Lymphoma Mediastinal
Get the facts on Lymphoma Mediastinal treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Lymphoma Mediastinal prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Lymphoma Mediastinal related topics. We answer all your qestions about Lymphoma Mediastinal.
Question: What could cause mediastinal lymph node swelling besides lymphoma or sarcoidosis? I've had chest pain on left side for a few months. They thought it was just pleurisy, but it hasn't cleared. Just had a biopsy of nodes done which is negative for cancer, and sounds like they aren't thinking it's sarcoidosis either. Still have the pleurisy in left lung along with node swelling.
Answer: In general, lymph nodes can be swollen due to infection, inflammation, or cancer. It is good that the biopsy was negative for cancer. The mediastinal lymph nodes could reflect a problem (such as an infection or inflammation) in the lungs, heart, thymus, esophagus, or their surrounding tissues. If you already know you have pleurisy, then that seems like the most obvious choice. I believe that certain infectious agents are more likely than others to cause swelling of the lymph nodes, such as TB or fungi. Take a look at the second source below, which has a lot more detail than what I've outlined, and see if anything else there seems to fit your situation.
Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.
Question: my PET scan result was just 1 lymph node positive in neck. pdg uptake:6. i had mediastinal lymphoma 2 years a? and rest of the body is clear. what is going on?
Answer: Why don't you ask your doctor?
He/she is the only one that can really answer your questions since they know your history!
Call him/her up or make an appointment so he/she can explain what you are up to with these findings!
Best of luck!
Question: my dog was diagnosed with mediastinal lymphoma with hypercalcemia. should we do the chemo. he is 8 years old he is a rottweiler mix. I have had him since he was 3 months old. they performed a biopsy and they want to do chemo. I have never had any experience with canine chemo treatments before and I need some advice. I love my baby but I do not want him to suffer. They tell me that he has approx. 4 weeks w/out chemo and possibly 6-8 months with chemo. I am devastated and I would just like to hear some other people's experience with this. Thanks......
Answer: My previous Beagle had chemo treatments for Cushings disease.
She went through it fine and I was able to purchase chemo from a Canadian pharmacy for 1/4 the price our US vet wanted. She needed follow up chemo maintenance for the rest of her life.
She lived another 3-4 yrs and finally succumbed to kidney failure.
I'm glad I did the chemo, it was good to have her for those following years.
Your vet is only giving you an approximation of remaining life, you could be surprised and he could live for a couple more years with treatment.
Question: doctor tells me sarcoidosis or lymphoma chest x-ray showed hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy?
Answer: that means your lymphoma has spread to more than one location.
Question: Non Hodgkins Lymphoma? I am in remission from Large B Cell Mediastinal Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Anyone have an idea on recurrence statistics as well as survival rates?
Answer: No, but a man I know who had it has been in remission for over 5 years. Best wishes. It must be scary wondering if it will come back.
Think positively and get lots of exercise to boost your immune system!!
Question: Cancer Prognosis for resistant lymphoma? I'm a 29 year old female who was originally diagnosed with mediastinal diffuse large b cell lymphoma in 2006.No family history of any type of cancer. I did six rounds of CHOP-R, which shrank the tumor from 14 cm to 2 cm. I did 3 rounds of maintenance rituxan and a PET scan showed the mass had grown to 5 cm, so I tried zevalin immunoradiotherapy. My most recent scan shows the mediastinal mass has grown about an inch and has also spread to my stomach and thyroid.
The oncologist wants to proceed with ICE chemotherapy but I wanted to know:
a. statistically, what are my odds of beating this at this point
b. if i decline treatment, how long would I live?
Answer: I:m sorry to hear of your illness....I hope this site can answer your question.
Good Luck and God Bless.
Question: What does this mean - Lymphoma? This is the findings on my ct scan. Does it sound bad?
The airways are normal. There are two small pulmonary nodules measuring 3 mm in the right lower lobe on image #30 and 6 mm in the middle lobe on image #32.
Mediastinal windows demonstrate significant bilateral, hilar, and mediastinal adenopathy. Small lymph nodes are also noted adjacent to the left carotid artery in the superior mediastinum and in the supraclavicular fossa bilaterally.
