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Question: Home-Removal for Skin Tags....? I have found a skin tag, or an acrochordon, in a very sensitive place. (Sensitive meaning to touch, and also as in sensitive to discuss/treat, if you know what I mean...). I have never noticed it before, for all I know it might be recent, and it hasn't bothered me. But quite frankly it looks disgusting, and I want it removed. I don't want a docotor to do it because I don't want to spend the $50-200 dollars an appointment would cost and I'm interested in getting rid of it myself. I was wondering if anyone could suggest ways to remove it in a relatively painless fashion. Has anyone ever tied a skin tag with string yourself and have it fall off that way? How much does this hurt? Infection? I have also almost cut it off twice myself, but am worried about how much it will hurt. Has anyone done this? How much does this hurt? Once again, is there risk of infection? Ways of treating it while it heals? Any help is greatly appreciated. I feel incredibly self-conscious about it, even though no one will see it, and I want it GONE! Doctor, not docotor. Haha.

Answer: My mother in law said if you tie a thread around them they'll fall off in a few days. I've never tried it personally so I don't know for sure.

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