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Get the facts on Catatonia treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Catatonia prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Catatonia related topics. We answer all your qestions about Catatonia.

Question: Catatonia? How do you get? What causes it? How do you act if your catatonic? Any cures? Do you out grow it? Thanks! Please don't copy and paste things from wikipedia :D I think I'll understand it better in someone's own words. Oh and someone told me that catatonics tend to violent towards themselves and others? Is that true...or not? Thanks again!

Answer: There are a wide variety of psychiatric and substance-related disorders and general medical conditions that can cause catatonic behavior. Catatonia is a symptom rather than a disorder itself. For years it was primarily associated with Schizophrenia but recent studies have shown that it is most commonly seen in severe Mood Disorders. There are several catatonic symptoms. In catatonic stupor the person is mute, unresponsive and motionless. Catatonic excitement is the opposite: the person engages in repeated, excited and purposeless motor activity. Catatonic posturing is when the person assumes a strange position and stays that way (such as standing with their arms outstretched for a long period of time). The person may hold a rigid position and resists attempts to be moved or they may constantly repeat other people's words or imitate others movements. The "cure" is to treat the underlying condition that is causing it.

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