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Question: How long does dementia take to stop all signals and end a life? I know there's no set timetable, but at least some averages would help. I'd like to think of dementia's onset as similar to a plane beginning its descent, but we don't know if it's coming down from 20,000 feet or 60,000 feet. We're just beginning to cope with my father having this condition.

Answer: I guess it depends on the person. My grandfather lived with it for 2-3 years before he passed away. He had no idea who i was in the end, he had no idea who my grandmother was either. . It was heartbreaking to see my grandfather in his final weeks. But i look at it from the point of view that know he is at peace. You need to cherish each moment you have and try too remember what he was like when he wasnt sick. My condolences go out to you and your family. Good luck and god bless

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