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Schizoid Personality Disorder

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Question: Do I actually have schizoid personality disorder? I have looked up schizoid personality disorder and I have all of them symptoms, but I have some friends. I don't really like my friends..well they are okay I guess but I just am nice to them because I want to seem normal. When I hang out with them I don't talk and I only do hang out with them when I need to such as at lunch. I wouldn't hang out with them if it wasn't for people bullying me if I was not with them. After school times I don't talk to any of them. I'm not bored with them. I don't want to be close to anyone. I don't even connect with my family and would much rather be alone. The only reason I don't want to be bullied is because I don't want to have to interact with the people who try to upset me. I'm not bored with them. I don't want to be close to anyone. I don't even connect with my family and would much rather be alone. The only reason I don't want to be bullied is because I don't want to have to interact with the people who try to upset me.

Answer: Yes it sounds like you might have schizoid personality disorder. In my entire life i have never really had any interest in people. I used to have very few friends but at the moment i don't have anyone, and i am not lonely, i don't feel sadness or anything like that. In fact i'm perfectly happy, i feel great without anyone and i don't really need anyone in my life. I often feel like people are useless to me so i do everything to avoid as many people as i can. I have been like this all the time in my life. I can live my life without people. I don't even want to talk to my family because i don't want to talk about anything in fact i have nothing to talk about. I would rather like to be alone than be with my family because i simply don't want to be with anyone too much. I can spend some free time with someone but i don't like it when i have to spend too much time with someone. I don't care what people say behind my back about myself or what is their opinion about me and i don't care what they do/where they go in their free time . I'm not afraid of rejection i simply don't care about people , i have no desire to spend my time with anyone. I love to be alone and i spend most of my free time alone and i have no intention to change it. When someone looks into my eyes or i look into someone's eyes i become nervous,embarrassed my face turn red and i often say very stupid things in social situations. People often laugh me when i become like this. I have got very poor social skills . By the way I'm very shy,quiet , i have introverted personality. In school i was almost always alone i hated to be in group and i hated to be with others. I only talked to someone when someone asked me something about. Also i have very few interest such as computers and programming. I like to talk about my interests and i keep talking about it over and over again. Anyway i'm definitely sure that i'm asexual. Never had interest in girls but i know that i'm not gay. I guess i might have SPD or might have asperger syndrome because they are very similar to each other and it is very hard to make difference between them. People with ASP don't like to be around people and spend a lot of time alone. Honestly I don't know which i have. Based on what you said , you sound schizoid to me. But i have a few questions for you. Have you always been like this? Do you like to be alone? Do you care about other people ? Do you care what people say about you? Do you have very few interest? Do you like to be with your family? Do you afraid of rejection?

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