Kidney Cancer
Get the facts on Kidney Cancer treatment, diagnosis, staging, causes, types, symptoms. Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data, Kidney Cancer prevention, screening, research, statistics and other Kidney Cancer related topics. We answer all your qestions about Kidney Cancer.
Question: What is the chance of getting a medical waiver fot the Army regarding kidney cancer? The person is trying to join the Army and speaks Arabic and English. Is the Army desperate enough to grant a kidney-cancer waiver? The person is clean and healthy now.
Thanks a lot.
Answer: MEPs is a big bureaucracy, it is not a logical, well oiled machine. I don't see the Arabic factor being weighed when the decision is made.
It is worth a try if a person wants to do it, but realize that luck plays a big role in this process.
Question: Do certain dog foods cause kidney cancer in dogs? My 9-year-old dachshund recently died from kidney cancer. With all the recent problems with dog food, I can't help but think that the dog food she ate might have caused her death. She ate what I thought was a high quality food, Royal Canin for Dachshunds. Does anyone know if kidney cancer in dogs can be attributed to certain ingredients in dog food? Thank you for your help.
Answer: Yes, read the links in the source box. Royal Canin is one of the worst dog foods.
Question: What is the survival rate of a person diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer? My husband was just diagnosed with kidney cancer,He is only 40. I was told that it had already spread to his lung (5 tumors) He has already had the kidney removed and we were told that it was in the tissue also.
Answer: My wife has stage IV kidney cancer.She was diagnosed 5 years ago.At that time survival rate was very low,however a lot of advancements have been made sense her diagnosis.She is on a target therapy caller Nexavar and her tumors are stable.I have also heard good things about another target therapy call sutent.When she was diagnosed there was less than a 10% chance that she would make it one year.I am happy to say that five years latter,she is alive and doing very well.Good luck to you and your husband.
Question: How fast does kidney cancer grow? my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer three weeks ago and they are removing the kidney on friday. Does it grow that fast?
Answer: My mother died from a cancer that had started on her right kidney a few years ago. It spread from her kidney and went up her spine and expanded out from there very fast. It will on the enzyne forulation that is present in the cancer he has, as to how fast the cancer will grow. My mother would not let the do a biopsy from the cancer. Let me first say that she or the doctors were not aware of what was present on her right kidney. They told her to let it grow a little more before they tried to do anything about it. They were not sure it was cancer. When the time came to do a biopsy, they told her they didn't know if they could get any fluid from the mass that was present. they told her they were afraid it would bust and spread quickly if they tried to extract fluid from it. So she didn't let them do a biopsy and it did spread quickly and killed her within 3 months. So it sounds like your husband has a much better chance at living a fuller life than what my mother did. I pray that things go good for him. If they had took her right kidney when they found it at the time, she'd probably be alive today. I wish the best for him and you.
Question: Can either testicular cancer or the chemo treatment cause kidney cancer in his son conceived during this time? My grandson was conceived while my son was being treated for testicular cancer. The baby had a malignant tumor on his kidney, and had to have the kidney removed and is currently undergoing chemotheraphy. Could the cancer be passed through my son's sperm, or be caused by my son's chemo treatment?
Answer: The chemotherapy drugs should not have caused the renal cancer in the son of the patient (your son) being treated for testicular cancer. This would seem impossible to prove in any case.
We hope your son and grandson both recover fully.
Question: Who knows what color the ribbon is for kidney cancer? My teacher's dad has kidney cancer and i want to pass out mini ribbons to support her. i want a picture of it or where i could find it. by the way her name is Mrs.Morreale and she goes to Sundown in i think Lancaster or Palmdale. (first one with a picture gets the best answer) (10 points)
and it's my teacher's dad who has cancer and me and my friends are tring to support her by passing out kidney ribbons to kids in our class to support her more.
Answer: It is a Kelly Green Ribbon
Question: Has anyone heard of kidney cancer moving to the esophagus? My friend is having surgery for his kidney cancer on Monday.
