea versicolor and see if its similar to what your wife has.
as for covering it up, sorry there are hardly any cures for vitiligo and some remedies take months even years with no progress at all
i tried using make up too, it doesnt work, shell just have to get over it, i have it on my knees and feet and trust me i hate wearing shorts in summer and im only 19.
so when summer gets here im going to be a little shy but ill get over it, because hey dont worry about what other people think, no one is perfect!
good luck!
Question: Is there any professional treatment for vitiligo in India ? I have heard that there is a good treatment for vitiligo in India . Can anyone tell me more about this ?
Answer: No, it isn't proven treatment.
There is no known cure for vitiligo. However, treatment may help to improve your skin’s appearance by:
* restoring pigment, or colour, to your skin, and
* helping to control the spread of the condition.
Treatment for vitiligo is not always successful. See the Complications section for more information about this.
Treatment from your GP
If you have new white patches on your skin that do not cover a large area, your GP may prescribe a corticosteroid (steroid) cream. This can sometimes stop the spread of the patches, and may restore your original skin colour.
Your GP will tell you how to apply the cream to the patches and how much you should apply.
The strength of the steroid cream may vary, depending on where your white patches are. For example, your GP may prescribe:
* a mild cream for patches on your face, or
* a stronger cream for patches on your upper body, arms or legs.
Initially, your GP may advise you to use the cream for between four to six weeks. Steroid cream should only be used for a limited time because long-term use may cause side effects such as: * streaks, or lines, in your skin (striae), or * thinning of your skin (atrophy).
Other mainstream treatments...
Topical psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA). This option, which is also called photochemotherapy, may be effective for you if less than 20 percent of your body has depigmented patches. You'll have to visit the doctor once or twice a week for treatment.
Oral psoralen photochemotherapy, or oral PUVA. If you have depigmented areas that cover more than 20 percent of your body, your doctor may recommend oral psoralen. For this treatment, you take the oral psoralen about two hours before exposure to UVA light.
Narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) therapy. Narrowband UVB, a special form of UVB light, is an alternative to PUVA.
Depigmentation. Depigmentation may be an option for you if you have vitiligo that covers more than half of your skin. Depigmentation therapy lightens the unaffected parts of your skin to match the areas that have already turned white.
there is more information on the second link
Question: Need to find a make-up for vitiligo that is not heavy or thick but with good cover? I want a make-up for covering up vitiligo that looks natural , not like I have on thick heavy make-up. It needs to look like the right color and have the right tone.
Answer: Derma Blend is good but is is like pancake makeup... Bare Essentuals covers great, is all natural minerals and will hide vitiligo nicely!
Question: Does anyone know what the product is that JcPenny sales for covering up Vitiligo? This is perhaps the most important question I will ask. But does anyone know the product that JcPenny makes/and sales to cover up vitiligo. My sister has it and it's killing her emotionally. Help.
Answer: Dermablend Cover Cosmetics
Question: Anyone have tips on what make-up to use to cover up vitiligo? I have had vitiligo for about 14 years (im 17) and although it has never bothered me much, I'm curious about makeup products which cover vitiligo up. Anyone know of any makeup products that are good at covering up vitiligo? My normal skin color is light brown in the winter and slightly darker in the summer.
Answer: can you help me think i have vitiligo i have these little spots that glow in the black light so if you have a serious comment look it up on my questions profile
please please please help
i cant get any sleep over this!
Question: Is laser surgery good for vitiligo treatment or any other treatment available for vitiligo? I want to know that Is laser surgery good for vitiligo treatment or any other treatment available for vitiligo skin disorder.
Answer: laser surgery is not considered a good vitiligo treatment. we should use any treatment for any disease which have no side effects so as far i know that herbal treatments has no side effects. I know an antivitiligooil which an effective herbal solution for vitiligo treatment i no many vitiligo patients who has used anti vitiligo oil and are happy with its positive results look for more info http://www.antivitiligooil.com/
Question: Has anyone tried a treatment for Vitiligo that actually worked? Has anyone ever tried or know of a treatment that at least works a bit for Vitiligo?
Answer: Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells (melanocytes) that produce the pigment melanin which colors the skin.
In Vitiligo, the special skin cells (melanocytes) as well as the tissues (mucous membranes) that line the inside of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas, and the retina of the eyes are destroyed. As a result, white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. The hair may also turn white that grows in areas affected by vitiligo.
What causes vitiligo?
There are several theories regarding the cause of vitiligo (http://www.antivitiligo.com) but the actual cause is not fully known. According to one theory, people with vitiligo develop antibodies that, turn upon them and destroy their own melanocytes instead of protecting them. There is another theory according to which the melanocytes somehow attack and destroy themselves. Finally, some people with vitligo have reported that a single event such as severe sunburn or an episode of emotional distress is the main cause of this order. Scientifically, events of this nature have not been accepted as the main cause of vitiligo. These are merely coincidences.
Who is affected by vitiligo?
The number of people affected by vitiligo disorder ranges from 40-50 million. It forms about 1 to 2% of people in the world. 2 to 5 million people have the disorder in the United States alone.
Vitiligo affects all races and both sexes equally and ninety-five percent of its victims are below the age of 40.
What is the association of vitiligo with autoimmune disease?
