Gastroenteritis Viral
Get the facts on Gastroenteritis Viral treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Gastroenteritis Viral prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Gastroenteritis Viral related topics. We answer all your qestions about Gastroenteritis Viral.
Question: What can I do for my son with viral gastroenteritis? This is my 5 year olds 5th day of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. He's been to the Dr. and the hospital. Basically they are just telling me to deal with it, but he's been sick for FIVE DAYS. He wont let me rub his head, and i'm constantly asking if I can get his bathrobe or slippers or blanket and he doens't need anything. We rented a few movies, but I can't think of anything else to do for him.
Any suggestions?
Answer: Well, since it's viral, you just have to wait for his immune system to take care of it. Lots of vitamin C will boost immune efficiency and MIGHT reduce sick time by a day or two.
Question: What are the causes and treatment for viral gastroenteritis? someone I know caught it from someone else and they don't look too good! thanks
Answer: Causes: As the name implies, viruses are the cause of viral gastroenteritis, specifically, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses and astroviruses. These can be picked up from contaminated foods and drinks. Contaminated foods and drinks also includes those things shared with a person who already carries one of the above viruses. Direct and prolonged contact with an infected person or their saliva, vomit or stool will transmit a virus.
Treatment: These viruses are self-limited, meaning they run their course and resolve on their own. For most (normal, usually healthy people) viral gastroenteritis isn't at all serious and simply waiting it out and treating the symptoms is enough.
Maintaining hydration is the most important thing to do but vomiting can be an issue so I'll include that here, too. For nausea & vomiting, ingest fluids a small amount at a time. Taking in food or drink in large amounts all at once can irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. Sip fluids and eat 4-6 small meals spread out throughout the day.
For diarrhea use the BRAT diet - Bananas, steamed Rice, Applesauce & Dry Toast until diarrhea has been resolved for 24 hours. Then advance to a bland diet of soft foods for another 24 hours. If diarrhea continues to be resolved, introduce regular foods one item at a time as tolerated. The BRAT diet can be reintroduced at any time needed.
Headache & elevated temperatures can both be treated with Tylenol or ibuprofen, your preference. After taking one or the other, reevaluate pain in one hour and reevaluate temperature in one hour. Additional doses may be taken according to the directions, usually in another 4 hours.
The infection will last anywhere from 1 -10 days depending on the specific virus involved.
Question: Has anyone else recently suffered from Viral Gastroenteritis aka stomach flu? I am just recovering from this and would not wish this pain on anyone.
Answer: I was sick all through the holidays for almost 3 weeks.
You have my sympathies. My side still hurts and I can't believe how many broken blood vessels I have from, well, getting sick so much.
Question: Is Cleveland going to run through the competition this year like a case of Viral Gastroenteritis?
Answer: I was thinking acid reflux.
Question: Is "Stomack flu" or Viral gastroenteritis contagious? i have a 10 months old baby and i am afraid that ? she might catch it from me?
Answer: No such thing as the stomach flu.
Norwalk virus causes viral gastroenteritis and yes, it is very contagious ONLY if you do not wash your hands properly after a bowel movement or vomiting.
Just remember that hand sanitizers don't work against this virus.
Other cleaners (with the exception of bleach) also do not kill it.
Here are some tips on preventing it and prevention of spreading it:
The Norwalk virus is known as the nasty 24 hour bug that causes viral gastroenteritis (sudden watery diarrhea and/or vomiting).Usually non life threating but can cause complications in the very young,elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
PREVENTION-Wash your hands before preparing food/eating food and most importantly, TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH/NOSE/EYES.
The ONLY way to become infected with this virus is if you ingest the contaminated fecal/vomit particles through your eyes,nose and mouth.
It is impossible to "breathe" in the virus BUT possible to become infected by breathing in aerosol "spray" droplets from someone vomiting right next to you.(the droplets settle within minuted but can still infect someone until cleaned with bleach)
Even if your whole family breaks out with this virus, you can prevent it by washing your hands for at least 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap.Remember that you are not killing the virus, you are washing it down the drain even if you use an antibacterial soap (which only kills bacteria, not viruses) hand sanitizers are also not successful in killing the virus.
If a member of your family comes down with the virus, let them know to wash their hands AFTER a bowel movement and vomiting.
To clean infected areas, clean with BLEACH.Clean bathrooms (all infected areas) with a bleach solution as soon as possible and be sure to prevent cross contamination and wash your hands afterwards.Especially children! wipe down all commonly touched objects like door knobs, faucet handles, light switches, toilet flushers etc.
People are STILL contagious even after 24 hours after their symptoms settle down so it is always important to wash your hands after the rest room (which you should do anyways!)
The key to staying Norwalk virus free is to keep sanitary.Wash your hands after using the bathroom...you could prevent other peoples misery as well as yours!!
It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get infected in any of the following ways:
1. Being “near” someone who has it, including co-workers or friends
2. Being on a plane with people who have it
3. Breathing the same air as someone who has it
4. Being in the same building as someone who has it
5. Walking past a pool of vomit on the floor, road or sidewalk
6. Through having sexual relations with an infected person
7. Through a cut in your skin
8. Through your rectum or genitalia (as in, on a toilet)
9. Kissing someone who is not yet showing symptoms (note: it may be possible to catch it from someone who has recently vomited by kissing them, as viral particles may be in their mouth from vomitus. But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva)
10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.
TIPS:Do not share any cups/plates/utensils with an infected person and be sure to wash in a bleach solution to prevent cross contamination with the rest of your family.
Good luck and stay healthy.:)
Question: Viral Gastroenteritis help? I have had horrible stomach pain that has been going on for the last 3 days. It started on the 23rd and the diarrhea started last night. (Christmas) can anyone tell me if this is Viral Gastroenteritis, and if it is, how long will I have this mess?
Answer: It could either be Norwalk virus or it could be Food poisoning.It is really hard to say unless you go to the doctor to get checked out.
Usually the stomach pain involved with Norwalk virus isn't as bad as with food poisonig...but everyone is different.Also, noro usually only lasts 24 hours or so but has lasted longer.If it is not gone within a day or so, go to the doctors.
Until then, stay hydrated as much as possible (drink nothing but smart water, pedialyte and/or gatorade...these all have important electrolytes that you need)
Was your hands everytime you leave the bathroom and be sure to clean off the faucet with bleach once or twice a day so you do not reinfect it and pass it on to others.
Here are ways to prevent Norwalk virus:
(Just remember that hand sanitizers will not kill this virus.House hold cleaners such as Lysol will also not kill you.You must use bleach.)
The Norwalk virus causes viral Gastroenteritis which is known as the nasty 24 hour bug that causes explosive and sudden diarrhea and projectile vomiting.Usually non life threating but can cause complications in the very young,elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
PREVENTION-Wash your hands before preparing food/eating food and most importantly, TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH/NOSE/EYES.
The ONLY way to become infected with this virus is if you ingest the contaminated fecal/vomit particles through your eyes,nose and mouth.
It is impossible to "breathe" in the virus BUT possible to become infected by breathing in aerosol "spray" droplets from someone vomiting right next to you.(the droplets settle within minuted but can still infect someone until cleaned with bleach)
Even if your whole family breaks out with this virus, you can prevent it by washing your hands for at least 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap.Remember that you are not killing the virus, you are washing it down the drain even if you use an antibacterial soap (which only kills bacteria, not viruses) hand sanitizers are also not successful in killing the virus.
If a member of your family comes down with the virus, let them know to wash their hands AFTER a bowel movement and vomiting.
To clean infected areas, clean with BLEACH.Clean bathrooms (all infected areas) with a bleach solution as soon as possible and be sure to prevent cross contamination and wash your hands afterwards.Especially children! wipe down all commonly touched objects like door knobs, faucet handles, light switches, toilet flushers etc.
People are STILL contagious even after 24 hours after their symptoms settle down so it is always important to wash your hands after the rest room (which you should do anyways!)
The key to staying Norwalk virus free is to keep sanitary.Wash your hands after using the bathroom...you could prevent other peoples misery as well as yours!!
It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get infected in any of the following ways:
1. Being “near” someone who has it, including co-workers or friends
2. Being on a plane with people who have it
3. Breathing the same air as someone who has it
4. Being in the same building as someone who has it
5. Walking past a pool of vomit on the floor, road or sidewalk
6. Through having sexual relations with an infected person
7. Through a cut in your skin
8. Through your rectum or genitalia (as in, on a toilet)
9. Kissing someone who is not yet showing symptoms (note: it may be possible to catch it from someone who has recently vomited by kissing them, as viral particles may be in their mouth from vomitus. But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva)
10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.
