Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Get the facts on Schizotypal Personality Disorder treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Schizotypal Personality Disorder prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Schizotypal Personality Disorder related topics. We answer all your qestions about Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
Question: Anyone here know how to handle schizotypal personality disorder? I believe I am schizotypal, and without therapy or medication does anyone know how to handle some of the symptoms on your own?
Answer: im the same but i sought help
meds and therapy are very helpful
you should seek help from you local mental clinic
Question: Would you consider schizotypal personality disorder? would you consider someone who uses their imagination and fantasies to escape reality to have this disorder. Sometimes they'll even just get caught up in it without even knowing. Sometimes it may affect their attention at work or school, it may make people think they're ditzy or head in the clouds. But sometimes it may affect they way they percieve life and if things don't go the way in their daydreams they tend to get pretty depressed. they say it makes them happier to daydream rather than be in touch with reality. Is this what schizotypal personality disorder is
Answer: I was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder when I was a teenager and still am. Some of my symptoms are ADHD, which always made school and work difficult. I have a lot of problems with memory and concentration and always have. Using my imagination and fantasies to escape reality is a common practice among people like us. It makes life much easier to deal with and easier to get along with others. I have found therapy and medication useful at times, but not all times. You might want to give it a try. Good luck and remember that you can make a decent life for yourself no matter what mood you find yourself in. Peace. TerriK
Question: Can anyone tell me about schizotypal personality disorder? I'm researching the disorder for a friend who thinks she may have it. I've found the information so far to be rather dim. I would really like it if someone who has the disorder or knows a person who has the disorder to tell me how they found out they had it and what the sure signs are. Thank you so much!
Answer: Signs of moderate impairment:
You are a loner, you engage in extremely odd behavior, and your thought patterns are bizarre, but youare not actively psychotic.
The only way to know for sure and to be diagnosed with szhizotypal personality disorder is to see a therapist.
Basically, the disorder is when you are afraid to be around others because you are afraid of being made fun of and bullied. The main thing though is that these people do not have different brain patterns and don't suffer from things like hallucinations or delusions.
Question: Schizotypal Personality Disorder? Could I have it, or should I not trust the wikipedia article? I was looking up the disorder for a school project for my friend since her internet was down. As I was looking, I recognized many of the issues I have in everyday life, but I never really acknowledged as odd.
Especially the lack of ability to make and maintain relationships along with the paranoia, those are two of the biggies. I already suffer from ADD and slight asperger's and my doctor suspects there's a few other issues, so should I bring this up to her?
Answer: Well the asperger's is not going to help you make and maintain relationships- so you don't have to pin this one on schizo.
Please go talk to your doctor and belay your concerns.. you may not have a lot to worry about.
Paranoia- what are you taking for your ADD?
Almost all the ADD meds are stimulants.
Adderall turned on my son's latent tourettes syndrome!!
Ritalin®: •anxiety or severe nervousness
Adderall®: •anxiety, nervousness
•changes in mood or behavior
Dexedrine® •psychotic illness, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts
Vyvanse™ •anxiety, or severe nervousness
•changes in mood or behavior
Question: Is it possible that I have Schizotypal Personality Disorder? I think a guy I've seen in my dreams is real. So technically he's not real to other people.
I know that sounds crazy but I know he's real. I can feel it.
I know we've been together before in another life. I'm just waiting for him to come back for me. I know he wouldn't leave me here.
Answer: Not necessarily. I think that maybe you are extremely lonely. When I was younger I had fantasies that almost seemed real. What else is going on in your life? Are you unhappy? While your dream sounds very romantic, I think you should come to terms with the fact that it is just a dream. If you can't, then maybe you should seek out a counselor to talk to who can help you with this. Good luck!
Question: What's the difference between Schizo-Affective Disorder & Schizotypal Personality DIsorder?
Answer: Schizoaffective disorder is caused by chemicals in the brain and includes symptoms of psychosis as well as extreme mood swing. Schizotypal personality disorder is an engrained part of someone's personality usually caused by childhood issues and is more likely a learned behavior. It will not respond to medications.
Question: What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder? And also: I know that children aren't diagnosed with Personality disorders, but can teenagers be diagnosed with them?
Answer: Try a google search....... yes teenagers can be diagnosed with personality disorders.
I did a google search and there IS a Schizotypal Personality disorder. It is similar to a schizoid type in that both want/need isolation from people/society but the schizo type is because of a fear of people and a schizoid type just sees no point to it.
Question: Anyone out there have experience with schizotypal personality disorder?
Well obviously I'd like to know ABOUT your experience with this not just know IF you have experience with it.
Details please!
Any and all you feel open to sharing.
Answer: I work in mental health.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder is when someone has a fixed pattern of withdrawn behavior and unusual beliefs not common to their culture like belief in magic, predicting the future, etc.
Sometimes SPD may be an early form of Schizophrenia, because the individual may later develop full symptoms of Schizophrenia.
People with SPD often have relatives who have Schizophrenia.
Sometimes, it can be very difficult to tell the difference between Schizotypal Personality Disorder and types of Autism.
That's what I know about it.
Question: why would you diagnose the zodiac killer with schizotypal personality disorder? i just want some opinions with detail please.
i meant to write anti-social personality disorder.
i meant to write anti-social personality disorder.
