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Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

Get the facts on Ramsay Hunt Syndrome treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Ramsay Hunt Syndrome related topics. We answer all your qestions about Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.

Question: How do you get Ramsay - Hunt Syndrome? My best friend came down with Ramsay - Hunt Syndrome two weeks ago. I know that it is caused by the virus that also causes shingles or chickenpox. She wants me to come see her, but I'm afraid I'll catch it. She say's it isn't contagous, but it is a viral disease. Am I wrong to thinks I might be able to catch it?

Answer: It is caused by the same virus that causes the chickenpox/shingles. The virus name is herpes zoster oticus. It is an infection of the facial nerve. As far as how it is contracted in the first place, it can be triggered by a recent illness, stress, something that activates the virus that lies dormant in the body. Depending how long she has had this and is being treated with medications, she may no longer be contagious. Usually, after 10-14 days, the incubation and contagious stage has passed. If you have had the chickenpox/shingles then you should be fine but, there is a small chance that you may contract it. Many people who have had the chickenpox, can develop shingles later on in life. I hope this helps. Here is website:…

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