TIPS:Do not share any cups/plates/utensils with an infected person and be sure to wash in a bleach solution to prevent cross contamination with the rest of your family.
Good luck and stay healthy.
Question: Question on viral gastroenteritis and follow-up symptoms? I had a short bout of viral gastroenteritis on Tue-Thu. I started feeling sick on Tuesday, didn't go to work on Wednesday and got better on Thursday. On Tuesday I started feeling gradually worse over the day (fatigue, achiness, fever up to 102F in the evening, headache, etc.) and couldn't eat anything all day. Well, I could, but didn't feel like it. I had non-stop diarrhea from Tuesday morning to Wednesday night.
I took 4 pills of Pepto-Bismol over the course of Wednesday (8 is the maximum prescribed) and 2 Tylenols on Wed evening because the headache sucked.
Now here's my question: I haven't had a bowel movement since Thursday. Other than tiny miserable bits of stool and gas, nothing's coming out of me. What does come out is lumpy, minuscule, and partly whitish in color. What's not white is nearly black (a lot darker than it should) with tones of what I believe is very very dark green. I feel backed up in my gut. It's like bad constipation all of a sudden. Doctor or laxative? Thanks.
Note I'm not really sure it was "viral gastroenteritis". That just sounds likely. But for the sake of openness, let's just say I had some kind of digestive tract disorder.
My dad probably passed it to me because he had similar symptoms before Tuesday since the weekend, but I don't know where it originally came from.
To clarify, I've been eating and drinking normally since Thursday, although I've been avoiding dairy products (other than yogurts -- I always have one, every morning).
Thanks for the answer so far!
Answer: If this is still going on by Mon. call the Dr., but remember if you're not putting stuff in, you'll not be getting much out! In the meantime, drink a lot of fluids. Gatorade can be tolerated alot of times when nothing else can. It has electrolytes in it and that's why the athletes drink it. The dr. told me years ago to give it to my children, and since then I use it when I get sick. And if you can drink water that's great too.
Question: What causes non viral gastroenteritis in fully vaccinated dogs? My 3yo AmStaff was very sick right before Christmas with gastroenteritis. He had a bad case of diarrhea. He spent a day at the vet's office and was fine by the time he came home that afternoon. That afternoon his poops were solid and he was eating fine again. He eats innova evo, so I don't think it was his diet. What causes that so I can try avoid it in the future? Is it avoidable?
They can get from drinking water from puddles? I did not know that. He does that sometimes and I make him quit. Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure he doesn't do that again.
Answer: Avoid drinking from puddles,drinking from community water bowls,eating stuff on the sidewalk or grass from public areas and close contact with infected dogs
Question: Viral gastroenteritis, can't vomit!!? I started vomiting yesterday, by nightfall I couldn't vomit, I just felt very nauseous, 1 night of no sleep and I still feel nauseous but I can't vomit, I just choke and gag a little.
Answer: I had gastro a couple of months ago. I was vomiting most of the morning, but the nausea remained for at least 2 days. The best thing I could do was drink plenty of water with a touch of juice to take away the horrible taste in my mouth which was not helping the nausea sensation. My appetite returned a couple of days later. There are anti-nausea medications that you can buy which does help too. It looks like you are over the worst anyway so you should be fine. Take care
Question: viral gastroenteritis or stomach flu? i woke up sunday morning and threw up then right after that had diharrea then a few hours later did the usual drank water orange juice couldnt eat had lots of vomiting and diahrrea then had cold ahces all over and joints felt like they were freezing on first and early second day the heat flashes were first day only all through night then the cold was dominate through the second day but i was able to eat meals again and felt alot better but my ankles are still cold and dont know what i suffered from also my mom and brothers got it day after mothers day it lasted only day and a half for them my girlfriend got it on a friday and she doesnt live with me and i got it on sunday thanx for ur help ahead of time
Answer: It's the same. Take plenty of water. The fact u recovered quickly means it's virally only
Gastroenteritis Viral News