He mentioned that the surgeons were going to work on his esophagus after the kidney. At the moment, I was too upset to ask if the two were related. My online research would indicate this is possible. Does anyone out there have information about this?
I know that cancer in general can spread. My question is likelyhood of KIDNEY cancer and the esphagus.
Answer: My wife has stage IV kidney cancer and it has spread thought out her body,but not her esophagus,however it is possible.
Question: Can someone answer a kidney cancer question? My mom just found out that she may have kidney cancer. They found a nodule in her kidney that is about 1 cm. The doctor has ordered a pet scan and maybe a biopsy. I wanted to know how common is this and is the prognosis good? Also they found another spot in her lungs also? Any answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
The doctor seems to think that the two are related. She had a ct done last year and they were not there. She used to smoke(for almost twenty years) and she is very overweight.
Answer: A nodule is a small growth or lump of tissue.
It's not nessisarliy cancerous!
It's very common and can have it on many parts of the body without it being dangerous. It's best have it checked out if you do though.
Imformation about kidney cancer
Doctors and scientists do not know exactly what causes kidney cancer. But some things do increase the risk. There is information below on
How common kidney cancer is
Some types of kidney disease
Having high blood pressure and taking medicines for it
Taking some types of mild painkillers
Your diet
Exposure to chemicals at work
Faulty genes and inherited conditions that increase kidney cancer risk
Having one of these risk factors does not necessarily mean you will get kidney cancer. And some people diagnosed with kidney cancer do not have any of these risk factors.
How common is kidney cancer?
Kidney cancer is the 13th most common cancer diagnosed in the UK. In 2003, just under 6,700 people were diagnosed. Nearly 2 out 3 people diagnosed (62%) are over 65 years old. Kidney cancer is rare in people under 50. It affects many more men than women. This could be because in the past more men smoked cigarettes. Smoking increases your risk of getting kidney cancer.
If you would like more infromation go to
Question: How long do I have to decide on treatment for kidney cancer? If one has two small cancers, one on each kidney, how long can one realistically
take to decide on what kind of treatment to begin? How fast on the average do such
things grow? Is there not a scientifically based growth rate pattern average?. Would
ones recovery likely be comprimised by a delay of one month or two before begining treatment?
Answer: i am so sorry, you have a lot on your plate from the sounds of things, i have no miracle answers for you, sorry, God Bless You and Good Luck!!!
Question: Are there any charities out there for kidney cancer? It seems like there are a ton for breast cancer and all, but I've had a hard time finding charities for those who have had or know someone who has had kidney cancer.. My dad lost his battle with kidney cancer and I want to help support research for a cure.. donating, charity walks, anything available.
What color ribbon is kidney cancer?
I've heard that it was green but someone else said orange?
Answer: There are different non-profit organizations all with the common goal of supporting kidney cancer research.
Kidney Cancer Association
ACOR: Kidney-Onc elist group
Action to cure Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Research
Steve Dunn's Cancer Guide
NCI: Kidney Cancer
Question: Kidney Cancer? My mom has kidney cancer and she is frightened to have the removal surgery of the kidney,what will happen if she chooses not to do the sugery? We hear different stories on both.
Answer: My wife has stage IV kidney cancer.Four and a half years ago she had her left kidney and both adrenal glands removed.We felt that it needed to be done if she was to have a fighting chance.For her it was the right thing to do.I am not sure that she would still be here if she had not done it. She has had no problems as a result of the surgery. After 5 different types of treatment she has beat the odds and is doing well. She is now on Sutent - an approved drug for kidney cancer. There is a chat room on the kidney cancer association web site that is very helpful; you may want to log in on a Tuesday or Thursday evening beginning around 8:00 eastern time.
Question: Is it possible for a 1 year old to have kidney cancer? Someone just told me that her son has kidney cancer--and he's only a year old. She didn't give me any details, aside from the fact that the doctors found a tumor, but I was wondering how common it is for an infant to get kidney cancer?
Answer: I hope it's not true but it is possible. My son was diagnosed with a Wilms' Tumour before he was even a month old. Wilms' Tumours are an uncommon form of kidney cancer, but for children, they are the most common form of kidney cancer. The majority of patients who are diagnosed with Wilms' are 3 years old or younger.
For us, my son E was diagnosed at only a couple weeks old with a stage I favourable histology tumour. It had not progressed or adhered to anything outside of his kidney. He had a nephrectomy removing the baseball-sized tumour as well as his left kidney. He followed an 18 week protocol for chemotherapy and was declared cancer-free, No Evidence of Disease February 19, 2007! Due to the strong rounds of chemotherapy on his tiny body he developed a secondary AML leukemia that he is currently fighting very hard against, and doing well.
If you want more information feel free to send me an email ( and I can hopefully point you in the right direction.
Question: what are the odds of me having kidney cancer? I'm 18 and I occasionally get these pains in my left side. It usually only happens when it's cold out. What are the odds that I have cancer? Also, I have horseshoe kidneys.
Answer: It may not be Kidney Cancer. May be some other kidney problems. Consult your doctor to have treatment.
However it is better to know the signs and symptoms of Kidney cancer and if you find any of the following you may have better opinion and tell doctor accordingly -
The classic triad is hematuria (blood in the urine), flank pain and an abdominal mass. This "classic triad" is infrequently present when the patient first presents for medical attention.
Other signs may include:
* Abnormal urine color (dark, rusty, or brown) due to blood in the urine
* Weight loss, malnourished appearance
* The presenting symptom may be due to metastatic disease, such as a pathologic fracture of the hip due to a metastasis to the bone
* Enlargement of one testicle (usually the left, due to blockage of the left gonadal vein by tumor invasion of the left renal vein -- the right gonadal vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava)
* Vision abnormalities
* Pallor or plethora
* Hirsutism|Excessive hair growth (females)
* Constipation
* High blood pressure
* Elevated calcium levels (Hypercalcemia)
So please watch and take care as CANCER IS STILL AN ENIGMA-
Question: Kidney cancer patients and survivors on Nexavar? I would like to hear from kidney cancer patients who have been on Nexavar. I would like to know how they are doing on the drug? I would like to hear from people who have come off the drug after becoming NED. Are they still NED or did cancer came back?
Answer: The best places to find kidney cancer patients who have tried or are using nexavar (sorafenib) is at the online support groups for Kidney cancer. These are groups who often know the latest treatment options and can answer your specific questions. Good luck.
ACOR: The Kidney Cancer Online Support Group…
Kidney Cancer Forum
Nexavar Discussion at the Forum…
Action to Cure Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Association
Question: My mother has to have her kidney removed due to kidney cancer, how long does the surgery take? My mother found out 2 weeks ago she's got kidney cancer, it has spread to her renal vein, liver and lungs. She has a 12 centimeter tumor on her left kidney and has to have her left kidney removed by open surgery, How long does this surgery usually take? My husband and I have agreed that I would stay and take care of her when she got out of the hospital. I would also like to know if its possibly that she will be in icu for a day or so? if anyone can help I would appreciate it.
Answer: It all depends on what the docs are gonna do. I had a partial nephrectomy in Dec, 2005, the cancer hadnt spread to their knowledge(still checking) but the surgery took almost six hours, they did it laproscopically, and they wanted to make sure they got it all out. I never spent time in ICU, but was in the hospital for 4 days. It was pretty miserable, but I made it. i would assume no more than a couple of hours in surgery if they do it open. I wish her the best of luck! Feel free to email me at, if I can offer you the name of a great renal cancer specialist, or be of assistance.
Question: How can a 6 month old baby have kidney cancer ? M y best friends baby nice was just diagnosed with kidney cancer how can that be if she is a baby thanks for any answers
Answer: cancer can strike anyone at anytime, thats why its so deadly.