Hydatidiform Mole
Get the facts on Hydatidiform Mole treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Hydatidiform Mole prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Hydatidiform Mole related topics. We answer all your qestions about Hydatidiform Mole.
Question: hydatidiform mole !!? im wanting to speak to someone who has experienced this, as i have and i just have a few questions.. if anyone is willing to have a chat please let me know. would be great.
Answer: I haven't personally experienced this but my mother had one before her pregnancy with me so I know the rough outlines of this. not sure if i'd be of any help though, depends on what you want to know.
Question: Why is there 6-12 months of blood tests after partial Hydatidiform mole? My daughter suffered a miscarriage and was discovered to have a partial Hydatidiform mole. She has had a D&C and a blood test to ensure that her Hormone levels are reducing. I understand the need for the tests but cannot gain any reason for the length of time it has to go on. Do th abnormal cells hang around that long or is it a case of being very careful?
Answer: There is a theoretical risk of recurrence so it is wise to recheck the HCG levels after removal for several months.
Question: What is the pathogenesis of hydatidiform mole?
Answer: Complete hydatidiform mole formation: It is the fertilization of the ovum (egg) with the loss of the maternal (mothers) chromosomes; or doubling up (from one spermatazoa) of paternal (fathers) chromosomes. There is no embryonic formation at that point and forward.
Partial hydatidiform mole formation: Is the result when two spermatazoa fertalize the ovum and results in development of certain or all fetal parts.
There is no known cause for the formation of a hydatidiform mole, no one person, group or subgroup is mose susceptible.
Hope that my answer was helpful, and that you or someone you know is not experiencing this, I have and it is heart wrenching. Best of luck.
Question: Is Methorexate recommended as part of the treatment plan for complete hydatidiform mole besides unruptured? ectopic pregnancy?
Answer: No not typically. Methotrexate is an anti-inflammatory used mainly for arthritis and cancer treatment.
Question: do women with a hydatidiform mole need to take ferrous sulfate? and why? hydatidiform mole = h-mole = gestational trophoblastic disease
Answer: A hydatidiform mole, a rare mass or growth, that may form at the beginning of a pregnancy often causes vaginal bleeding. If bleeding is present, yes, the woman will probably have to take ferrous sulfate or another iron product to prevent anemia. (I'm an R.N.)
Question: what could be a good nursing diagnosis for acute pain after surgery of eliminating h-mole/ hydatidiform mole?
Answer: Here's a list of NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses:
"Pain" or "Acute Pain" are appropriate nursing diagnoses for postop pain. Customize your diagnosis and interventions based on the situation.
Here's a nice discussion board post about the structure of a nursing diagnosis:
So, "Acute Pain related to (cause) as evidenced by (whatever signs and symptoms the pt manifests)"
Remember that signs of pain are objective, like elevated HR and BP, guarding or crying. And symptoms of pain are subjective, reported by the patient, like a numerical rating.
There are other diagnoses that could apply to this patient.
After any invasive procedure (like a D&C to remove hydatidiform mole), one appropriate nursing diagnosis is "Risk for Infection".
Also consider her perception of the events. The patient will likely have grief, after having hoped for a healthy pregnancy.
The patient will also require some teaching post-procedure.
Hope that helps! :)
Question: Has anyone ever had a Hydatidiform mole? Guys dont answer with witty puns about them digging up your garden!? It occurs in the womb after a miscarriage when the placenta remains and continues to grow into a mass. It's long term effects can be cancer and fertility probs, if caught too late. All input/experiences welcome. Cheers.
Sorry didn't explain too clearly. I know what it is, I had it once, just wondered if anyone else could contact me if they suufered one or know someone elso who had it, It's about 1000-1 odds of getting it so i'd be very interested.
Answer: Hi, my friend had this happen to her and was unlucky enough for it to go on to develop into cancer.
She underwent a course of chemotherapy and thankfully it was cured, she went on to have 3 healthy children, she has to give a urine sample to be tested (not sure how often) but it's for the rest of her life, but she has been totally fine since.
Question: what is the pathophysiology of Hydatidiform mole?
Answer: A hydatidiform mole results from over-production of the tissue that is supposed to develop into the placenta. The placenta normally nourishes a fetus during pregnancy. Instead, these tissues develop into a mass. The mass is usually made up of placental material that grows uncontrolled. Often, there is no fetus at all.
The cause is not completely understood. Potential causes may include defects in the egg, abnormalities within the uterus, or nutritional deficiencies. Women under 20 or over 40 years of age have a higher risk. Other risk factors include diets low in protein, folic acid, and carotene.
A hydatidiform mole is growth of an abnormal fertilized egg or an overgrowth of tissue from the placenta.
Most often, a hydatidiform mole is an abnormal fertilized egg. The abnormal egg develops into a hydatidiform mole rather than a fetus (a condition called molar pregnancy). However, a hydatidiform mole can develop from cells that remain in the uterus after a miscarriage or a full-term pregnancy. Rarely, a hydatidiform mole develops when the fetus is normal.
About 80% of hydatidiform moles are not cancerous and disappear spontaneously. About 15 to 20% invade the surrounding tissue and tend to persist. Of these invasive moles, 2 to 3% become cancerous and spread throughout the body; they are then called choriocarcinomas. Choriocarcinomas can spread quickly through the lymphatic vessels or bloodstream.
Hope that's somewhat helpful
Question: has anyone ever had a hydatidiform mole during pregnancy? please share your story...
Answer: After my husband and I tried to get pregnant for 2 years exactly, I finally got a + test! It was so exciting. We told everyone after getting up off the ground from crying and praising God for the good news. Doctors didnt want to have me come in until 10 weeks. At 9.5 weeks, I began bleeding a very little bit with no pain. My mother came to take me to the ER but then it stopped so I didnt worry. We went out to eat and when we were leaving there, I went to the bathroom and I bled out like crazy and had INTENSE pain. Rushed to the ER and they couldnt find a fetus. It was almost like they thought I was lying about begin pregnant to begin with. I ended up being transfered to another hospital and had a D&C. We thought it was just a miscarriage until 4 weeks later when we went to an appointment and found out it was a molar pregnancy. On one hand, it was horrible, because we now had to wait to try again, on top of having weekly bloodwork for who knows how long until the levels went down to zero. On the other hand, I sort of felt good that it was not a child that died, but rather a problem with conception that did not produce a fetus. We ended up trying 6 months later and got pregnant right away. I am now having my son at the end of May this year and we couldnt be happier.
Theres my story :) Sad story but a happy ending. If you are currently going through this, I am very sorry. It is a horrible experience but always remember that things happen for a reason and it will get better soon! God Bless!
Question: what are the medicine for hydatidiform mole?
Answer: You need surgery