Schizoid Personality Disorder
Get the facts on Schizoid Personality Disorder treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Schizoid Personality Disorder prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Schizoid Personality Disorder related topics. We answer all your qestions about Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Question: Do I actually have schizoid personality disorder? I have looked up schizoid personality disorder and I have all of them symptoms, but I have some friends. I don't really like my friends..well they are okay I guess but I just am nice to them because I want to seem normal. When I hang out with them I don't talk and I only do hang out with them when I need to such as at lunch. I wouldn't hang out with them if it wasn't for people bullying me if I was not with them. After school times I don't talk to any of them.
I'm not bored with them. I don't want to be close to anyone. I don't even connect with my family and would much rather be alone. The only reason I don't want to be bullied is because I don't want to have to interact with the people who try to upset me.
I'm not bored with them. I don't want to be close to anyone. I don't even connect with my family and would much rather be alone. The only reason I don't want to be bullied is because I don't want to have to interact with the people who try to upset me.
Answer: Yes it sounds like you might have schizoid personality disorder.
In my entire life i have never really had any interest in people. I used to have very few friends but at the moment i don't have anyone, and i am not lonely, i don't feel sadness or anything like that. In fact i'm perfectly happy, i feel great without anyone and i don't really need anyone in my life. I often feel like people are useless to me so i do everything to avoid as many people as i can. I have been like this all the time in my life. I can live my life without people.
I don't even want to talk to my family because i don't want to talk about anything in fact i have nothing to talk about. I would rather like to be alone than be with my family because i simply don't want to be with anyone too much. I can spend some free time with someone but i don't like it when i have to spend too much time with someone.
I don't care what people say behind my back about myself or what is their opinion about me and i don't care what they do/where they go in their free time . I'm not afraid of rejection i simply don't care about people , i have no desire to spend my time with anyone.
I love to be alone and i spend most of my free time alone and i have no intention to change it.
When someone looks into my eyes or i look into someone's eyes i become nervous,embarrassed my face turn red and i often say very stupid things in social situations. People often laugh me when i become like this. I have got very poor social skills .
By the way I'm very shy,quiet , i have introverted personality. In school i was almost always alone i hated to be in group and i hated to be with others. I only talked to someone when someone asked me something about.
Also i have very few interest such as computers and programming.
I like to talk about my interests and i keep talking about it
over and over again.
Anyway i'm definitely sure that i'm asexual. Never had interest in girls but i know that i'm not gay.
I guess i might have SPD or might have asperger syndrome because they are very similar to each other and it is very hard to make difference between them. People with ASP don't like to be around people and spend a lot of time alone.
Honestly I don't know which i have.
Based on what you said , you sound schizoid to me.
But i have a few questions for you.
Have you always been like this?
Do you like to be alone?
Do you care about other people ?
Do you care what people say about you?
Do you have very few interest?
Do you like to be with your family?
Do you afraid of rejection?
Question: What is a schizoid personality disorder? I took a personality test, and got that.
NOT a schizophrenic.. a schizOID
There's a difference people.
Answer: Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
some of the smartest people in history were schizoid because they occupied a remote end of the intelligence bell curve.
Question: What is the difference between Schizoid Personality Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome? People suffering from these disorders are socially inept and withdrawn. What is the difference?
Answer: this is a really interesting question. somebody else can answer this better than me.
Question: Where does one know where extreme introversion end and Schizoid Personality Disorder begin? A lot of the symptoms of SPD are like extreme versions of basic introversion type nature. (Withdrawal from most people, quiet, appearing aloof, not talking much, etc...) How do you know the difference between the two?
Answer: The difference is just that- EXTREME. From what i remember, people with schizoid personality are quiet happy with themselves, whereas people who are introverted might feel discomfort about not fitting in.
Question: Is there help for someone that has Schizoid Personality Disorder? I want to be "normal". I want to know if it is possible to one day feel the pleasure people get when they enjoy something. I want to "want" friends. All I desire is to be alone (no friends no family) but I don't want to feel this way.
Answer: Common treatments are:
*Cognitive behavior therapy
*group therapy
medications are not generally given for schizoid personality disorder unless the patient has specific problems or co-morbid mental illnesses.
*schizoid traits are very similar to negative schizophrenic symptoms, therefore atypical antipsychotics may be given. usually Risperidone.
*low doses of risperidone or olanzapine [atypical antipsychotics] also work for the social problems and "the blunted emotions" affect.
*Wellbutrin (NDI antidepressant) for anhedonia [loss of pleasure in life].
*the use of SSRI antidepressants, TCA antidepressants, MAOI antidepressants, low dose benzodiazepines [varying sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic (antianxiety), anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and amnesic properties], and beta-blockers may help social anxiety.
*People with schizoaffective disorder generally have a better outlook than those with schizophrenia, and about the same or worse outlook (depressive subtype having the least favorable outlook) as those with bipolar disorder.
