Psychiatric Illness
Get the facts on Psychiatric Illness treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Psychiatric Illness prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Psychiatric Illness related topics. We answer all your qestions about Psychiatric Illness.
Question: If a pilot has psychiatric illness, will he or she be able to fly? One of my pilot friends is on antidepressants because he has an illness. Physically he is healthy, mentally not sure sometimes....before he became a pilot he was hospitalized for his illness. I don't think his airline company know he is taking these ills or has a mental illness. Is it risky for him to be flying?
Actually he is a helicopter pilot who lives and flies in the Caribbean
Answer: He needs to be reported to the FAA ASAP. Contact a Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) Peoples lifes are at stake
Question: why is psychosis referred to as a "severe psychiatric illness"? i was told to read up on the dvla driving rules about driving with mental illness and apparently psychosis is counted as this. why? i don't see myself as having a severe psychiatric illness at all. can someone please explain this to me. thanks x
Answer: Many if not most Phychoses involve at least a major risk of serious danger to oneself or others. How is this not a serious matter? Since any such phenomenon cannot usually be called "non-severe", one must ask if the alleged "rights of the violent" are not being espoused here. If one is simply upset by things in general enough to have altered world view, but is not dangerous yet today, fine! Just keep smiling, and people will wonder what you have been up to! Regards, Larry.
Question: Do you feel pedophiles are evil or that they have a psychiatric illness? I'm studying psychiatric nursing and is taught that it is a sexual disorder,but I have looked some off these people in the eye and I only see evil.
Answer: My vote is both. They may not be able to change their impulses, but any halfway remotely decent person would immediately check himself into a psychiatric hospital as soon as he understood what he was. If one of them did that, I could understand having compassion for them, but any who know what they are and allow themselves near temptation are evil for the choice that they made. Even if they try not to act on their impulses, they should know that they will eventually cave.
Question: What do people with psychiatric mental illness labels look like? If one has been convicted of certain crimes then they can have all kinds of things that they can not do, places where they are forbidden to be at or live at, but they can all go down the public roads in public bathrooms, in motels and hotels, and restaraunts, and other places. Many of these people also have psychiatric labels, so how do we know what a person with a label looks like? Is there any way to spot them out of a crowd?
Many of these answers look very correct to me and just about the same, they mostly say that one can not tell a difference in one that has a label and one that doesn't and it is their behavior that gets them labeled, I will go a little further and say that it is their social environment many times that get them labeled. Can anyone tell me why this is and give me sources to prove why they say what they do?
Yes one can be labeled, whether these labels accuratly describe what is going on as a lifetime disease is another thing.
There are some factual brain diseases that may need treatment, most of what we are calling mental illness is not a true medical disease, and this is why no one including psychiatrist can actually tell a true difference in these people before they are treated with psychiatric drugs.
That is part of what is sad about this, it takes away from the medical resources that we have to prevent, treat, or cure those who may have a real brain disease such as a tumor, lession, damage, or other neurological marker.
No, it is not nice or fair to make fun of or discriminate against anyone that has a label, whether fair and accurate or not, but that is just what this label does discriminate between people based on a label.
A misdiagnoses is a medical persons fault, not the labeled or treated person, since it is based mostly on social issues, it is a misdiagnoses.
This is wrong: "most of all they on't admit that they are mentally sick. these have to be the relatives or the closed related friends jobs.... and it is strongly not sugestted to let them all by themselves... This is propaganda. If a true disease state does not exist, then most likely it is a social or family issue or issue of perception,or when the family or friends are wanting to control another. This is not true science or facts. And yes, some times it is best to leave a person be or give them time so they can think things through. It is often when others won't that a person has the hardest time in life, it is like stalking or raping against ones will. Perhaps if one has an actual illness or is going through a hard time one needs others they can trust that are supportive of what they say they need and want, to listen to and be there for them when they want or ask them to be and non-judgementally assist them. No pushing another over a cliff that they might not return from.
Answer: People with mental illness often look like everyone else.Could you have picked Ted Bundy out of a crowd as being mentally ill? We all most likely work with people who have undiagnosed mental illnesses.
Answer: Most of the guys deployed on election duty run risk of becoming one, by the end of elections.
Question: Can anyone give me some names of documentaries on mental illness and psychiatric hospitals? Any documentaries on mental illness and its treatment. Please give links for the sites where you can watch these if you know any! Thanks.
Answer: This is a good one it deals with the history of lobotomy is the US
Question: why the people taking less sleep are more likely to sufer from psychiatric illness?
Answer: I had severe insomnia for over a year. I would sleep for 2 to 4 hours every night.
This either caused or was the result of major depression.
When you sleep your body replenishes several neuro transmitter chemicals. When not enough Serotonin is produced it may end up causing clinical depression.
Question: If one suffers from a psychiatric illness is one exempted from fasting...? On Yom Kippur? In other words, my understanding is that if one is ill then he's not supposed to fast on Yom Kippur, but just how specifically is this defined in Jewish Law?
Answer: I agree with the man above me with the name of, lol, Kathy.
I spoke with a lady as of recent, who is a Muslim (pronounced muuuuuuz-leeem, like when Mohammad Ali says it). and she told me that you are exempt from fasting if you have a medical reason.
Question: what psychiatric illness is this? i have a childhood friend that has progressively gone completely nuts. she truly believes that "they" are listening to every word she says (whispers sometimes so "they" can't hear), thinks there is some "big thing" that everyone is trying to get to and if you are too open with other people they'll get to it first... so she completely socially isolates herself, is convinced that her staph infection (skin problem that causes irritating red spots) is actually bugs in her skin that the government put there because she knows too much about this "thing" and "them", and won't take any medication her doctors give her because she thinks they're brainwashing pills... she has HUGE trust issues. etc etc. she has used various drugs in the past, but does not use anything now. i don't know much about psychology and i'm wondering what diagnosis this might fit under so that i can read up on it a bit... can anyone help?
edit: i was thinking paranoid skitzophrenia but everything i've looked up says that auditory or visual (etc) hallunications would most likely be present, and to my knowledge she isn't hearing or seeing anything. just delusional and paranoid.
Answer: It is schizophrenia. My boyfriend was diagnosed with it for years before he killed himself because he believed "they" were going to torture him. The medication he took gave him nightmares. Sometimes the "cure" is worse than the disease. It was so tiring dealing with him. It was like walking on eggshells, wondering what he was going to accuse me of doing next. Conspiring with "them". You need to remember that you need a break from her sometimes to keep your sanity. You are not alone. Good luck.
Question: Will Obama or McCain be more likely to get more kids labeled with mental illness and put on psychiatric drugs? I have a friend that it concerned that Obama will cause this with his "medical insurance programs", but I've also read McCain giving lip service to this issue to some degree.
What are the facts on this issue?
Answer: That's something that's been taking place for many, many years already. Lots of kids have been diagnosed with mental problems, and many of them are actually caused by many popular foods for kids, that contain high fructose corn syrup and aspartame, which have been linked to ADD. There's even a preservative in teas and juices that cause excema and asthma! That's how the system has always worked, even til this day: Create the problem, and then provide the solution. A solution, not a cure. They don't teach prevention and natural alternatives because that doesn't generate a profit. They make more money when you have to keep coming back for more. It's all about the money: