Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Get the facts on Polymyalgia Rheumatica treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Polymyalgia Rheumatica prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Polymyalgia Rheumatica related topics. We answer all your qestions about Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
Question: i need info about post polio syndrome and polymyalgia rheumatica? I have both of these diseases and i need help in how to live with them.post polio says conserve to preserve, polymyalgia rheumatica excersize to keep muscles from atrophy I also have emphisemia and c.o.p.d.
what can I do and where can I get help from both of these serious deseases i am having sergery for catarachs and macular degeneration.
How and where can I get help for all this?
Answer: Very low doses of corticosteroids could help several of your conditions.
Question: Polymyalgia Rheumatica? Has anyone on here ever had this or have this or know someone who does.....if so, what was the outcome of it and the steps to get there?
Thanks in advance!
Answer: I don't know anyone with this particular condition but arthritic conditions can and do improve with exercise, dietary changes and anti-inflammatory therapy. Here's a couple links discussing the condition and treatment...
Sorry I couldn't be of more help....
Question: In order for me to be diagnosed for polymyalgia rheumatica, do I see a rheumatologists or is there a special? doctor just for polymyalgia rheumatica disease? If there is, would he be called polymyalgist? ??? what would that doctor be called?
Answer: Yes, a rheumatologist is the best doctor to diagnose this condition.
Question: Anyone ever heard of polymyalgia rheumatica? My uncle was diagnosed with this disease recently. I looked up information about it on the internet. But I was wondering if anyone has firsthand knowledge on the disease. We were told that people with Scandinavian heritage are more likely to get polymyalgia rheumatica, I would like to know if this is true.
Answer: This disease is more likely to affect women then men. It attacks the autoimmune system after a virus . He has a good chance of recovery even though it can take months it is 1 f those diseases they are not real sure which virus triggers it. I dnt no wheather because he is scandinavian heritage if it has anything to do with it ....wish ur uncle the best & hope he recovers soon. i woz recently dignosed with this problem myself & they have given me anti-inflammatories to help with the musle ache. they have told me to get plenty of rest & i will eventually recover.
Question: I need pictures for Polymyalgia rheumatica muscle disorder? I need pictues for this mucsle disorder!!!
I tried yahoo and other sites but i can't find any!
Answer: go to this website:
Question: I just found out I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica do you have any advice for me? If you or anyone you know has this or has had it can you give me any tips on getting better or your recovery from this disease?
Answer: The symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) are alleviated very quickly with the use of low doses (10 to 15 milligrams per day) of corticosteroids (such as prednisone). Symptoms will usually disappear in 24 to 48 hours. The rapid improvement with steroids is often used by doctors as a confirmation of the diagnosis of PMR. If there is no improvement, your doctor will consider a different diagnosis.
Once symptoms are under control, your doctor will reduce the dosage to the lowest possible to keep the symptoms at bay. Most people will need to continue taking steroids for one to three years, but some will need to continue taking them for as long as nine or more years. If symptoms recur after discontinuing the drug, steroid treatment will be required again.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, are not enough to treat PMR.
Exercise and rest play important roles in your treatment and recovery. Exercise helps you maintain or regain your energy and muscle strength. Exercise also helps you fight the weight gain and osteoporosis that may result from taking corticosteroids. Good forms of exercise include walking, riding a stationary bike and exercising in a pool. You also need enough rest to give your body time to recover from exercise and other activities.
Question: Can polymyalgia rheumatica effect the diaphragm and rib area?
Answer: in a simple word yes I am affected in those areas but i have a combination of polymyalgia/fibromyaliga so this could be the reason
Question: Is there a chat room for people with Polymyalgia Rheumatica?
Answer: I couldn't find any char rooms. However, here are some forums:
I hope this will be helpful.
Question: What are the benefits and dangers of Prednisone in treating PMR - polymyalgia rheumatica?
Answer: Benifit is...It provides a good result very early stage of treatment.
Ill effects are plenty... to name
increased appetite
nervousness or restlessness
darkening or lightening of skin color
dizziness or lightheadedness
flushing of face or cheeks
increased joint pain (after injection into a joint)
increased sweating
sensation of spinning
Decreased or blurred vision
frequent urination
increased thirst
blindness (sudden, when injected in the head or neck area)
burning, numbness, pain, or tingling at or near place of injection
false sense of well-being
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there)
mental depression
mistaken feelings of self-importance or being mistreated
mood swings (sudden and wide)
redness, swelling, or other sign of allergy or infection at place of injection
skin rash or hives
SO Ur doctor has to decide when to stop it.
Question: Anyone with Polymyalgia Rheumatica? I've just been told that I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and I'd like to know what to expect from someone that actually has it...I can read the information but I was real life experience.
Thank you.
Answer: There is a Yahoo group called PMRpain that I belong to that has been very helpful. You can go to Yahoo groups and search "pmr" to find it.
I have it and I do not follow the typical protocol and I don't know anybody that really does. I had pains off and on for two or three years and my doctor did not pick up on it. When I changed doctors I got a full blown case of losing weight, severe shoulder, neck and hip pain which radiated down my arms. And legs. I was pretty much a cripple until they gave me 20 mg of Prednisone a day and I got relief almost immediately. I was gradually withdrawn from the Prednisone and took it for about a year. I also take now Methotrexate which helps a little bit but I have not had a bad flare in a few months. Cortisone is a problem as it can raise your blood sugar, thin your bones and drive you crazy. I hope you are not in severe pain right now. I would love it if you could join our mailing list group at Yahoo groups. It is supposed to last only 2 years but mine has been longer.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica News