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Medullary Sponge Kidney

Get the facts on Medullary Sponge Kidney treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Medullary Sponge Kidney prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Medullary Sponge Kidney related topics. We answer all your qestions about Medullary Sponge Kidney.

Question: What exactly is Medullary Sponge Kidney & Interstitial Cystitis? I have had urinary tract problems my entire life whether it be UTI's or kidney stones. Recently I was diagnosed with Medullary Sponge Kidney Disease (MSK) and Interstitial Cystitis (IC). I know little to nothing about either of these 2 problems, other than I am in constant pain, and the Dr. said I will have to live in chronic pain for the rest of my life. So if there is anyone out there who knows anything about the M.S.K. or the I.C. Please let me know. There has to be someone out there that knows something about this. Please help......

Answer: Unfortunately I don't know much about it, but I was diagnosed last week myself(MSK and IC are the same thing just different names from what my doctor told me). For the past few months I have gotten bad, stabbing pains, had 4 kidney stones, blood in my urine as well what has appeared to be gravel. I'm scard too, but here are some things I learned. Yes, we'll be in pain, so much so that my doc gave me vicodan to keep at home(i'm allergic to morphine). She said increasing my water to 64 ounces a day(2 quarts) will help and to add some lemon juice. Cranberry pills will as well. Every other month on the 3 days before my period i have to take a different, alternating antibiotic to help with the infections. Basically; as i understand it, our kidneys have deep fissures in them like a sponge and can't empty themselves completely causing irritation, build up of minerals that cause the stones and the pain. The good news? It won't kill us. It wont' cause renal failure, we'll never need a kidney transplant or dialysis(or however it's spelled) because of it. The pain is bad, I know, trust me. It brings tears to my eyes. I'm a professional chef and it is affecting my work considerably. I have a good nephrologist(a kidney specialist) if you live in NJ, and if you don't I suggest you get one as they know the disease and can help you live with it. They can help you get your pain in hand and help you life your life w/o severe issues. She even said it's possible with her help for me to one day have healthy children. There is a support group on MSN but I haven't looked it up yet, this all being very new to me as well. I know the constant pain thing, trust me, I've been in pain everyday for the last year, and when I went to the ER they treated me like crap. They told me I was out or attention or drugs; when in reality i just want the pain to stop so I can walk, or sleep or even eat. I can imagine you probably have the same problem. My nephrologist said people fall all over the spectrum in terms of how bad their pain is and how much it affects their lives, some over time even have the insides of their kidney's calcify and have it show up on ultrasounds. I found out because my family doc ordered a cat scan because i was yet again peeing blood and in pain. It showed up on that, and she scared me to death by calling me and telling me to see the specialist, but the dr. she refered me to at the center for kidney disease in southern nj where I live has been a godsend. She spent an hour talking to me about it and mapping out a game plan to see how bad it and to help control my pain so I can have a normal life. If you need someone to talk to more you can email me. i'm in the same boat as you and like i said I was diagnosed last week(8-23) but it explains a lot of the issues I've been having for a long time. I mean, I'm an active 25 year old and it's cutting in my life. I'm sorry you're hurting so bad, but I do understand how much it hurts.

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