In Autoimmune diseases, a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or tissues. Vitiligo is found to be more common in people with certain autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune diseases that are associated with vitiligo include: hyperthyroidism (over activity of the thyroid gland), adrenocortical insufficiency (the adrenal gland does not produce enough of the hormone corticosteroid), alopecia areata (patches of baldness), and pernicious anemia (a low level of red blood cells caused by the failure of the body to absorb vitamin B12).
Is vitiligo inherited?
Vitiligo may be hereditary in some cases. Children of vitiligo affected parents are more likely to develop vitiligo disorder. However, most children will not get vitilgo even if a parent has it. Also most people with vitiligo do not have a family history of the disorder.
Large number of inherited disorders are associated with vitiligo. They include: albinism of the ocular type, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome, congenital deafness with vitilego and achalasia, dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria, ermine phenotype, familial histiocyctic reticulosis, kabuki syndrome, and the syndrome of spastic paraparesis, vitiligo, premature graying and characteristic facies.
What are the symptoms of vitiligo?
White patches (depigmentation) on the skin are the foremost symbol of vitiligo. These patches are more common in sun-exposed areas, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas are the armpits and groin, and around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, and genitals.
Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns: focal pattern, segmental pattern and generalized pattern. In focal pattern, the depigmentation is limited to one or only a few areas. In segmental pattern, depigmented patches are developed on only one side of the body. But in the generalized pattern, depigmentation occurs on different parts of the body.
Question: Can tanning actually help white people with vitiligo in some cases? Well im not sure yet if i do have vitiligo but i do have a couple white patches which i had last winter but then over summer i dont remember seeing them at all....
Answer: it may help but it could have been something that has recently developed, in that case it might not. you could try using
it should help lighten it.
but you should go to a doctor and get it checked out though just to make sure it isnt anything serious. hope this helps : )
Question: vitiligo?? I've had vitiligo for about 12 years. I feel like I'm alone with this disease. Does anyone else have it?
Answer: Our million of population is suffering from vitiligo.
The number of people affected by vitiligo disorder ranges from 40-50 million(according to the source). It forms about 1 to 2% of people in the world. 2 to 5 million people have the disorder in the United States alone.
Vitiligo affects all races and both sexes equally and ninety-five percent of its victims are below the age of 40.
Question: Does anyone know of a good vitiligo diet and also recipes to follow that diet? Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and responds well to ayurvedic treatment, provided a strict dietary regime is followed. Is anyone, especially from India, aware of a good dietary recommendation for vitiligo and also recipes to adapt to the dietary restrictions?
Answer: Hi
You can check on http://vitiligoforum.com where there are number of discussions on the diet which the vitiligo sufferers have followed and have achieved some results by having extra vitamins and supplements, following strict vegan diet.
In general the vegeterian diet is more suitable for vitiligo.
Question: I have vitiligo and want to bleach my skin - good idea or bad? I am of mixed race and have vitiligo around my eyes, mouth neck and all over my hands.
Answer: I too have vitoligo and have had it for almost 20 years (since I was 7). It has covered about 80% of my body and honestly it tends to come and go as it pleases.(for me anyway) It sounds like you don't have much of it on you so I would suggest you speak with a dermatologist and find out what other options you have other than bleaching you whole body. There is a treatment I used to do twice a week when I was younger. I would have to take a pill an hour before my treatment (I don't remember the name of the pill but it was a little green one) and then head over to the physical therapy dept. at my local hospital where they would give me what they called "ultraviolet light treatment". The device that they used was like a tanning bed but it was vertical and the therapist would set the temp. and I would have to stand it there for approx. 3-5 minutes with my eyes closed. (since I too have it around my eyes) Then afterwards I couldn't go out into the sunlight for at least 18-24 hours. It did allow a lot of my skin to recover to its natural olive color after just a few months and has lasted until recently. Now mind you, this was back in 93-94 so I'm sure they still have this treatment or even an upgraded version of it. I hope this helps!!
Question: Where can I buy tanning lotion or spray in Metro Manila, Philippines to cover my vitiligo spots on my hands? Kindly include the place/store where I can buy them, the price, etc.
If you can recommend other products that can conceal my white spots(vitiligo) that will not stain my shirt or pants, please let me know. many thanks.
Answer: Try Hawaiian Tropic royal tanning blend. It is available at the cosmetic counter of SM malls. I just cannot remember the price. Just follow the instructions on the bottle.
Question: Can somebody shar me it´s case about how did someone suffer vitiligo? Tell me what u know about how did u get vitiligo, for example a car accident maybe.
Sorry i wrote shar, i mean share me
Answer: Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells (melanocytes) that produce the pigment melanin which colors the skin.
In Vitiligo, the special skin cells (melanocytes) as well as the tissues (mucous membranes) that line the inside of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas, and the retina of the eyes are destroyed. As a result, white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. The hair may also turn white that grows in areas affected by vitiligo.
Question: Is there any new treatment for Vitiligo in America? I suffer from vitiligo and I'm looking for any hope that vitiligo can be cured especially in America.If yes,please,tell me everything and if there is any hope.
Answer: Well there is currently no cure for Vitligo. However, you can bleach your skin to make it completely white, or I heard that there is this treatment that is like a chemical and it goes on the affected area (obviously by a doctor) but only if you have depigmentation on less that 50 percent of your body. Good Luck!