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Question: How can I stop vitiligo patches from expanding? Its on my face, please help? I developed vitiligo 2 years ago, I was prescribed some creams and my face went back to normal. I am still using the creams but the white patches are developing again. How can I stop it? Thank you for your answers.

Answer: In case the disease is active and u have new lesions or extension of the old lesion, the 1st priority should be to arrest the progression of the disease.This can be done by using Levamisol in a dose of 150 mg on two consecutive days per week if the disease is limited and spreading very slowly or corticosteroid in a dose of 5 mg Betamethasone as a single dose after breakfast on two consecutive days per week if the disease is extensive and spreading very fast.Arrest of the disease is progressively achieved within one to two months.With the control of the activity of the disease most of the patients tend to develop repigmentation of the existing lesions even without any additional treatment.Repigmentation, however,can be stimulated with topical or systemic psoralens followed by exposure to ultravoilet A from an artificial lamp or sunlight. Before using any of these treatment go to your dermatologist first...Hope this helps you out. Fatima (medical student of 4th year)

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