As with any chronic illness, compliance with medication is important, especially since more than one medication is often prescribed. Psychiatric rehabilitation plays an important part in maximizing the individual's chances at recovery, which may result in a better prognosis.
*The PD outlook varies. Some personality disorders diminish during middle age without any treatment, while others persist throughout life despite treatment.
Question: What's the difference between asperger syndrome and schizoid personality disorder?
Answer: Those with AS often WANT to be socially accepted, but don't know how. They have to be specifically TAUGHT social cues and norms that most of us just "pick up" in early childhood. Additionally, there is usually a compulsion toward a single subject or topic. It's a mild form of Autism.
Those with Schizoid Personality Disorder clearly know the social norms and cues, but simply do not wish to be involved with others. It's a rare condition, and most do not seek treatment, but rather live as a hermit.
Question: What is schizoid personality disorder? I've read the definition on wikipedia, but I would like to hear other interpretations as well. Can you have just a few friends and be close to about two family members and still have SPD.
I know it's not the same as schizophrenia. I just curious about it that's all. No particular reason.
Answer: A schizoid personality disorder is when you feel extremely cut off from society and people and general. If you have SPD you probably won't want to share your emotions or anything personal with anyone.
Even if you only have a few friends and are close to only a couple family members, you could still technically have it depending on how close you are to your friends and family. If you sometimes feel cut off from even them and don't feel that you are attached to anyone other than yourself, it is possible that you might have it. But it's nothing to worry about, just because you're not the most social person doesn't necessarily mean you have SPD. it's pretty rare and you would need a professional diagnosis to confirm it
Question: Does schizoid personality disorder develop, or is it a sudden onset? I suspect that I may be growing into it. I'm not trying to self-diagnose, but I'm displaying almost all of the symptoms, and I was wondering if the rest may end up developing over time.
I'm going to see a psychiatrist, too, just to be safe.
I enjoy the way I am, but if I have a mental disorder it needs to be fixed. And I didn't ask for you to diagnose me, I asked whether or not it develops over time.
Answer: All personality disorders develop through time. Most people don't get all of the symptoms. If you suspect that you have a disorder, consult your psychiatrist.
Question: is disliking affection a sign of schizoid personality disorder? i know it's not the ONLY symptom but is it something that is a sign of it? and when i say disliking affection, i mean REALLY disliking it.
Answer: Schizoid personality disorder is more characterized as an INDIFFERENCE or lack of interest in affection/social interaction (rather than a strong aversion to it).
A marked aversion to affection is more symptomatic of other conditions (e.g., autistic spectrum disorders).
Question: How can a person learn to live with Schizoid Personality Disorder?
Answer: If you have a personality disorder you don't have to learn to live with it you just are.
If you want to learn to be different you should work on your social skills and become aware of the automatic thoughts that can influence your behaviour.
Question: Only to people who know about schizoid personality disorder? Is it possible that having no social life can lead to me having this schizoid personality disorder???
I was reading about different personality disorders, and when I came upon schizoid personality disorder, I found that I have many of those traits... Does that mean I actually have the disorder??
It was attributed to addicts, but although I'm not some alcoholic or drug addict, I still have several of the traits found in people with this disorder...!!!
Is it possible that I have it, even though I'm not an addict? And they were also talking about what is called a "secret schizoid", where the person appears completely normal, but once they're asked to engage emotionally, they have great difficulties: "the schizoid individual is able to express quite a lot of feeling and to make what appear to be impressive social contacts but in reality giving nothing and losing nothing, because since he is only playing a part his own personality is not involved. According to Fairbairn, the person "...disowns the part which he is playing and thus the schizoid individual seeks to preserve his own personality intact and immune from compromise." [...] Further references to the secret schizoid describe that the individual actually "enjoys" regular public speaking engagements, but experiences great difficulty in the breaks when audience members would attempt to engage him emotionally." I feel like I can relate to this stuff, I don't know if it means that I have the disorder though. I personally haven't had any friends since I was around 16 (literally, zero friends), but once I entered university last september, I made some friends. None of them wanted to spend time with me out of school though, and I don't really know why. I'm quiet around people, and I'm constantly not very happy with my family, but I realized that I have a nice unifying influence on them nonetheless. I don't know, can someone who knows about this stuff tell me if I have this personality disorder?? I'm just wondering why people aren't interested in spending extra time with me, and why I find it so hard to just converse with people about anything??
Thanks in advance
Answer: What you have is "reading too much disease". Just about everybody can diagnose themselves with one or more personality disorders, but you need a Professional opinion and preferably one that is not a snap judgement.
You probably have minor signs of autism, bipolar, and whatever else you read about too.
We all do to some extent.
