Get the facts on Hypomagnesemia treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Hypomagnesemia prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Hypomagnesemia related topics. We answer all your qestions about Hypomagnesemia.
Question: Why does hypomagnesemia cause tetany? I understand how magnesium deficiencies can occur, etc., but I'm looking for a resource about the physiological effects on the nervous system. Specifically, the actions that might occur around the chemical synapse to produce muscle spasms. I've found a lot of information about how calcium plays a role, but not much about magnesium.
Does anyone have a good website I can go to?
I know how to look on Wikipedia, and the information I need is not in their articles. I need a research reference or scientific paper/study report.
Question: I want to know what causes Hypomagnesemia and anemia and what the long term prognosis is for both?
the cause for it can't be found and I've also lost 6 stone in 8 months through what ever has caused this. even though I am on magnesium and iron tablets and have had a lot of magnesium infusions my levels just suddenly drop again. what could cause this and will there be a long term problem through having it.
Answer: Hypomagnesemia: Diuretics (water pills) low Calcium; Alcohol abuse; in rare cases kidney disease. Prognosis in general is excellent you just need magnessium pills or couple of Intravenous doses.
Anemia can be causes by something as benign as hemorroids or as serious as leukemia...causes are virtually countless and the prognosis depends on underlying cause.
Question: Worsened MVP link with hypomagnesemia: how can I rule out the latter? Thanks a lot for the answer lab guy, I read some things about MVP and hypomagnesemia. Now if anyone can help me figure out which speacialist should i go to check it I have it and if I do, how can I treat it. I guess treatment will differ wether the problem is due to low intake or to malabsorption, but if anyone can help me found more easy to read information I will be again very grateful.
Thanks a lot
Answer: You don't need a specialist all you have to do is go to your PCP and have the doctor listen to your heart while getting some blood work done as they can test your mag to see if it low. After that they can either elect to treat you or send you to a cardiologist.
Question: how does erbitux cause hypomagnesemia (depeleted Mg) thanks
Answer: The antibody alters the distal convoluted tubule in the kidney, resulting in magnesium wasting or spillage.
Question: A12 female child suffering from Hypomagnesemia and threatened by death..Dr.s please help? Dear Dr.
May I refer for you this female child (hameda ali hussain ). She is suffering from recurrent attack of convulsions (intensive nervous shrinkage)about 13 times/day. She has family history of her brothers and sisters who died from the same condition. All investigations was normal except of Hypomagnesemia. She is on magnesium injection and tegretol tab, but know with no benefit. The condition and symptoms exagurated, and she is threatened by death like her brothers and sisters.
I request from you to help this child by doing further investigations and searching for proper treatment which is not available here in Iraq. Please help her.
Further Information's:
•Name : hameda ali hussain.
•Age :12 years old.
•Last Mg level test was: 1.06 mg/dl.
•The shrinkage attacks is 13 time/day.
•She took magnesium injection and tegretol tab but no sings of healing.
•She know takes magnesium sulphate every 3,4 days.
Answer: Hypomagnesemia is plasma Mg concentration < 1.4 mEq/L (< 0.70 mmol/L). Causes include inadequate Mg intake and absorption or increased excretion due to hypercalcemia or drugs such as furosemide. Clinical features are often due to accompanying hypokalemia and hypocalcemia and include lethargy, tremor, tetany, seizures, and arrhythmias. Treatment is with Mg replacement.