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Megacolon Toxic

Get the facts on Megacolon Toxic treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Megacolon Toxic prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Megacolon Toxic related topics. We answer all your qestions about Megacolon Toxic.

Question: How do you eat in a hospital if you go in with an exacberation of toxic megacolon? I heard they will keep you NPO and put an NG tube. Is the ng tube for feedings or decompression of the staomch? Im thinking it shouldn't be for feedings because your intestines need to rest. So do they give you TPN?

Answer: Hi there, Aye if i remember correctly, they rest you bowel, dont want to risk any food going down there making it worse so they will pop you on TPN. And your right about the NG tube, its for decompression as opposed to feeding. Check out this, is quite useful for the management and care of a patient with toxic megacolon.… Hope this is useful! Best wishes

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