There are also small gastrohepatic ligament and celiac axis lymph nodes with portocaval, mesenteric, and periaortic tiny lymph nodes as well.
There are no lytic or blastic bone lesions.
Given the widespread nature of the lymph nodes, lymphoma is of primary consideration though sarcoidosis is possible though considered much less likely.
Answer: Well, as many people have already mentioned Lymphoma is a cancer. In Lamen's terms it's basically a blood cancer that can spread to virtually any part of the body. I definetly recommend that you get in to see an Oncologist or Hematologist immediately. Some forms of Lymphoma are very slow-growing and don't require immediate treatment. Other types are very aggressive and if not treated quickly they will spread very fast.
Not to scare you, but there's a specific type of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma that can grow so quickly that you may not survive after 6-8 months, so it's very important that you be tested immediately. I recommend finding a Doc that will hospitalize you while you are tested for whatever this is. Becoming an In-Patient will help them to test you more quickly. Doing it as an Out-Patient could take a longer period of time.
I find the best site for information is www.lymphoma.com. There's also a discussion board for Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas. Hope this helps!
Question: i am patient had a large mediastinal tumor,B symptoms as well as an arterial in her left A.brachiallis. please A CT guided biopsy was performed and a diffuse large cell lymphoma (Bcell ) stage HB was diagnosed. a radiation oncologist treated her with 8 cycles of CHOP and radiotherapy. she achieved a partial remission . in october 2005 the mediastinal tumor began to grow and i was asked for consultation . as CD20 was positive i desided to tret her with ICE and rituximab. she achieved a complete remission and 8 courses of treatment . after 6 months in july 2006 she showed a cavitary in he left lower lobe . many pulmologists were consulted and it was decided to wait and watch . IN A ct , two months later ,there was 60 x 50 mm yumor in her left lower lobe . A CT guided biopsy was inconclusive and it was planned that an open biopsy should be performed. the thoracic surgeon decided to do a left pneumonctomy as there was much necrotic material . the histology is unclear , pathologist dignosed MALT lymphoma , another one large cell lymphoma and a third one just lymphomatosis . CD20pos,(LCA POS,CD3
Answer: So...um...what exactly is the question.
Question: possible lymphoma? I have a posterior mediastinal mass and lymphadenopathy in the hilar and mediastinal regions. Doctor is making me wait before he biopsies - he says to make sure it's not something like an infection that can clear up on its own. He wants to do another cat scan in a month, and a breathing test to measure my lung output. Meanwhile I am coughing my head off to the point where I sometimes cannot talk. I am tired all the time and my blood shows I'm somewhat anemic. My skin itches like crazy. There is pain that goes right through my chest into my back. The radiologist gave two differential diagnoses after I had my abnormal cat scan: lymphoma and sarcoidosis. I am at a loss right now and really sick of waiting. Dr. told me he would have had me in the operating room that day if he felt it was, without doubt, cancerous. What am I to do? I am so afraid, honestly. Any ideas on what this could be? Has anyone had a similar situation? Please help. Thanks a lot.
Answer: 75% of the symptoms are recognizable to me. How long have you had this? You need to stop the coughing. Have you had this when you were younger? If you've had it just within the last year, it can be turned around fast. Because it's usually a symptom of something else. You can combat the coughing with Vicks dissolved into boiling water with salt added, just a tip of a teaspoon full of the Vicks. Then put a towel over your head and breath in until the coughing stops. The saline will help kill the bacteria causing the cough. Also, important, were you in the service? Possible exposure to Agent Orange? P.S. The pain in the back and chest are probably from strain from the coughing. Another P.S. It could be from a huge amount of stress. It also could be from an outside influence, hence the skin itching. This does NOT sound like cancer.
Question: In remission-2 yrs. Is it safe to conceive? Or should I wait longer? I'm 26, had early stage mediastinal lymphoma. Went through 6 rounds of chemo and 20 sessions of radiotherapy.
Answer: I would think it's fine, but you should really talk to your doctor. Having a child can wreck your body and you may not be far enough out to try to put yourself through such a difficult event. On the other hand, bringing a new life into the world could be a very healing experience and give yourself a refreshed feeling of life.
Lymphoma Mediastinal News