Question: Do I have Schizoid personality disorder? I am nearing my 16th birthday. I have no interest in making friends. I never make an attempt at befriending anyone. My mom pushes me but I refuse to try. I hate going to school dances and parties. I am not nervous in social situations, I just don't like them. Sometimes somebody will try to socialize with me and I will decline. I am very introspective and daydream a lot.
To those that have said I am antisocial;
Antisocial people are sociopaths, I am not antisocial.
Answer: It sounds like you might have SPD, but there are a few other criteria also. First off, even though you don't really like being with people, you also will feel a bit lonely. And if your mom, or any of your family members that you are close with, were to suddenly not be around anymore--you would feel lost because of your aversion to social settings. I'm not saying that is how you are! Just that those are also some criteria.
Are you sure that it might just be that you don't enjoy the company of particular people or settings? Like, I don't like parties or dances. But, there were clubs in school that involved things that I was interested in, like the anime club and science club. So I signed up for them. Then, I met people that were more part of a crowd that I could connect with than the preppy type crowd. But really only you know. And if it is that you simply don't like being with people, then it could be Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to see if you do have SPD:
Do you have close relationships with friends or family? If yes, with whom? If no, does this bother you?
Do you wish you had close relationships with others?
Do you frequently choose to do things by yourself?
Would it bother you to go a long time without a romantic relationship?
What kind of activities do you enjoy?
Do you confide in anyone who is not in your immediate family?
How do you react when someone criticizes you?
How do you react when someone compliments you?
Also, think about your positive and negative emotions towards others and social situations to help you learn about your own emotions and how exactly you relate to others.
Well, I hope you find your answer. Best Wishes
EDIT: To those saying you have anti-social personality disorder, don't listen to them! They obviously don't know what that even is. Because if you had Anti-Social disorder you would have a blaten disregaurd for the rights and feelings of others, which would have began in childhood. This includes you enjoying manipulating and decieving others. In your question, it just sounds like you don't like being around people, not that you down right loathe them!
Question: What's the difference between a highly introverted person and schizoid personality disorder?
Answer: an introverted person enjoys spending more time alone than with others, but still enjoys others on occasion.
a schizoid personality does not enjoy time with others and prefers a solitary life.
Question: Anyone have has schizoid personality disorder? Hello, I'm somebody with a schizoid personality disorder looking to meet others like myself. I want to hear personal stories of the childhoods and current adulthood of schizoids. Please contact me at tamiasplace@yahoo.com if interested.
Answer: I have SPD, my childhood was somewhat unstable. My sister and I were raised by my mother until I was in grade school, when she became unfit to care for us anymore (drugs), then we moved in with my father who was somewhat emotionally distant. I had a fairly average social life through out the rest of grade school until I got into high school where I became popular with many different groups of people, I was really a social chameleon. I never desired or sought out social activities outside of school, I never hung out with my "friends" and I would avoid situations that meant I would have to involve myself in a real friendship with anyone. When I went on to college I kept in touch with no one from high school I developed the same superficial relationships that I always have. At work I am a social chameleon and prefer to keep all relationships superficial. I have zero close friends outside of my immediate family and like it that way, I prefer solitary activities and have no desire to make friends or to participate in activities where I would meet new people. Growing up I thought I was special because I could "turn off" my feelings for another person, like my mother or other people who formerly were close and had for some reason hurt me. I could just not care either way, with no animosity or sentimentality. I have a defined morality and I can be very compassionate and empathetic if I choose to be. I can be very articulate in the written word but my vocabulary and ability to express myself does not translate well in my speech. I have a daughter now, under a year old. And that little girl is my life. I feel this unconditional love for her that I have never felt for anyone in my life. She is the one exception in my life, I keep everyone else at a distance (emotionally) but not her. I now have a reason to seek help and develop "normal" relationships and learn to be "normal" for her sake. I don't want to in someway give her anything but a happy and healthy life and if my disorder will cause her to have a less than great father I must do something about it. So now I'm starting to reach out, starting to go outside of my normal behavior with people and staring to see what it means to be emotionally available and vulnerable. That was fun getting off my chest, write back and tell me your story at martingala@ymail.com
Question: How to live with someone who has Schizoid personality Disorder...? Schizoids are very uneffectionate and perferr solitues they are aloof adn cold, and have little intrest in sexual experience with their partner. My boyfriend is one and sometimes it is hard to live with because he gets these mood swings and he gets so depressed because all he wants to do is sit at home and play Everquest and not have to work. he wants me to be with him, but he just can't handle effection. That is why he is 29 and hasn't had a relationship last over a year (except me). How to deal?
he has never hurt me, he is hard on me.
Answer: Is he getting proper treatment for it? You need to re-evaluate your own life in this - Will this give you what you need? Do you want to marry him, have kids? Can you deal with his needs? It is not so much about the question you are asking us, but the questions you should be asking yourself.
Question: What Does It Mean to Have Schizoid Personality Disorder?
Answer: (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
(Sorry for the laziness)
Schizoid Personality Disorder News