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Pyelonephritis Chronic

Get the facts on Pyelonephritis Chronic treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Pyelonephritis Chronic prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Pyelonephritis Chronic related topics. We answer all your qestions about Pyelonephritis Chronic.

Question: chronic pyelonephritis affected left kidney? Recently my mother (aged 52) affected with the above problem. The doctor (urologist) advised an operation to remove the left kidney, since it may spread to the R.kidney too. The Radiography and other tests are conducted and it shows R.kidney is normal is size and contribution is 44.1%. I would like to know is this sufficient for her life time. Will she able to live a normal life without dialysis by following the proper medications. Please clarify me. Thank you

Answer: Yes, life is perfectly possible with one kidney and no urologist would recommend surgery without good reason. A dipsomaniac Irish friend of mine has been abusing her one kidney for 30 years now and it is functioning fine despite her great liquid intake. Recent tests show it is 100% still and even more remarkably her liver is ok too (the liver is used in the breakdown of alcohol, the kidney does the rest of the work).

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