Answer: I read and watch many shows on the zodiac killer ; but I never thought he was schizotypal ; [ I am not a psychologist ] but I always thought he was a psychopath and also had a very narcissistic personality ; plus he was a very intelligent person [ unfortunately he used his intelligence to kill ] . You have to be smart ; very smart ; to be never found by police ; especially when you are killing many people
Question: How does a person go about getting help for schizotypal personality disorder ir they hate being around people?
Answer: if they can stand just talking to one person -a therapist, that could work. or telephone helplines, email helpline things.
cant quite see group therapy working however..
Question: Can anyone give me any information on Schizotypal Personality Disorder? I need further information on Schizotypal personality disorder. Anything you can give me is greatly appreciated, ive already researched it on wikipedia, so please dont just copy and paste from there.
By the way, its not the same thing as schizophrenia, so justhonest, your a little bit of a jacka**
Also, if anyone has any personal experience with it, themselves, or a friend/loved one, or can simply explain the symptoms a little better to me, id would be very grateful. I have a family member who has been diagnosed with this, and i would like to understand it better so i can help him.
Sorry, i should have explained myself better, i already had what you sent psychgrad, but thank you much anyhow, im more looking for personal experience, and maybe someone to explain what the symptoms are, as in what they mean, quite honestly im an entertainer, i dont understand some of the psych jargon.
Answer: Schizotypal Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships as well as by cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of context, as indicated by 5 or more of the following
* Ideas of reference (excluding delusions of reference)
* Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (such as belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, 6th sense)
* Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions
* Odd thinking and speech (such as vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped)
* Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
* Inappropriate or constricted emotion
* Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar
* Lack of close friends other than 1st degree relatives
* Excessive social anxiety that does not diminish with famililarity and tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather than negative judgments about self
Schizotypal PD does not occur exclusively during a psychotic or pervasive developmental disorder.
The cause is unknown, but schizotypal personality disorder is believed to have a genetic component. There is an increased incidence in relatives of schizophrenics.
There is no way to prevent this disorder, but early intervention may reduce symptoms and improve functioning over the long term.
It tends to appear more often in men than in women. Symptoms of depression and anxiety are quite common, with about half of people with this disorder having an episode of major depression at some point during life. Thinking may become more distorted in stressful circumstances.
Schizotypal personality disorder should not be confused with schizophrenia. People with schizotypal personality disorder tend to have odd beliefs and behaviors, but they are not profoundly disconnected from reality and usually do not hallucinate.
Some people may be helped by antipsychotic medications, but in many cases talk therapy is preferred. However, people with schizotypal personality disorders may find psychotherapy difficult because of their discomfort with relationships.
All personality disorders are long-lasting (chronic). This disorder is a lifelong pattern. In contrast to an illness like depression, the pattern does not come and go.
Question: My ex- boyfriend has schizotypal personality disorder and I need help........? My BF has schizotypal personality disorder and I hurt his feeling and now he wont talk to me or take my calls, apologizing. He didn't reveal this until after he broke it off with me recently. How can I fix this someone please help me I am in-love with him.
Answer: ignorant people like midnight i pound there face in im 6'1 195lbs i also have this disorder but what i can tell you is inside he does love you back but this disorder can be very annoying and just talk to him when you get a chance because deep down inside he does wanna talk to you. thnks
Question: What do these symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder mean? obsessive ruminations without inner resistance, often with dysmorphophobic, sexual or aggressive contents;
(h) vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped thinking, manifested by odd speech or in other ways, without gross incoherence;
Answer: Ruminations is negative cyclic thinking, persistent and recurrent worrying or brooding. The content of this cyclic thinking could be concerns about an imagined or minor defect in physical features (dysmorphophobic), or it could be sexual or violent/bizarre.
As for odd speech, this means that you are able to carry on a conversation (no gross incoherence), but you might have trouble staying on topic, topic associations might be far fetched, you ramble on about a specific topic or your opinions or observations on a topic are stereotyped and difficult to argue with.
Question: I have a question about schizotypal personality disorder? i recently tested myself online, and it said i scored 50 out of 74. what does this mean? do i have it or not?
Answer: This may sound like a 'cop out', but what color is the rainbow? To say you hit 50 out of 74 may not say much except you may have some tendencies towards having it...then again the test may also show that 90% of the rest of the world's population score about 50 as well.
The most important thing is to evaluate the test itself for validity (does it really test what it claims to test) and reliability (are the results consistent over time). If it fails in either area, its not a reliable test and you may as well flip a coin.
Tests are only as good as their validity and reliability ratings.
The simplest method is to compare the Criteria found in the DSM-IV under schizotypal against what you experience.
Question: Is Schizotypal Personality Disorder mild Schizophrenia? Is it a personality disorder or schizophrenia light?
Answer: That depends on where you live.
In America (according to the DSM-IV), it is a personality disorder; in the rest of the world (according to ICD-10) it is a disorder on the schizophrenic spectrum.
Although the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for schizotypal disorder differ in detail from the DSM-IV criteria for schizotypal personality disorder, they define essentially the same condition. ICD-10 does not consider the disorder to be a personality disorder, and it classes it with schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders.
Question: Can testosterone treatment help people with schizoid or schizotypal personality disorder?
Answer: hullo
it has not been approved by the F.D.A .hormonal therapy has nothing to do with personality disorders,psychotherapy and psychotropics are the sole ways in dealing with them.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder News