Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Get the facts on Ramsay Hunt Syndrome treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Ramsay Hunt Syndrome related topics. We answer all your qestions about Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
Question: How do you get Ramsay - Hunt Syndrome? My best friend came down with Ramsay - Hunt Syndrome two weeks ago. I know that it is caused by the virus that also causes shingles or chickenpox. She wants me to come see her, but I'm afraid I'll catch it. She say's it isn't contagous, but it is a viral disease. Am I wrong to thinks I might be able to catch it?
Answer: It is caused by the same virus that causes the chickenpox/shingles. The virus name is herpes zoster oticus. It is an infection of the facial nerve. As far as how it is contracted in the first place, it can be triggered by a recent illness, stress, something that activates the virus that lies dormant in the body. Depending how long she has had this and is being treated with medications, she may no longer be contagious. Usually, after 10-14 days, the incubation and contagious stage has passed. If you have had the chickenpox/shingles then you should be fine but, there is a small chance that you may contract it. Many people who have had the chickenpox, can develop shingles later on in life. I hope this helps. Here is website:
Question: What is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome? Has anyone has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and completely recover from it?
Answer: http://www.ramsayhunt.org/ will tell you all about it.
Question: asking again. Does anyone have any suggestions on Ramsay Hunt Syndrome? I am looking for some help and dealing with this. it has been over 5 months. i am still not feeling better. I also have had optic neuritis. Does any one know of a place that might help or have any suggestions?
I am under doctors care doesnt seem to be helping that much. Any other places or good doctors to go to?
Answer: I am sorry that you are suffering with this debilitating condition. You can get a lot of information on http://www.ramsayhunt.org/ and get support from other sufferers but you need to be under a Doctor's care to ensure recovery.
Question: Ramsay hunt syndrome? 2 days ago i was told i had an ear infection.......i have been in a lot of pain recently, for the past 4 days i have EXTREME ear pain what seems like swelling of the face, numbness of the face, the nerves are killing.
After going to hospital today because the pain was so bad they told me i did not have an ear infection but could POSSIBLY had ramsay hunt syndrome.... they say all my symptoms are pointing towards this however there is no blistering of the ears, if the blistering comes they will give me the anti viral medicine.
Im asking if anyone else had this? how are you now? what are your experiences??
After what the doctor said and ive read online i think that i do have the ramsay hunt syndrome and want a diagnosis as soon has possible, how long did it take for your blisters to come out?
Answer: Lisa check the web on this Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. A syndrome is a manifestation of a mental illness as far as I know.
Double check what they have told you.
Question: Living with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome? a little over 2 years ago was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. After doing some research I have discovered that this is a symptom of Ramsay-Hunt. 28 months later I still have some paralysis and some of the symptoms of Ramsay-Hunt are evident (headaches etc.) In the last few months I have been prone to pains in the back of my head/neck that come and go. When less severe, it feels like a neck strain. When more severe my right eye flutters and tears and sometimes I am physically ill and in significant pain. I would like to hear from others out there that may have some first-hand experience with this. Unfortunately my Dr. has offered my little in the way of what I can expect in the future in terms of recovery, symptom management etc. Any advice (or hope) is sincerely appreciated.
Answer: Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Type I, also known as herpes zoster oticus, is a neurological disorder caused by an infection of the facial nerve by herpes zoster( shingles,chicken pox virus). I'm hopeful that has been explained to you. It is characterized by a painful, red rash with fluid-filled blisters on the ear drum, external ear canal and the roof of the mouth. Other signs and symptoms:
1) facial weakness ( as known as palsy) on the side of the infection( which ear is affected)
2) ear pain (intense)
3) hearing loss
4) sensation of things spinning or moving around you ( vertigo)
5) a rash around the ear,mouth,face,neck,and scalp
6) tinnitus ( abnormal or ringing sounds in the ear)
7) taste loss in the tongue, dry mouth and dry eyes may also occur.
Some casesof RHS( Ramsay Hunt Syndrome) Type I do not require treatment.When treatment is needed, medications such as antiviral drugs or corticosteroids ( steroids) may be prescribed. Vertigo( dizziness/spinning) may be treated with the drug diazepam( Valium). Generally,the prognosis ( long term outlook) with RHS Type I is good. However, in some cases, hearing loss may be permanent. The vertigo may last for days or weeks. Facial paralysis may be temporary or permanent. I think that your Doc is probably trying to consult with an expert in this area, therefore, she/he is waiting to discuss this with an expert. Probably, this is why your Doc" has offered little info.She/he wants to be certain of the facts,options etc. before alarming you when it may not be necessary. If your case was too complicated or too serious, you would not be left " wating in the wind". I understand your frustation but, let your Doc handle it. If your symptoms worsen or persist, contact your Doc ASAP. I think that you are in good hands. I hope that this helps. Ruth
Question: ramsey hunt syndrome/shingles? hi i am 33 female and 12 weeks ago i was very ill with fever ,shakes couldn't move hurting all over and at the time my children had chicken pox,now too my knowledge i never had them could i have had shingles without the rash?
also i have not been well since then i have face weakness and ear pain and head pain and eye pain i am worried i may have developed ramsay hunt syndrome i have been to the doctors 5 times for this and finally getting a mri done friday but i told them all my story and keep dismissing shingles as i had no rash!i really don't know what to do please help
Answer: The only way you could have shingles is if you have had chicken pox at some point in the past. Shingles is a reactivation of the chicken pox virus. If you have never had chicken pox, you can not get shingles. Your symptoms are being caused by something else. See your doctor.
Question: Do I let my son see me having IV treatment? I have ramsay Hunt Syndrome and am having IV treatments at home again. The last time I had this done my son was 15 months and didn't really understand. He is know 20 months and is very interested in what mommy is doing. He is also very sensitive and knows when I am in pain. My question is do I let him see what is happening with me so he can understand (as much as a 20 month old can ) or do I hide and let someone else take him away so he doesn't see mommy for awhile?
Answer: I would let him see it. When my daughter had just turned two I had to start daily blood thinner injections because I had gotten pregnant again. And since I have a blood clotting disorder they are necessary. I too was concerned about how she would respond. She has always been very close to me and very sensitive. The first time she ever initiated a hug to me was when I was crying when she was 9 months old. So she is always well aware of my emotions. And sometimes the shots are rather painful, so I was a little worried about her seeing me in pain.
So we tried to have her in another room when my husband would give me the shots. And that lasted only a few days. She eventually came in the room. She was very interested in what was going on. But she didn't seem to scared or worried. We told her that mommy was getting a shot to be healthy and that sometimes it really hurt mommy. So we then asked her to give me a hug to make be feel better. I think this was good. She felt like she had some power in the situation and that she could help.
Now that we are almost to the end of the pregnancy it is clear that she knows exactly what to do with the injections. Sometimes she comes up to me and takes a pen and pretends she is giving me my shot. She wipes the area clean and then puts the pen on tush (where my shot goes) just as she is really helping.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome News