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Hemoglobin C Disease

Get the facts on Hemoglobin C Disease treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Hemoglobin C Disease prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Hemoglobin C Disease related topics. We answer all your qestions about Hemoglobin C Disease.

Question: Compared with normal hemoglobin, the hemoglobin of a person with sickle cell disease? a. is longer. b. is shorter. c. has a different sequence of amino acids. d. is wider. People who are heterozygous for sickle cell disease are generally healthy because a. they are resistant to malaria. b. they usually have some normal hemoglobin in their red blood cells. c. their abnormal hemoglobin usually doesn’t cause their red blood cells to become sickle shaped. d. they do not produce abnormal hemoglobin.

Answer: b. is shorter Sickle cell causes red blood cells to become deformed causing their oxygen carrying capacity to be lower than a normal person. This causes health related issues with the person thus lowering lifespan. c. their abnormal hemoglobin usually doesn’t cause their red blood cells to become sickle shaped. A person with sickle cell has a homozygous recessive genotype which is (aa) . A heterozygous (Aa) does not sickle the cell, but it does lower hemoglobin's oxygen carrying capacity compared that to a normal person with a homozygous dominant genotype of (AA). Thought I edit in the explanations hope it helps.

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